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Pakistan has joined Saudi military alliance: FO


Sep 24, 2016
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ISLAMABAD: Foreign Office spokesperson Nafees Zakaria on Thursday said that Pakistan has joined the Saudi-led Islamic Military Alliance and this development has taken place after agreement on ‘Terms of Reference’.

The spokesperson said he has no knowledge of contacts between Saudi government and former army chief Raheel Sharif, who has been appointed the commander of force.

On Pak-Afghan relations, he said both countries have to rely on institutional and cooperative mechanism for combating cross-border terrorism.

He said, “We are availing all opportunities to engage with each other for addressing the issues of concern.”

He, however, said, there is a need for effective border management between Pakistan and Afghanistan to combat the common threat of terrorism, which affects the people of both the countries.

The spokesperson said Pakistan strongly condemns the killing of innocent and defenseless Kashmiris in Indian Occupied Kashmir (IoK). He said, “We call upon India to stop bloodshed and the ongoing brutalities in IoK.”

Replying to a question, he said, Pakistan continues to suffer from Indian sponsored and financed terrorism, adding that for this purpose, India is also using the Afghan soil against Pakistan.

Nafees Zakaria said that within India, the religious minorities are maltreated due to rise in Hindu extremism, adding that Indian government has closed down the non-vegetarian shops. He said that international community should take notice of the prosecution of minority groups in India.

The spokesperson also urged the international community to take notice of the human rights violation in the Occupied Kashmir.

He said that the Kashmiris should be given the rights to self-determination according to the charter of the United Nation Security Council resolutions.

Replying to another question, the spokesperson said the China’s interests in Pakistan is on sustainable development. He said that China is one of the oldest and time-tested friends of Pakistan, adding that China-Pakistan Economic Corridor would bring positive change in the entire region.

Commenting on reports that a lawmaker from ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has demanded ‘Jinnah House’ in Mumbai be demolished, he said Indian government has been informed of the concerns Pakistan has on the matter.

Indian government needs to respect the "importance" the house holds for Pakistan, he added.

Pakistan authorities on Thursday confirmed that Islamabad has formally joined the Saudi-led Islamic Military Alliance.

"The basic purpose of this force is counter terrorism. Terms of reference of counter terrorism operations are to be made," Foreign Office spokesperson Nafees Zakaria said

He, however, added that he has no knowledge of contacts between Saudi government and former army chief Raheel Sharif, who has been appointed the commander of force.

Answering a supplementary question on if Pakistan has officially joined this alliance, the spokesman said: "We are already part of it."

Pakistan's parliament in 2015 unanimously passed a resolution affirming the country's "neutrality" in the Yemen conflict, in a move that indicated the South Asian country will not be joining a Saudi-led military coalition that was fighting Houthi rebels in Yemen.

The resolution expressed the "desire that Pakistan should maintain neutrality in the Yemen conflict", while reaffirming Pakistan's "unequivocal support of Saudi Arabia".

Pakistan authorities on Thursday confirmed that Islamabad has formally joined the Saudi-led Islamic Military Alliance.

"The basic purpose of this force is counter terrorism. Terms of reference of counter terrorism operations are to be made," Foreign Office spokesperson Nafees Zakaria said

He, however, added that he has no knowledge of contacts between Saudi government and former army chief Raheel Sharif, who has been appointed the commander of force.

Answering a supplementary question on if Pakistan has officially joined this alliance, the spokesman said: "We are already part of it."

Pakistan's parliament in 2015 unanimously passed a resolution affirming the country's "neutrality" in the Yemen conflict, in a move that indicated the South Asian country will not be joining a Saudi-led military coalition that was fighting Houthi rebels in Yemen.

The resolution expressed the "desire that Pakistan should maintain neutrality in the Yemen conflict", while reaffirming Pakistan's "unequivocal support of Saudi Arabia".

Joined like ?
If anyone has an idea, we were already part of this group. We just said that we took any part in foreign invasions. But we will always come to protect the integrity of kingdom. Seeing them suffering terrible loses. Its high time we go and learn from them and shore up their defences
Saudis Stand to against USA :omghaha:.You are Living parallel universe
Yeah things have changed i guess you are living under a rock.
GCC countries going for su35 UAE the latest ones, what does that tell you ? Arab nations dont trust their security to be protected by USA anymore. Things changed after IAF got the f35 and were told were going to be the only users of the jet in the middle east. this did not go down well with the Saudis, UAE, Qatar etc who all wanted to be technically on par with Israel
Yeah things have changed i guess you are living under a rock.
GCC countries going for su35 UAE the latest ones, what does that tell you ? Arab nations dont trust their security to be protected by USA anymore. Things changed after IAF got the f35 and were told were going to be the only users of the jet in the middle east. this did not go down well with the Saudis, UAE, Qatar etc who all wanted to be technically on par with Israel
US is the only country that standing btw Israel and Saudis and Arab Sheikhs Know this.The day USA or CIA Pull out its hand from Arabs.Israelis will eat them Alive All there Military support on logistic and resources will be End they will be Sitting Lame ducks

USA is Devil Saudis should have careful While making deal with them
US is the only country that standing btw Israel and Saudis and Arab Sheikhs Know this.The day USA or CIA Pull out its hand from Arabs.Israelis will eat them Alive All there Military support on logistic and resources will be End they will be Sitting Lame ducks

USA is Devil Saudis should have careful While making deal with them
completely wrong
GCC and Israel have secret behind doors relations especially concerning security because all 8 countries view Iran as the main threat and not each other. Many people dont know this but Mossad is allowed to be present in UAE and does alot of hit jobs especially on senior Hamas members who go to Dubai on holiday.

Once USA said Israel will be the only operate of f35 in the middle east all hell broke loose and you saw the Egyptians getting rafaels and Su35 alongside UAE, Qatar, Kuwait etc. Saudis are the ones who got done over as its been 5 years since they paid off for the F18 super hornets and USA messed them around and still haven't even delivered one jet to them yet.
It is the need of the time, we just need to b little more smart and ask more benefits from GCC and with time bring Iran also on this platform.

This an alliance formed specifically to fight Iran and you want Iran to join it. :cuckoo:
ompletely wrong
GCC and Israel have secret behind doors relations especially concerning security because all 8 countries view Iran as the main threat and not each other. Many people dont know this but Mossad is allowed to be present in UAE and does alot of hit jobs especially on senior Hamas members who go to Dubai on holiday.
These are Union Of Business Minded People Who have there own interests First
Such union never Last or One Which last is just hallow institution

Look at OIC
Once USA said Israel will be the only operate of f35 in the middle east all hell broke loose and you saw the Egyptians getting rafaels and Su35 alongside UAE, Qatar, Kuwait etc. Saudis are the ones who got done over as its been 5 years since they paid off for the F18 super hornets and USA messed them around and still haven't even delivered one jet to them yet.
Still Saudis have big Business interest with US There Connections Are very deep and old
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