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Pakistan gave China access to 'stealth' chopper from Bin Laden raid: Report

All powers wither away and a new one takes its place. It happened to Spain, then Britain, and it will happen to United States. It's unfortunate you can't accept reality.

It also happened to USSR, Germany, Portugal, Dutch and the Japanese.
You're in for a rude shock and it won't be the first time in your international relationships.
That is a speculative argument using events that have yet to occur (destruction of Pakistani industry through Chinese dumping) as justification.

As you said, only future events will tell us whether the decision to enter into an FTA with the Chinese was good or bad.

For the moment, do you actually have any examples of what I asked you about - China forcing Pakistan to toe its line on any particular issue, because of Pakistan's dependence on Chinese support?
I know what anecdotes are. What those 10 demands were I do not know, in fact, it's only discussed numerous times in a plethora of Pakistani debates by a large number of participants in the debates.

Your own politicians say that from time to time. I know it because I'm a keen follower of Pakistani news channels and their debate programs.
Pakistani politicians and commentators can be quite colorful at times - that does not make them accurate.

That is not the point, though. The point is that it is an apt example of how you bent so much and that when it was not even needed.
The US, and various Pakistani liberal commentators, would disagree with you - in fact Indians themselves are very fond of saying that 'Pakistan ran with the hares and hunted with the hounds'.

The one issue that I would agree with you on are the drone strikes. That certainly is one thing that Pakistan should have stood upto a long time ago.

You're telling me that a nuclear power cannot guage threats accurately?

That questions your very ability to handle your strategic assets.

How can anyone possibly expect you to handle your strategic assets wisely then?
Even if your argument of 'gauging threats incorrectly' was accurate, which it isn't, your extrapolation to Pakistan's competence in handling its nuclear assets is outlandish and inapplicable. If anything, as you argue, Pakistan overestimated the threat from the US, and if it does the same in the case of its nuclear assets, that only makes them more secure. And when it comes to 'gauging threats incorrectly' the US has done that twice now with its wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, so you should be questioning US competence in controlling its nuclear arsenal before questioning Pakistan.
A superpower threatened and a nuclear power relented? Spinelessly?

...and then you blame the superpower for being high-handed? As I see it, you are acting plain stupid. The US was merely being astute.
And what exactly could Pakistan have done to threaten the US at a time when its nuclear arsenal was just becoming operative, and it had limited delivery systems? Nuke a couple of cities in India? You really think the US would care? And what of crippling economic and trade sanctions utilizing the global sentiment against the 9/11 attacks? How would that have prevented a US invasion of Afghanistan? Not only would Pakistan have had crippling sanctions, but it would still have had to deal with the US war and invasion of Afghanistan and the associated influx of militants into Pakistan.

So given the choices, the 'bad choice' made by Musharraf was still better than the other, worse choice available.
U could care less of our sovereignty,send helis,agents and kill thousands of innocent people in FATA including 168 children,side with india on everything and yet u talk abt stooping low? You gotta be shytin me.

You got to be kidding that your govt. would allow it to happened. Don't deny your govt. are involved in the deaths of innocent people otherwise it makes you look weird.


Nah not upset just disappointed. Just as you guys are disappointed that Pakistan bow down to U.S. drones.
Pakistani politicians and commentators can be quite colorful at times - that does not make them accurate.

The US, and various Pakistani liberal commentators, would disagree with you - in fact Indians themselves are very fond of saying that 'Pakistan ran with the hares and hunted with the hounds'.

The one issue that I would agree with you on are the drone strikes. That certainly is one thing that Pakistan should have stood upto a long time ago.

Even if your argument of 'gauging threats incorrectly' was accurate, which it isn't, your extrapolation to Pakistan's competence in handling its nuclear assets is outlandish and inapplicable. If anything, as you argue, Pakistan overestimated the threat from the US, and if it does the same in the case of its nuclear assets, that only makes them more secure. And when it comes to 'gauging threats incorrectly' the US has done that twice now with its wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, so you should be questioning US competence in controlling its nuclear arsenal before questioning Pakistan.

