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Pakistan has formally proposed Siachen pullback - India

we do claim all of J & K,dont we?

Then why is it someone else's house?
claiming some thing does not change reality and the reality is that we control only one part of Kashmir which our forces have managed to control. and there is no going back to the idea of creating futher friction and damaging our own name in the INTERNATIONAL arena just for the sake of LAND we have never controlled.
Pakistan as a state for long failed to achive its goal in taking Kashmir nor was it successful diplomatically in the international arena because they concentrated on the land that we were in control. we will not do the same mistakes that Pakistan did in the past.
If Anthony is positive towards a drawdown, his party is going down the hell's drain.

As such Congress loves our dear neighbors a little too much.. a trait that our "father of nation" carried.

Ḥashshāshīn;2914700 said:
Thank you @ashokdeiva a person with a bit of sense. The LoC should just be made the international border and end this nonsense.

Why though? We had proposed this long back during Vajpayee government but that time you lot were too interested in trying to snatch our territory.

Now just because you have a budgetary problem, we're supposed to renounce our right on our territory. No thanks. We are not doing this. Even if the Army has to overthrow this democracy. I'd prefer a junta for a government if it means taking our territory back.

thats the moronic statement i have ever heared. we can hold our ground but not occupy some one elses just becuase they are out.
this is like i take ownership of your home because you left it

It is our house. Come on man don't be such a spoilsport. Maybe it is easy for you and other weak liberalists to say that we should not take our house back but someone from my family nearly died protecting our territory.. so hell even if we have to fight against entire Asia, we should stand our ground.

You'd understand this if someone loved of your family was on the verge of death on the battlefield and came back alive just fighting for a piece of our motherland.
If Anthony is positive towards a drawdown, his party is going down the hell's drain.

As such Congress loves our dear neighbors a little too much.. a trait that our "father of nation" carried.
he was the father of both the nations at that time, he loved PAKISTAN as much he loved INDIA, but the partition happened for a reason beyond logical reasoning. Lets leave the past.

I would suggest that the GoI, propose a mutual agreement signed in the UN that both the nation recognize the LOC as the INTERNATIONAL BORDER and those parts that the respective military were occupying as the respective nations property. and this time atlease we have to make sure that the borders are defined properly until it reach the north of the next country there.

Then we can thing about a pull back or stay there and gaurd it as it becomes clear to the world that the places that our forces are stationed are ours, what ever we do in our land will be of no concern to any one
Ḥashshāshīn;2914700 said:
Thank you @ashokdeiva a person with a bit of sense. The LoC should just be made the international border and end this nonsense.

We are open to it from the start but can't say the same for Pakistan.
It is our house. Come on man don't be such a spoilsport. Maybe it is easy for you and other weak liberalists to say that we should not take our house back but someone from my family nearly died protecting our territory.. so hell even if we have to fight against entire Asia, we should stand our ground.

You'd understand this if someone loved of your family was on the verge of death on the battlefield and came back alive just fighting for a piece of our motherland.
i chrish the life of each individual as the way i cherish the way my life. i love my soldiers for providing me the warmth of the blanket they have provided me. thats the reason I am saying that occupying the post the Pakistani forces abandoned will not be in favour of our soldiers if another war errupts. we would be the last to die in case of a war but our soldiers will be the first to die and i dont want my/our soldiers to die because we started the war by occupying the abandoned outposts of the PAKISTANIS
I hope India gives a response like a formal denial or formal acceptance and not just leaves this issue in Limbo.

I think its already clear with the current statements by 'D' Minister given to a newspaper here, Our position is clear, Accept (AGPL) "Actual Ground Position Line", and we will happily retreat to the mutually settled areas.

(which is highly unlikely)

So, i think status quo will remain same..:coffee:
Ḥashshāshīn;2914700 said:
Thank you @ashokdeiva a person with a bit of sense. The LoC should just be made the international border and end this nonsense.

That is probably the most realistically achievable solution in the circumstances prevailing.
he was the father of both the nations at that time, he loved PAKISTAN as much he loved INDIA, but the partition happened for a reason beyond logical reasoning. Lets leave the past.

And his idealistic foolishness almost screwed our country. Thank goodness that guy Godse got rid of him at the right time. Otherwise under Gandhi's madness, we'd today be as small as Nepal or Bhutan. But yeah.. let's leave the past and move on.

I would suggest that the GoI, propose a mutual agreement signed in the UN that both the nation recognize the LOC as the INTERNATIONAL BORDER and those parts that the respective military were occupying as the respective nations property. and this time atlease we have to make sure that the borders are defined properly until it reach the north of the next country there.

UN is US puppet and won't do anything that favors a solving of problems. You tell me, if I enter your house when you've gone for a movie and then on returning, I fight with you, attack your family and kill someone, will you spare me? Will you say "okay, take my living hall and let this be the border of our properties".

Don't know about you but I won't. The same thing in J&K. There is no issue. Only weaklings and traitors from our side consider it as an issue and should either be deposed off or disposed off for going against the country. Anyone in my view who doesn't stand up for the nation's integrity is no citizen or innocent and must be relieved off his or her miserable existence. Sorry for being harsh but a dedicated and patriotic harsh leadership is a lot better than a spongy treacherous one.

