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Pakistan has no claim to territory PM Azad Kashmir

India is saying the same thing since long now "Kashmir is the issue between Kashmiri and India only. Pakistan has nothing to do with it."
Aap log yaar maante hi nhi.
Don't get your chaddis in a twist. AZK's PM is a highly literate and educated man who consistently and eloquently defines the struggle of his people against Indian brutality. This tweet is a second-hand relayed message that means nothing of what you think it means. I can assure of that so that you may sleep easy.
Don't worry about such online trolls. They(talking about troll ) even label us from karachi as traitors and outsiders. We are ungrateful when we ask for development. Our thoughts should not be influenced by these clown trolls.

Bro I hear you, but I always give my people the benefit of doubt. Maybe they don’t know the history of the region, had a bad experience with someone. I look to explain things.
I’m totally with you on the whole Karachi thing, you only need to see my posts that thread and how dear I hold such people who left everything to come to Pakistan. My own grandfather used to cry hearing their stories.
I’m just saddened to see posts which malign a people, who were the ones who actually had to fight the war of independence in 1948. The only region to see open conflict. Had Azad Kashmir not have come into being, how perilous of a situation would Pakistan be in defence wise? No depth, no natural barriers mountainous terrain, no loving and battle hardened population to guard the Northern flank etc.
You people are forgetting that from day one we [Pakistan] stand for the Right of Kashmiris to exercise their free will for their Political Future through Plebiscit .... our Claim is not on Territory but Historic, Linguistic, Social and Religious bounding b/w People of Kashmir and Pakistan, we fight for their Right of SELF DETERMINATION ....

There is NO CONTRADICTION in the STATEMENT of PM of Azad Jammu and Kashmir
Yes I see what you mean now. Your interpretation is sound. Wazir sahib of azk can be so smart with his wordings at times that it causes Indian readers to hyperventilate.
For me I don't take these Hindko and Pahari Speakers as Kashmiris.
And I really don't trust this Guy PM of Azad Kashmir.

My maternal great grandmother was from azad kashmir and here in the UK I have many friends from that region too so I am familiar with the history of the region.

Historically the princely state of j&k has always been a multiethnic and multi linguistic state. The people in azad kashmir and jammu have always been culturally, linguistically and ethnically been part of northern punjab.

The people in azad kashmir speak pothwari a dialect of punjabi spoken in northern punjab too. Real koshur speaking kashmiris reside in the valley approximately 40.000 came as refugees in the 90s by crossing the unfenced loc into azad kashmir.

There are millions of ethnic kashmiri from the valley all over punjab who came in waves seeking refuge and it would not be a exaggeration to say that there are more ethnic kashmiri in punjab than the valley in Iok. The most famous kashmiri of course being the 3 times elected prime minister of pakistan nawaz sharif.
Bro I hear you, but I always give my people the benefit of doubt. Maybe they don’t know the history of the region, had a bad experience with someone. I look to explain things.
I’m totally with you on the whole Karachi thing, you only need to see my posts that thread and how dear I hold such people who left everything to come to Pakistan. My own grandfather used to cry hearing their stories.
I’m just saddened to see posts which malign a people, who were the ones who actually had to fight the war of independence in 1948. The only region to see open conflict. Had Azad Kashmir not have come into being, how perilous of a situation would Pakistan be in defence wise? No depth, no natural barriers mountainous terrain, no loving and battle hardened population to guard the Northern flank etc.

And we are in your debt. Same with GB people. While you were fighting, some shameless muslim princely states were contacting india.
You people were under brutal hindu dictatorship of maharaja who only kept sikhs and hindus in high offices and didnt even allow your ancestors (our brothers) to enroll in the state forces and the genocide he did after ww2 is open. Im ashamed that the corrupt and incompetent Pakistani bureaucracy did very little for you. Had these clowns played their cards right azad kashmir and even GB might have been much bigger and quaid would have been much relieved.
Please pay no heed to the detractors. Those who want a union with india are mentally ill and all others fantasicizing to break Pakistan are not muslims.
Dude find it out, I bet it will disappoint you and for the rest of the people who say break Sindh, free Balochistan or even Make Karachi a separate province, usually get to see how agencies interrogate or gets a bullet in the head but not the Kashmiris, you should be thankful for that.
In Azad Kashmir the Pak army is more welcome than rest of Pakistan. people walk in and enjoyed the parade and sports during my service in areas from Bhimber to Lipa valley.
India is saying the same thing since long now "Kashmir is the issue between Kashmiri and India only. Pakistan has nothing to do with it."
Aap log yaar maante hi nhi.