And what exactly could Pakistan have done to threaten the US at a time when its nuclear arsenal was just becoming operative, and it had limited delivery systems? Nuke a couple of cities in India? You really think the US would care? And what of crippling economic and trade sanctions utilizing the global sentiment against the 9/11 attacks? How would that have prevented a US invasion of Afghanistan? Not only would Pakistan have had crippling sanctions, but it would still have had to deal with the US war and invasion of Afghanistan and the associated influx of militants into Pakistan.

So given the choices, the 'bad choice' made by Musharraf was still better than the other, worse choice available.

cut the crap man people will always see what they want to see .To them discussion has no meaning they will keep on believing what they want to see u are just wasting Ur time i am sorry
Good we did that since Pakistan should not give it back to USA at first place. I never understood why they gave it back first place.

And these arrogant bastards should say sorry before asking or complaning at all. Its like they were guest and forgot some thing at our house and now wants it back.

Americans finding it harder and harder to deal with Pakistan and what does that show ? Americans should ask why is like that ? Its because as many times before Americans have back stabbed Pakistan which once again shows Americans are not friend with any one. Friendship based on interssets does not live long as Americans only want some from Pakistan and have never given or done some thing for Pakistan as a friends.

We should not look up to American or any other since we have every thing we need its up to us to do some thing for Pakistan. First step as Pakistani is to kick out all these pendo, american slave, low level currupt leaders.

---------- Post added at 04:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:20 AM ----------

Nah not upset just disappointed. Just as you guys are disappointed that Pakistan bow down to U.S. drones.

we know u are so ugly dont need to tell us once again HAHAHA.
i think it was a third class choppper that malfunctioned and crashed .....China will come up with something better,,thousand times better,that wont malfunction while its conducting operation inside USA.

If it was a third class chopper then why so much hipe about it... All the thanking and joking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All China is doing is benchmarking, but yet to produce a real innovation.......
The US carried out an illegal raid in violation of the US-Pak alliance and Pakistani sovereignty

You need to restate that sentence clearly Agno because regarding major Al Queda Targets was approved by your own administration clearly... And afterthought, a puppets game becomes a puppets game clearly here. By political means the game is played to the populace, but the deal was clearly done, why not speak about that....
Sounds like someone saying
"You will NOT touch the gun I dropped while trying to kill you, you will let me pick it up.. and take it home.. so that I may use it to shoot you some other day".

The problem is so muddle, that whom is shooting whom is the right question..... Mr. Moderator....
it's almost like saying "I know i broke into your home, but i need my crow-bar and lock-picking set back immediately"

No, it is more like "I know there are Cockroaches in your house and I need to fumigate them, but I need my tools back because My fumigation techic is better so I can do my job better."

China rejects report of OBL raid copter access

Updated 35 minutes ago

BEIJING: China on Tuesday dismissed a report that Pakistan gave it access to an advanced US 'stealth' helicopter that crashed during the raid that killed Osama bin Laden in May.

During the raid, one of two Blackhawk helicopters -- believed to use advanced stealth technology -- crashed, forcing US commandos to abandon it. A British newspaper reported on Sunday that Pakistani authorities gave China access to the wreckage, despite CIA requests to Islamabad to keep the wreckage under wraps.

China's Ministry of Defence denied this in a one-sentence statement, Beijing's first public response to the report.

"This report is totally unfounded and extremely absurd," said the statement on the ministry's website.

The report said Pakistan allowed Chinese intelligence officials to take pictures of the crashed helicopter and take samples of its special skin that helped the American raid evade Pakistani radar.

One U.S. official, speaking on condition of anonymity, earlier told this news agency there was reason to believe Pakistan had allowed the Chinese to inspect the aircraft. But the official could not confirm with certainty that this had happened.

The surviving tail section of the downed helicopter was returned to the United States after a trip by U.S. Senator John Kerry in May, a spokesman for the U.S. embassy told. (Reuters)
LOL is the USA stupid? Attacking another country then asking for it's helicopter back?

USA: "Hey, I just attacked you with a knife, but the knife remained in your arm. Can I have it back?"
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