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Pakistan government to betray all, Resumption of Nato Supplies by May 17!

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It dosn't suit India... but you ought to know what are Pakistan's complicated demands for resumption?

Nothing but a FAIR transit charge!

Indian see it fair deal a threat to its own unfair ways.... if NATO close the deal than it will set a trend and it would become difficult for Indian pimps in Pakistan to grant free transit to Indians.
Therefore,,, Indians want to close the deal in UNFAIR fashion... through NATO.

Did you not see how US got involved in an Baloch affair? and flew away a known RAW's perpetrato:Pr to Geneva, while puppet Pakistan failed to contact Interpole?
Wow dude, you've got talent. Did you try making spy/thrillers movies?:azn:
BATMAN tum pagal ho kya :O are you high on weed !!!!!! we Indians dont enjoy that kind of power maybe in future (2030 something) but not now
NATO and USA has been playing a double game in Pakistan all along..
The war is not against terrorism its FOR Opium...Greed is a strange thing and makes nations to do things they may not want to do...Afghanistan is the Poppy hub of the world and American presence in the Country makes them controlling of this Lucrative commodity.
Who benefits from the Afghan Opium Trade?
To keep Pakistan cooperating with them they had to create a "Monster" and they did in the form of every day Suicide bombers...
It defies common sense that how just about any angry Mullah can arrange 20 Kilos of High explosive and actually build an explosive device with it without ever being noticed? It is highly Plausible that somebody with resources and money was and is at their back....

Mr.Cheng..USA repeatedly refused to pay taxes to Pakistan on Containers and road repairs..What makes you think they will do this now?
isn't that what the Taliban is fighting for? About explosives, the IED used in Afghan is made from fertilizers in Pakistan, so can it happen that they are using the same thing in Pakistan as well?
O isn't that what the Taliban is fighting for? About explosives, the IED used in Afghan is made from fertilizers in Pakistan, so can it happen that they are using the same thing in Pakistan as well?
Ammonium nitrate mixed with oil can be a potent explosive...but to cause significant damage large quantities will be needed....
A heap of fertilizer alongside road will cause suspicion...and a suicide bomber cannot strap enough fertilizer on his body to cause damage...
No proper chemical analysis report of the IEDs or suicide vests has ever been released into public domain so i have my suspicions....
1. The US government has commissions, councils and think-tanks that play their part in formulating America's foreign policy. Then there are the lobbyists. It is incorrect to believe that the US and its senators are unaware of Pakistan and its people.

2. The route will remain closed as long as our military deems necesary for national security. If it was upto PPP, the supplies would already have been opened. Our government is trying to make it sound as if it's mostly about increasing tariffs so that they have a window to open the route if there is enough American pressure.

... the IED used in Afghan is made from fertilizers in Pakistan ...

I'm afraid we can not be held responsible for misused fertilizers. It's simply not possible to enforce "Clearance Certificates" for buying manure.
^^ Some fertilizers are controlled dude... that much Iam sure of. Maybe not in Pakistan.
1. The US government has commissions, councils and think-tanks that play their part in formulating America's foreign policy. Then there are the lobbyists. It is incorrect to believe that the US and its senators are unaware of Pakistan and its people.

2. The route will remain closed as long as our military deems necesary for national security. If it was upto PPP, the supplies would already have been opened. Our government is trying to make it sound as if it's mostly about increasing tariffs so that they have a window to open the route if there is enough American pressure.

I'm afraid we can not be held responsible for misused fertilizers. It's simply not possible to enforce "Clearance Certificates" for buying manure.

we have seen Pakistani public,Army and Government unanimously supporting USA and Actually fighting a decade long war for them in Afghanistan.
Back then the threat was real,and USA was different...Threat was USSR who was expanding her Boundaries and Pakistan was the next in line.So Pakistan had to fight the war for their own benefit.
And USA was much better in Diplomacy back then..They weren't Insulting us,Bullying our religion and painting us as Evil Muzzies at that time..And their Aid was benefiting the country all the way from Army to general Public.

Why do you think Pakistan isn't doing the same anymore? We have done it in the Past...why cant we do it again?

Because now the threat is all made up.....and whatever USA claims to do against it actually increases the threat instead of diminishing it.....More Pakistanis are killed in Their actions to avoid terrorism that in actual acts of terrorism...and despite all that all we get is slurs and insults from them..
Their Aid is no more beneficent enough to make a big difference..All channeled through 1000+ NGOs working in Pakistan most from American origins including Redcross...The miniscule Aid which USA gives to Pakistan via the NGOs is so widely distributes that the Administrative costs of the NGOs eat up most of the money and a hospital there a medical camp here and an isolated school somewhere is by no means compensation to the Emotional,physical and economic costs Pakistan is bearing..
Team in Pakistan working on Nato supplies: US

WASHINGTON: The United States on Friday said it continues to work with Islamabad on reopening the Pakistani land routes for Nato supplies but declined to expand on the alliance’s suggestion that an invitation to Pakistan for this month’s Chicago summit was linked to resumption of supplies.

State Department spokesperson Victoria Nuland said Nato Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen spoke very clearly on the issue earlier in the day in Brussels.

Both US and Nato consider the Pakistani land routes as crucial to transportation of supplies into landlocked Afghanistan, but the routes have closed for almost six months since a Nato war plane killed 24 Pakistani soldiers in a cross-border on the security posts.