Part of Kashmir (40%+) under Pakistan control. Gilgit Baltistan/FATA had a referendum and now part of KPK province, Azad Kashmir has it's own government President and Prime Minister. If Kashmiri's choose same arrangement extended to rest of Kashmir we have no objection. There is no repression or resentment in the people of those areas, Pakistan has allowed UN its representatives its side to verify and report.
Even China has a control on part of the territory and with CPEC investments in KPK any future conflict will involve them to protect their investments and territory.

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Kashmir belongs to Pakistan. We Pakistanis are not dying so Kashmir can be little proxy of India in future, enough charity in blood and treasure have been done.

These diplomatic speeches mean less the horse shit.
easy there
Pakistani stance has been always that Kashmiris have the unconditional right of self determination,
be it part of one country or another or totally independent.

it will be our diplomatic failure if Kashmiris decide to become Indian proxy after independence despite all the murder and suppression over the decades at the hands of Indians.

if that happens still then our diplomatic corps and the leadership needs to be put behind bars and their pensions confiscated.
Pakistan always claimed that Kashmiri people need to decide and India need to allow free and fair opportunity to them

Kashmiri on the other hand saying from last 70+ years , Kashmir banay ga Pakistan and burry their shaheed in Pakistan flags
If he meant what's in the article then Kashmir was never on the table as an independent state at inception. But I think this is mischief making at its finest. Not a chance the PM of Azad Kashmir would say that. He will be labelled a traitor and cast aside by Kashmiris
Kashmir belongs to Pakistan. We Pakistanis are not dying so Kashmir can be little proxy of India in future, enough charity in blood and treasure have been done.

These diplomatic speeches mean less the horse shit.

You do not need to have apprehensions. Kashmiris will, as a matter of fact, merge with Pakistan and overwhelmingly vote this way if given the option.

Pro-independence voices are now dead and buried, Burhani Wani's shahadat saw the end of that. Today the youth are leading the struggle for Kashmir.

See here Syed Ali Shah Geelani, elder leader of All Parties Hurriyat Conference, and his tremendous love for Pakistan.

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Few facts:

#1. Pakistan has failed Kashmir, as a nation failed to liberate militarily, and Failed to kept diplomatic support and international momentum.

#2. Most people in A.K. are leaning towards independence instead of Pakistan. (Reason being: Pakistan is a weak state). Once In a while countries needs to show their state/military prowess. For the same reason sub nationalist Ethnic terror groups are rising in Pakistan.

#3. As far as I Know, AK politicians aren’t much different than Pakistani politics.
This stupid Kashmiri behaviour has harmed Pakistani stand on Kashmir more than anything.
They want Pakistan to protect them from india, while claiming that Pakistan has no right on Kashmir.
Bunch of clowns.
World will keep looking us and our issues as Irrelevant till we have some standing.
Pakistan is the fifth most populous country in the world with an estimated 220 million population. It is a nuclear power with a strong military.

The basics, in terms of a large market, geo-Strategic location etc are all present. What’s needed is continuity of policies and economic and social development to magnify Pakistans influence, and, in my view, one or two more terms of Imran Khan and Pakistan will have established itself.
In Azad Kashmir the Pak army is more welcome than rest of Pakistan. people walk in and enjoyed the parade and sports during my service in areas from Bhimber to Lipa valley.

My family is from Azad Kashmir

In the wider community, we are all proud Pakistani

We all know what a disaster hindutva India is, we can see the condition of Indian Muslims and Kashmiri suffering

NO ONE in their right mind would support anything but Pakistan

In any free vote

You will have OVERWHELMING support for Pakistan
Followed by a small bunch of idiots no more than 5% talking about some land locked mountain state which to them they will magically create into a paradise
And no one would ever tolerate a Hindu India
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