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Pakistan has arrested the alleged mastermind of the 2008 Mumbai terrorist attacks

As for what they have achieved, I think we agree that they have failed. So they have not achieved anything and done harm for Pakistani state :coffee:
There was nothing to be achieved to begin with, the "interest" of the Pakistani establishment (on paper) is Kashmir and Kashmir only. Why would they efff themselves over and put all that time and effort into attacking a major city knowing it wouldn't do any good for the (already long tarnished) Kashmiri cause? you know before the attacks happened, Pakistan and India agreed on a pipeline that would carry gas from Iran into both countries for mutual exchanges (which the US strongly opposed) as to slowly improve relations, they called it a "peace pipeline". Then after the attacks occured, the plan completely stalled and India had to back out as a result out of "mistrust" and likely US pressure, so Pakistan basically put all that effort into shooting themselves on both their feet. I put extra emphasis on "the US strongly opposed the plan and wanted it stopped"
There was nothing to be achieved to begin with, the "interest" of the Pakistani establishment (on paper) is Kashmir and Kashmir only. Why would they efff themselves over and put all that time and effort into attacking a major city knowing it wouldn't do any good for the (already long tarnished) Kashmiri cause? you know before the attacks happened, Pakistan and India agreed on a pipeline that would carry gas from Iran into both countries for mutual exchanges (which the US strongly opposed) as to slowly improve relations, they called it a "peace pipeline". Then after the attacks occured, the plan completely stalled and India had to back out as a result out of "mistrust" and likely US pressure, so Pakistan basically put all that effort into shooting themselves on both their feet. I put extra emphasis on "the US strongly opposed the plan and wanted it stopped"
If you are asking why LeT would attack Mumbai the way they did, then the answer is in your post as well. India and Pakistan were moving towards a resolution for Kashmir that does not give Pakistan anything more than it already had. So this would have been a defeat for the hardline people in Pakistan's deep state. How could they derail this prospective defeat of Pakistani core interest? Derail the process by making it impossible for India to continue with that process.

US will fully support peaceful resolution of India Pakistan crisis because it will allow India to unilaterally focus on China :coffee:
US will fully support peaceful resolution of India Pakistan crisis because it will allow India to unilaterally focus on China :coffee:
The US and the powers to be literally benefit off of our enmity, you know how much weapons sales and profit they would lose if both countries reached a mutual peace? leaving such a country like India surrounded and mass radicalized like it is currently, is the absolute best scenario the powers to be could ask for.
India and Pakistan were moving towards a resolution for Kashmir that does not give Pakistan anything more than it already had
There was no resolution or prominent peace talks regarding Kashmir in 2008, you can thank Musharraf for ruining all chances of that. The pipeline had nothing to do with Kashmir
The US and the powers to be literally benefit off of our enmity, you know how much weapons sales and profit they would lose if both countries reached a mutual peace? leaving such a country like India surrounded and mass radicalized like it is currently is the absolute best scenario the powers to be could ask for.

There was no resolution or prominent peace talks regarding Kashmir in 2008, you can thank Musharraf for ruining all chances of that. The pipeline had nothing to do with Kashmir
India will buy weapons to fight China and US will be willing to sell them. Pakistan need not factor in this situation at all. Pakistan does not buy significant volume of weapons from the US anyway. So I stand by my reasoning on what is in America's interest for the region.

Even after Musharraf, Zardari was getting chummy with India. Economic trade dependency with India will backbench Kashmir in India Pakistan relationship. Status quo is a win for India and Pakistani state establishment cannot have it.
India will buy weapons to fight China and US will be willing to sell them. Pakistan need not factor in this situation at all. Pakistan does not buy significant volume of weapons from the US anyway
Back then, Pakistan would buy and be "gifted" a shit ton of weapons from the US which was mostly used against India. It's not as much nowadays but America still generates a few hundred million off of weapon sales to Pakistan, but yeah I agree India buys a shit ton more from the US these days. Even Israel didn't let the chance go by for some extra Rupees and sold a bonanza of Weapons and Armaments to Pakistan.
We should have went the Iranian way rather than capitulating to this FATFBS. Morality aside these people served the nation and the state and now to surrender them just to get some dollars is pathetic. Even after all the sanctions Iran is better developed than Pakistan. We already have nuke, we share border with Iran and China, countries immune to western sanction Our people already hate America. So why? Unfortunately it seems like the legacy of colonialism is not going to leave us anytime soon.

The main reason why Iran is better off is its enormous oil and gas wealth. Leave that aside and they would be similar to us (or even worse). And sanctions have not proven to be very bulletproof either, which a look at the Pakistani-Iranian border shows clearly.

Anyway what exactly can we expect when we talk about the "Pakistani" elite. They are useless.

Will the generals who been protecting him be arrested? I doubt.

I don't believe for 1 second that we had anything to do with that attack. Indian propaganda but if it helps our interests so be it.

In fact India should be on that useless FATF list, not Pakistan.
Updated about the new lies after old lies busted? No that's your job and we know you people are pathetic at doing it. Indian Chronicles: deep dive into a 15-year operation targeting the EU and UN to serve Indian interests - EU DisinfoLab

It's amazing a bhakt whose own country is run by a convicted terrorist wants to convince other people of their innocence.
Who convicted him? Pakistani public court?🤣
He was not elected on hindutva/RSS ideological background but on BJP development agenda.
He would not have been elected twice if he was a non performer. He also showed courage in bringing new reforms.
I am not his bhakt, but I like the speed with which he acts.
Who convicted him? Pakistani public court?🤣
He was not elected on hindutva/RSS ideological background but on BJP development agenda.
He would not have been elected twice if he was a non performer. He also showed courage in bringing new reforms.
I am not his bhakt, but I like the speed with which he acts.

You are not a bhakt and hitler was a saint.

He is elected twice and will be third time because you bhakts are a nation of terrorists and extremists who like to put in charge a genocidal hindutva nazi extremist with history of man slaugher. It says a lot about what kind of ppl are you really. No one else needs to say anything.

A criminal putting in charge criminals like him in power.
PM Modi’s new Council of Ministers: 42% have criminal cases, 90% are millionaires | India News,The Indian Express
You are not a bhakt and hitler was a saint.

He is elected twice and will be third time because you bhakts are a nation of terrorists and extremists who like to put in charge a genocidal hindutva nazi extremist with history of man slaugher. It says a lot about what kind of ppl are you really. No one else needs to say anything.

A criminal putting in charge criminals like him in power.
PM Modi’s new Council of Ministers: 42% have criminal cases, 90% are millionaires | India News,The Indian Express
App log tho doodh ke dooley ho.
Who convicted him? Pakistani public court?🤣
He was not elected on hindutva/RSS ideological background but on BJP development agenda.
He would not have been elected twice if he was a non performer. He also showed courage in bringing new reforms.
I am not his bhakt, but I like the speed with which he acts.
Some people cope differently
Difference between Pakistan and India is, in Pakistan criminals are imposed vs in India criminals are elected by the Indian public.
Difference between Pakistan and India is, in Pakistan criminals are imposed vs in India criminals are elected by the Indian public.
At least they know that if they don't perform to people's wishes they will be booted out. Our courts are there to determine if they are guilty.
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