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Pakistan has arrested the alleged mastermind of the 2008 Mumbai terrorist attacks

What I wonder is why was the LeT even created to begin with? what good have they done for Pakistan and its society? the group hasn't achieved jack shit in Kashmir and is shit at fighting, they only tarnished the Kashmiri cause if anything. And to add on their presence gave the perfect scapegoat for Indian authorities to blame whenever a (self staged) terrorist attack would happen in their country. The group should have been shut down for good decades ago, but we know they will never do that.
This is easy to answer.

Spirited people in Pakistan believe that Pakistanis defeated Soviets in Afghanistan with musalman's fighting power only. So they were under the impression that the same tactics will work in India regardless of Western support. Before 9/11, the US did not much care for South Asian regional politics. This means that there was no obvious hindrance to expirment the idea. On hindsight, you can surmise that the tactic has largely failed in its strategic objective. But this was not expected back then :undecided:

China also got its start by building cheap stuff.
And whom did they sell these cheap goods do? Look at Pakistan's export and see which market it is headed to. The writing is on the wall.
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Problem is that Iran has oil and China does not want to import the type of low value added goods that Pakistan can produce. Pakistan can economically be stable only by trading with US and EU. Ergo, FATF matters :cheers:
This is exactly what I was about to type so thank you for saving my time.
Will the generals who been protecting him be arrested? I doubt.
Why is a terrorist country like india out of FATF? It is open secret that India is the mastermind behind multiple attacks on Pakistani soil. India openly terrorize Kashimiris every single day for half a century but not a single word from those janus-faced FATF a@@holes.
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We should have went the Iranian way rather than capitulating to this FATFBS. Morality aside these people served the nation and the state and now to surrender them just to get some dollars is pathetic. Even after all the sanctions Iran is better developed than Pakistan. We already have nuke, we share border with Iran and China, countries immune to western sanction Our people already hate America. So why? Unfortunately it seems like the legacy of colonialism is not going to leave us anytime soon.

Iran is surviving with the petro dollars and what do we have to sustain plus you need balls to stand on your grounds but by looking at the current situation my asnwer is nada...both military leadership and current political setup is corrupt to the core so dont expect anything from basturd generals.




well we even denied mullah omer , live or death,

until mulllah mansoor came up with the fire works,

we even denied that osama and abbbot-abad - ever happened.

...... we still keep calling cow-dung( goober)

as haleem.

awaam is the looser of all these terrorists, n terrorism
while the holy -cow become $$$$$millionaires abroad after , retard-ment from official theft and thuggry.
This is easy to answer.

Spirited people in Pakistan believe that Pakistanis defeated Soviets in Afghanistan with musalman's fighting power only. So they were under the impression that the same tactics will work in India regardless of Western support. Before 9/11, the US did not much care for South Asian regional politics. This means that there was no obvious hindrance to expirment the idea. On hindsight, you can surmise that the tactics has largely failed in its strategic objective. But this was not expected back then
So yet another violent Islamic militant group that was created as a result of NATO, LeTs scope of operations has been within the Kashmir valley only throughout their history. They don't have the ability to do jack shit besides that, and their footsoldiers sucked *** at even battling Kashmiri cops let alone. They would get captured alive or shot dead at the border 98% of the time, the other 2% they would kill a CRPF soldier or two at most. Be honest here, do you really believe they were the ones who pulled that attack off?
So yet another violent Islamic militant group that was created as a result of NATO, LeTs scope of operations has been within the Kashmir valley only throughout their history. They don't have the ability to do jack shit besides that, and their footsoldiers sucked *** at even battling Kashmiri cops let alone. They would get captured alive or shot dead at the border 98% of the time, the other 2% they would kill a CRPF soldier or two at most. Be honest here, do you really believe they were the ones who pulled that attack off?
Yes, I do. It is possible if elements within the Pakistani state establishment could provide planning and logistical support.

I believe in the reporting of Indian and Western mainstream media on this issue. You can also choose to believe whatever conforms to your bias. :cheers:
I believe in the reporting of Indian and Western mainstream media on this issue
Like they are obliged to tell us the truth and have a long history of honesty and integrity :lol:
I believe in the reporting of mainstream propaganda machines on this issue. You can also
Fixed that
Yes, I do. It is possible if elements within the Pakistani state establishment could provide planning and logistical support.
What did Pakistan gain from it? what could they possibly have achieved from such an act?
Like they are obliged to tell us the truth and have a long history of honesty and integrity :lol:

Fixed that

What did Pakistan gain from it? what could they possibly have achieved from such an act?
Don't be silly. Trying to 'fix' random comments on the internet :laugh:

As for what they have achieved, I think we agree that they have failed. So they have not achieved anything and done harm for Pakistani state :coffee:
Like they are obliged to tell us the truth and have a long history of honesty and integrity :lol:

Fixed that

What did Pakistan gain from it? what could they possibly have achieved from such an act?

2008 was not same as now.. The same case with 1990s to support terrorism in kashmir and provide training in Pakistan...

It looks silly by now.... But that time, situation was just different.
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