The incident enraged Islamabad, a longtime ally in the fight against al Qaeda in the region.

When Ambassador Grossman was in Pakistan, some ten days ago, he had substantive conversations himself with regard to the opening of the land routes.

And then he brought with him an expert team to work with the Pakistani expert team, Nuland said, when asked to comment on the issue.

That team is still in Pakistan. They are continuing to work together on this issue, she added.

“I think Secretary General Rasmussen spoke pretty clearly where Nato is on this set of issues. He did remind that the supply routes are blocked and that we are continuing our dialogue and that we are looking for a solution. So I don’t think I can improve on that, she remarked.”

Nuland confirmed that the Secretary of State has received a letter from members of Congress urging designating the Afghan Haqqani network as a terrorist organization and said the US administration continues to review the issue.

She added the US and the UN have already designated several leaders of the group as terrorists, which is an effective step.

We are continuing to review the question of the larger group.

Team in Pakistan working on Nato supplies: US | DAWN.COM
This plan should be tabled until after the elections. Let the new government with renewed support from the public make a well informed decision.

The decision to re-open, in any case should be done through parliamentary resolution anyway.

Jamaat won’t allow resumption of Nato supplies: Ibraheem

PESHAWAR: Khyber Pakh-tunkhwa Ameer of the Jamaat-e-Islami Prof Mohammad Ibraheem Khan Friday admitted his party’s failure for not resisting the Nato supplies in the past 11 years but added that they would not allow its resumption now.

“We should have presented the provision of supply route to the Nato forces as an issue long before. But now that the supply has been suspended, we should not look into the past and take full benefit of the current situation,” he said while speaking at a dialogue on “The Implications of Restoration of Nato Supplies” arranged by the Institute of Research and Studies (IRS) here.

The dialogue was attended by Prof Mohammad Abbas, director of the institute, Sahibzada Haroonur Rasheed, provincial vice-president of the JI, Prof Dr Fakhrul Islam of the University of Peshawar, Dr Mohammad Iqbal Khalil, Inayatullah Khan, former health minister and provincial president of the Al-Khidmat Foundation, Arbab Fateh Gul, a retired police officer and others. Dr Qadir Bakhsh Baloch made a presentation on the issue.

Prof Ibraheem Khan said the Nato supply was a deal of total loss. The losses caused by the so-called war against terror have crossed 100 million dollars, he claimed. He said the imminent US pullout from Afghanistan was the most important issue. “The US does not want to get out of Afghanistan, but it has been badly trapped there and it cannot afford to stay there further,” he added.

He was of the opinion that the US was fast losing its status as the world leader. “The European countries too are unable to replace the US as the leader of the world,” he added.

China, Russia, Japan and India are the emerging leaders of the world, he maintained. However, he remarked that the Muslim Ummah was a potential candidate to become the next leader of the world and this was the reason that the US and other western forces were trying hard to contain the Islamic countries.

He dispelled the impression that the JI had supported the treasury benches’ resolution for restoration of the Nato supplies in the Senate. “We gave our dissenting note on the resolution, which is on record,” he said.

Prof Qadir Bakhsh Baloch said the Nato supplies had serious political, military and economic implications for the country. Pakistan started suffering the day the rulers agreed to provide logistics support and intelligence sharing in the so-called war against terror, he said.

He opposed the restoration of the supply route for the Nato forces. The series of terror attack on containers, destruction of infrastructure and protest would restart if the supplies are restored, he argued.

Qadir Bakhsh Baloch said three kinds of commodities — lethal weapons, critical equipment and oil and food items — were being transported through Pakistan. For the past several years, lethal weapons transportation has been stopped, while food items and oil are mainly being supplied through land routes. He remarked that after the closure of the supply route by Pakistan, the US started using three alternative routes through the Central Asian countries, but these were costly.

He said oil was the most important commodity that needed regular transportation due to the lack of storage capacity in Afghanistan. He added that the US forces had a storage facility of only three million gallons by 2010, which was doubled by 2011, but the daily consumption of oil was 0.9 million gallons. The JI leader added that due to dearth of oil the US had to curtail many operations and patrolling.

He said the supply route was the weakest point of the US and Pakistan should not budge from its principled stand on the issue
This has to be approved by Parliament and better yet by the next Parliament after freshly taking votes from the nation. It is too big an issue and will cause havoc and mayhem within the country if once again our leaders betray us and take the unpopular decision of choosing American dictates over popular opinion of the people.
This has to be approved by Parliament and better yet by the next Parliament after freshly taking votes from the nation. It is too big an issue and will cause havoc and mayhem within the country if once again our leaders betray us and take the unpopular decision of choosing American dictates over popular opinion of the people.

Can Pakistan afford to keep the routes closed till then?
well "difa e pakistan council" is ready and willing to cause lots of trouble if the supply routes ever open...
will be good fun to watch.
Are you suggesting that we should thank Americans for our existence. Or that without America Pakistan would not exist??

Not at all. I am only suggesintg that Pakistan should have a plan to repay all its loans due this year while keeping it lights on. Wait, bad phrase, it already can't keep its lights on. Let's say: repay its loans while keeping food on the table.

well "difa e pakistan council" is ready and willing to cause lots of trouble if the supply routes ever open...
will be good fun to watch.

Burn a few buses? Close a few roads? That is all.

hehehehe again ................

Please carry on laughing. Let's see if the joke is upon you or not.
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