Then we can thing about a pull back or stay there and gaurd it as it becomes clear to the world that the places that our forces are stationed are ours, what ever we do in our land will be of no concern to any one

Entire Kashmir is ours. J&K, P_0_K, Gilgit-Baltistan (Treambkeshwar river region) & Shaksgam Valley.

This is the deal; take it or leave it.
And his idealistic foolishness almost screwed our country. Thank goodness that guy Godse got rid of him at the right time. Otherwise under Gandhi's madness, we'd today be as small as Nepal or Bhutan. But yeah.. let's leave the past and move on.

UN is US puppet and won't do anything that favors a solving of problems. You tell me, if I enter your house when you've gone for a movie and then on returning, I fight with you, attack your family and kill someone, will you spare me? Will you say "okay, take my living hall and let this be the border of our properties".

Don't know about you but I won't. The same thing in J&K. There is no issue. Only weaklings and traitors from our side consider it as an issue and should either be deposed off or disposed off for going against the country. Anyone in my view who doesn't stand up for the nation's integrity is no citizen or innocent and must be relieved off his or her miserable existence. Sorry for being harsh but a dedicated and patriotic harsh leadership is a lot better than a spongy treacherous one.

Entire Kashmir is ours. J&K, P_0_K, Gilgit-Baltistan (Treambkeshwar river region) & Shaksgam Valley.

This is the deal; take it or leave it.
may be i am a weakling when compared to you, but I don't want to damage the diplomatic milage and respect that we have earned so far in the INTERNATIONAL arena, we gained diplomatic support in all quarters because we never crossed the line, our forces fought only within our borders and even if they have captured a great piece of land in any of the war, returned it to the foe and sure the Kashmiris are all not in favour of INDIA, so we don't want further unrest by controlling a larger hostile croud.
hope India will think positively and pull back both sides from this cold hell after mark border once for ever and forget it .save 100s of millions dollars and 100s lives of brave men yearly.
just why should India withdraw, because pakistan has lost some of its soldiers to nature's fury, but what about the soldiers who die of enemy bullets, next they might ask for withdrawl of indian army from border also. secondly why the hell should we trust pakistan now (remember kargil). thirdly we are not afeected by millions spent there and lastlyagree to the actuall ground positions.
may be i am a weakling when compared to you, but I don't want to damage the diplomatic milage and respect that we have earned so far in the INTERNATIONAL arena, we gained diplomatic support in all quarters because we never crossed the line, our forces fought only within our borders and even if they have captured a great piece of land in any of the war, returned it to the foe and sure the Kashmiris are all not in favour of INDIA, so we don't want further unrest by controlling a larger hostile croud.

I am not saying you are weak. I am talking about the policy makers. Please don't take this personally.

To hell with international community if our territory is being snatched. Which country compromises its territorial integrity? China? Israel? USA? Russia? Japan? Heck! Even Philippines stood its ground despite having almost no military potential. Those who think about what "people will say" will lose everything they have.

How do you know that they are not for us? Have you surveyed them? Or have you even seen anything that happens inside that region? No. Because press is not allowed in that region and is in the virtual grip of their military.

Sorry but national integrity cannot be compromised at any cost.

Because the people of GB and AJK don't want to be part of India :coffee:

Says you..
I am not saying you are weak. I am talking about the policy makers. Please don't take this personally.

To hell with international community if our territory is being snatched. Which country compromises its territorial integrity? China? Israel? USA? Russia? Japan? Heck! Even Philippines stood its ground despite having almost no military potential. Those who think about what "people will say" will lose everything they have.

How do you know that they are not for us? Have you surveyed them? Or have you even seen anything that happens inside that region? No. Because press is not allowed in that region and is in the virtual grip of their military.

Sorry but national integrity cannot be compromised at any cost...
we are already a strong union of different race, including AZAD KASHMIR or G B or P_O_K is not going to prove anything, rather we have to conentrate on thing such as poverty, women empowerment, unemployment, corruption at all levels, education, rural health care, pollution, etc which we are still facing, we might be a shining nation but its aura has not reached the whole of the nation.
Kashmir was a controversial land as its Maharaj did not join either side and was forced to take sides when Pakistani backed forces started invading. so it was not our entirely and we have a population that wanted to be part of Pakistan as it was majority dominated by Muslims.
The present state of Kashmir which is with INDIA is seeing tremendous change with high number of people opting for good education, some even making it on the UPSC, etc
we are already a strong union of different race, including AZAD KASHMIR or G B or P_O_K is not going to prove anything, rather we have to conentrate on thing such as poverty, women empowerment, unemployment, corruption at all levels, education, rural health care, pollution, etc which we are still facing, we might be a shining nation but its aura has not reached the whole of the nation.
Kashmir was a controversial land as its Maharaj did not join either side and was forced to take sides when Pakistani backed forces started invading. so it was not our entirely and we have a population that wanted to be part of Pakistan as it was majority dominated by Muslims.
The present state of Kashmir which is with INDIA is seeing tremendous change with high number of people opting for good education, some even making it on the UPSC, etc

you have no idea of the expenditure slab of the GOI ?....Poverty unemployment etc is being taken care of...In event of an enemy excursion we will have to spend more money and lives to reclaim those heights do u really want another situation as such ?enemy would say they are freedom fighters intl comm would no doubt back us and at the end the soldiers will pay not as if they are not paying now but not on a war scale..
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