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Pakistan has become the face of international terrorism: India at UN

No just enjoy there self pity and helpless position to do anything about Pakistan

Im sure everyone listens to them though fake smiles, whilst india sheds tears

Im sure all these countries are thinking why are you whining about a country 7 times smaller in population snd 3 and a half times smaller in landmass

Either deal either it or STFU
-ve given by butthurt indians should be like medals for us
Yeah but other people don't know why did you get those ratings or who gave you...
Also, bro never use abusive language. You know we can grill the trolls with facts since facts are on our side and if they cross the line, just report them and avoid replying them in any abusive way.
no one is saint here
we should raise issue of khalistan, moaists, naxals and all other brothers at international forum if they used the word Baluchistan again.

and about human rights record. we have allowed all human rights organizations in every part of Pakistan but its India who is reluctant from getting exposed, even though it already is exposed.
Terrorism is a worldwide phenomenon.

Why don't we start the investigation with Kulbashan Yadev?

Pakistan has nothing to do with terrorism as the world understands.

It's highly ill advised to play the terrorism card on state level.

You guys have been very greedy.

Like a wise man once said.

You point one at other while 3 points at you.

The world consists of a number of tangible locations. We have raised - the world has raised - one of these locations where the state is complicit. We have raised this issue frequently, and the results are increasingly evident. Except for some stubborn, myopic souls, and for those who frankly don't know how else to run their foreign policy or state policy, and, having lost their way, try to redouble their efforts, even sensible Pakistanis, from the evidence of PDF itself, are beginning to question this record.

Look around you, forget your sneering at others and convince your own countrymen first. Good luck.
I am all for it.. . why not....

You believes So?? ? Works doesn't believe so... my points would give you an idea...

Tell this to those who plays it...


Well we can just be patient and let it fold open first.

Experience says you played the card too early.


I can understand.

The feeble Indian state needs a boogeyman quick to solve its crisis.

Desperation level reached: Indian
Good going....until Hafeez Sieed is handed over to India and Mumbai case finished, there can be no improvement of relations between India and Pakistan.
I will leave the world judge that instead of crying wolf Indian

Can't you read? The world has judged that. It doesn't need us any more, it has made up its mind, and the results won't please you.
No just enjoy there self pity and helpless position to do anything about Pakistan

Yes, please. The more cynical and determined to make mischief in the open glare of daylight that you are, the more you paint yourselves into a corner. Do continue.
Well you can meet him when we release him.
Meanwhile the world can decide on the money trail funding terrorism and the Kerala connection.
ISIS is the face of terrorism.

As i said. You guys are punching a bit too high.

You guys had sentenced him to death, and it was the International court of justice who stopped you from executing him.

I think the world has already seen the face of pakistani terror due to this single judgement. :angel:

You are now pleading your case against him in the IJC. :D
The world consists of a number of tangible locations. We have raised - the world has raised - one of these locations where the state is complicit. We have raised this issue frequently, and the results are increasingly evident. Except for some stubborn, myopic souls, and for those who frankly don't know how else to run their foreign policy or state policy, and, having lost their way, try to redouble their efforts, even sensible Pakistanis, from the evidence of PDF itself, are beginning to question this record.

Look around you, forget your sneering at others and convince your own countrymen first. Good luck.

The Pakistani society has rejected terrorism and the world respects that.

Now again i can only say its just a card played too early out of desperation which only leaves you guys open.

Meanwhile the world has moved on to cyber terrorism which means lol oh how naive of you Mr. Shearer.

I am just happy you guys are willing as good neighbors and take the limelight this time.

Thanks i guess
Yeah but other people don't know why did you get those ratings or who gave you...
Also, bro never use abusive language. You know we can grill the trolls with facts since facts are on our side and if they cross the line, just report them and avoid replying them in any abusive way.

...as I do, except for a negative rating for personal insults, among a handful of other causes.
Can't you read? The world has judged that. It doesn't need us any more, it has made up its mind, and the results won't please you.


If the world had judged that it wouldn't put India as it's mouthpiece.

I am telling you again. Don't punch above your weight.
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