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Pakistan has formally proposed Siachen pullback - India

You know you damn trolls and haters can never see a good thing nor can appreciate it. Peace is the way forward if Pakistan has proposed it i think India should honor it . Frienship ,peace and trade is needed between the two nations enough of the blood shed.
how silly to talk about what commitments Pakistan honoured or didnt.....indians honoured all their commitments and stood by their word?

if that were the case, the same logic they falsely apply on occupied Kashmir would also apply to other princely states as well (among them, those that clearly opted for accession to Pakistani Nation)

so don't try to take a moral upper-ground here when not warranted or deserved

and believe me - on 'morality' vis a vis Kashmir and Kashmiri peoples world knows who is the aggressor and who is the victim
may be i am a weakling when compared to you, but I don't want to damage the diplomatic milage and respect that we have earned so far in the INTERNATIONAL arena, we gained diplomatic support in all quarters because we never crossed the line, our forces fought only within our borders and even if they have captured a great piece of land in any of the war, returned it to the foe and sure the Kashmiris are all not in favour of INDIA, so we don't want further unrest by controlling a larger hostile croud.

Nobody is going to Cross,

But if u want to be standing where u r,u have to think of being 200 km ahead tomorrow.
Calm down my little injun friend, we do not wish to withdraw without our concerns addressed, till the last drop of indian blood.

err..think u should calm down first and stop jumping the gun my dear 'Pakistani' friend. Firstly, we didn't ask u to withdraw, and if you should decide to do so, its your problem. Your reasons are the unfortunate accident involving all those soldiers. Yes we sympathize, yet its still your soldiers, your decision, your problem, your decision ultimately. Why should we be addressing your concerns over this?
I dont know they keep talking for what?

I guess they just like to say Hi,Hello and have some chai and biscuit and then decide nothing can be done.

I mean if big balls Vajpayee and Musharraf cant do it,whats ManMohan n Antony going to do?
how silly to talk about what commitments Pakistan honoured or didnt.....indians honoured all their commitments and stood by their word?

if that were the case, the same logic they falsely apply on occupied Kashmir would also apply to other princely states as well (among them, those that clearly opted for accession to Pakistani Nation)

so don't try to take a moral upper-ground here when not warranted or deserved

and believe me - on 'morality' vis a vis Kashmir and Kashmiri peoples world knows who is the aggressor and who is the victim

Dude just stop going on and on about whose fault is what. The reality of the situation is simple. You guys are stationed at the Siachen, an accident happened, many people died and u want to pull back. NONE of this has anything to do with us. Plain and simple. So stop giving us all these moralistic crap on who did what because ultimately it is YOU who wants to pull out from there, not us.
Dude just stop going on and on about whose fault is what. The reality of the situation is simple. You guys are stationed at the Siachen, an accident happened, many people died and u want to pull back. NONE of this has anything to do with us. Plain and simple. So stop giving us all these moralistic crap on who did what because ultimately it is YOU who wants to pull out from there, not us.

Pakistan will never withdraw unilaterally - so what is the argument about.
India knows the people of Kashmir want to be with Pakistan. That is why they are not letting the UN Plebiscite that was supposed to take place. Junagadh had a dispute whether to go to Pakistan or India, leader wanted to go with Pak but people voted for India. Fair enough, it went to India. If people don't want to be with Pak then we can't force them. So why isn't there a vote in Kashmir? India knows they want to accede to Pak.
Ḥashshāshīn;2915422 said:
India knows the people of Kashmir want to be with Pakistan. That is why they are not letting the UN Plebiscite that was supposed to take place. Junagadh had a dispute whether to go to Pakistan or India, leader wanted to go with Pak but people voted for India. Fair enough, it went to India. If people don't want to be with Pak then we can't force them. So why isn't there a vote in Kashmir? India knows they want to accede to Pak.

Go back to the rock you crawled out of please and come out when the topic is kashmir.

how silly to talk about what commitments Pakistan honoured or didnt.....indians honoured all their commitments and stood by their word?

if that were the case, the same logic they falsely apply on occupied Kashmir would also apply to other princely states as well (among them, those that clearly opted for accession to Pakistani Nation)

so don't try to take a moral upper-ground here when not warranted or deserved

and believe me - on 'morality' vis a vis Kashmir and Kashmiri peoples world knows who is the aggressor and who is the victim

Let's give you a simple example, hope you can comprehend it.

Pakistan's Military's dubious INTENTION is once again seen when they refuse to acknowledge/agree with the Indian counter proposal that if anyone leaves the area - it will be officially agreed to by both sides that what each other have now- is theirs respectively.

It's a logical and simple request- So why are Pakistanis disagreeing to it if they don't have the intention to be dubious and try to capture it when India withdraws?
Pakistan will never withdraw unilaterally - so what is the argument about.

Pakistan is the one that initiated it and is asking for the withdrawal on both sides, due to personal reasons. We are just saying no. Argument is about why we shouldn't give in to your request. Plain and simple.

Before u get all defensive about Pakistan, just remember this is an initiative on the part of your government. It has nothing to do with us and should rightly remain so.
i wish this issue is finished and done as early as possible.too much money being spent by both sides and too many lives at stake just because of trust deficit
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