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Pakistan has Destroyed Terrorist Networks


Oct 7, 2015
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While the terrorist networks have been successfully destroyed as per the Prime Minister, terrorism in Pakistan cannot be ended unless Afghanistan plays its role. Afghanistan and Pakistan need to work on this situation together and come up with a strategy to make sure there is no cross-border movement, especially with regards to terrorists that flee the Pakistani territory and vice versa.

Pakistan has Destroyed Terrorist Networks | Today in Pakistan
While the terrorist networks have been successfully destroyed as per the Prime Minister, terrorism in Pakistan cannot be ended unless Afghanistan plays its role. Afghanistan and Pakistan need to work on this situation together and come up with a strategy to make sure there is no cross-border movement, especially with regards to terrorists that flee the Pakistani territory and vice versa.

Pakistan has Destroyed Terrorist Networks | Today in Pakistan
Afghanistan govt is indian puppet and they have track record for bashing Pakistan if even dog has been killed by car in Afghanistan. simple thing to eliminate terrorism in Pakistan is to cease border of Pakistan with Afghanistan and fence it. deploy 100k plus army on border for patrolling and if some one crossing border shot him. you will see the terrorism graph will down like hell.
Afghanistan govt is indian puppet and they have track record for bashing Pakistan if even dog has been killed by car in Afghanistan. simple thing to eliminate terrorism in Pakistan is to cease border of Pakistan with Afghanistan and fence it. deploy 100k plus army on border for patrolling and if some one crossing border shot him. you will see the terrorism graph will down like hell.

You started the post by saying how Afghan govt blames their terrorism problem on Pakistan and ended up blaming Afghans for your terrorism problem.

@karakoram added this part

Facts however are clear that Pakistanis are sheltering terrorists in their big cities. I am yet to see such evidence against the Afghans.

Nasiruddin Haqqani: Who shot the militant at the bakery? - BBC News
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You started the post by saying how Afghan govt blames their terrorism problem on Pakistan and ended up blaming Afghans for your terrorism problem.
I discussed both topic in one go :D as I say they never miss to bash Pakistan in any incident happen in Afghanistan. and its also true that afghan refugees are making many problems for Pakistan LEAs and they finance and give shelter to terrorist who came from Afghanistan to destabilize Pakistan. I hope you got my point
Amazing Job done by Pak Army.. its gonna be examples for other Armies around the world.
we solute our Shaheed whos giving their lives for People of Pakistan...
some one is really really sad cuz the network they created by spending billions of dollars from poor people has nothing in their hands, US sud have protect afghan border.. Now this JIN is in Afg and india is gonna feel the heat.,:)
If Pakistan were harboring terrorists in bigger cities of the country, there would be no point in conducting Operation Zarb-e-Azb and waste precious resources. Whether or not Afghanistan is harboring terrorists is a separate issue, the fact is that there are certain areas present within Afghanistan that are controlled by Afghan-Taliban. Yet there is no such military operation being conducted against them. US armies have decided to set camp in Afghanistan till 2017, but they have yet to start a major operation to rid the country of militants. Pakistan on the other hand have spend millions of dollars on an operation that started over a year ago. No other country has such defining action against militants and terrorism. To top it all off, Pakistan IS the country where majority of the terror attacks happen.
I always heard from different members that Pak-Afghan border should be sealed and followed by 24 hours patrolling of army or by FC. But i want to know that how such a long border of 2400 km be sealed?
Suggestions from senior members are required.
Digging a trench is a cost effective way but up till now only 500 km out of 2400 km digged by FC. It should be continue, so in few years there will be complete trench b/w Pak-Afghan border except where hilly terrain.
I discussed both topic in one go :D as I say they never miss to bash Pakistan in any incident happen in Afghanistan. and its also true that afghan refugees are making many problems for Pakistan LEAs and they finance and give shelter to terrorist who came from Afghanistan to destabilize Pakistan. I hope you got my point

and they rip you off at the bazaar
Moreover discussion of controlling Pak-Afghan border; We assume that on 2400km border, if Army & FC depute 10 soldiers on every each kilometer area then it would be around 2400 × 10= 24000 soldiers for 12 hour duty. Morover same amount of men required for another 12 hour duty. So total are 48000 soldiers.
Addition to these numbers, about 20 to 30 thousand are required for logistics perposes. Grand Total = 80000 soldiers mix by Army & FC.
Can anyone tell me that it looks easy this way that by deputing 80000 soldiers, our border will be secured from Terrorists & Smugglers. Trench also give support to soldiers which will be on duty. Is this looks practical & feasible??? Suggestions required.......
Dear Nabeel in my humble opinion you forgot the number of soldiers required to protecting all those 80 000 men.

I may be wrong as I'm not senior nor expert on the matter.
Afghanistan is not willing to play a role for the sake of peace because of heavy Indian influence in Kabul & Afghanistan has already chosen sides, which is with India. So Pakistan will have to explore for better & secured options, like any cross border will be shot & monitoring the border with armed drones, sealing & heavily mining of the border all the way.
You started the post by saying how Afghan govt blames their terrorism problem on Pakistan and ended up blaming Afghans for your terrorism problem.

@karakoram added this part

Facts however are clear that Pakistanis are sheltering terrorists in their big cities. I am yet to see such evidence against the Afghans.
Excuse me sir, I disagree with you saying that we support terrorists and shelter them...are you completely blind or what....have you ever, ever heard about an Operation named Zarb-e-Azb , launched against terrorists on a big scale....and are you completely deaf or something like that? Ever heard of Peshawar Massacre??? So you mean we shelter terrorists to bash Pakistanis like that? Be a bit logical
Excuse me sir, I disagree with you saying that we support terrorists and shelter them...are you completely blind or what....have you ever, ever heard about an Operation named Zarb-e-Azb , launched against terrorists on a big scale....and are you completely deaf or something like that? Ever heard of Peshawar Massacre??? So you mean we shelter terrorists to bash Pakistanis like that? Be a bit logical

Read the link before calling me blind or deaf. That is clear case of sheltering terrorists. Are you telling me Naseeruddin Haqqani staying in Pindi and making foreign trips to raise money for Afghan Taliban was unknown to your state same as OBL(even assuming for a second you actually DID now know abt OBL living in Pak for 10 years, however laughably incredible it sounds)?

Just because you think others are stupid does not make you as smart as you think you are.

Nasiruddin Haqqani: Who shot the militant at the bakery? - BBC News
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Read the link before calling me blind or deaf. That is clear case of sheltering terrorists. Are you telling me Naseeruddin Haqqani staying in Pindi and making foreign trips to raise money for Afghan Taliban was unknown to your state same as OBL(even assuming for a second you actually DID now know abt OBL living in Pak for 10 years, however laughably incredible it sounds)?

Just because you think others are stupid does not make you as smart as you think you are.

Nasiruddin Haqqani: Who shot the militant at the bakery? - BBC News

Was Nasiruddin Haqqani on any terrorist watch list ?
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