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Pakistan Fires Off Over 500 Missiles In Four Days

500 Missiles and a lone victim - we need a big improvement on such accuracy :disagree:.
We can so we will, its not about some moral legality to do so, its about one bieng powerful enough to do it so again we can and we will, no moral implication hinders our policy to pursue our national security interests. If you are trying to mould it into a Pak-indo scenario than the only reason india cannot agress beyond a certain point at LOC is fear of reprecussion as the other side is just as powerful and in some scenario's more capable to deliver the same pain on ur side...grow up.

LOL, About which capabilities are you boasting about ??? Lobbing few artillery shell across the border, huh ?? Apart from that what have you done actually ??? India and Pakistan do it every other day and what's the big deal in that ?? LOL :p:

PS: And only tag me only if Pakistan have done or does something different, just for a change.
1 & 2 doesn't make sense, why are wasting funds if these can't be used. Don't tell me that it's to counter Rafael on eastern border.

3. Taking out the terrorists should be the goal not making bajari of rocks.

Why does the US still commit so many troops, armour, jets/attack helicopters and artillery in Afghanistan if they have the best ucav in the world!? Everything has it's use.

Pakistani UCAVs are inferior to Predator and carry only 2 missiles. They may be useful in taking out a single small building but will be incapable of destroying a whole area that only artillery or heavy bombers can.

Just because we didn't use UCAVs doesn't cast any doubt on their capability. We also didn't use any attack helicopters which you and I both know have been very capable in fighting insurgency. May be on this occasion the need was for artillery which can cause more widespread devastation, for a cheaper cost, with no risk of being shot down.
Why does the US still commit so many troops, armour, jets/attack helicopters and artillery in Afghanistan if they have the best ucav in the world!? Everything has it's use.

Pakistani UCAVs are inferior to Predator and carry only 2 missiles. They may be useful in taking out a single small building but will be incapable of destroying a whole area that only artillery or heavy bombers can.

Just because we didn't use UCAVs doesn't cast any doubt on their capability. We also didn't use any attack helicopters which you and I both know have been very capable in fighting insurgency. May be on this occasion the need was for artillery which can cause more widespread devastation, for a cheaper cost, with no risk of being shot down.

If our UCAV has precision as claimed then even 2 fires will yield better results than firing thousands of rounds of artillery on rocks. US have done it and doing to target the terrorists.
LOL, About which capabilities are you boasting about ??? Lobbing few artillery shell across the border, huh ?? Apart from that what have you done actually ??? India and Pakistan do it every other day and what's the big deal in that ?? LOL :p:

PS: And only tag me only if Pakistan have done or does something different, just for a change.
A gaaye na line par:rofl:
I'm against indiscriminate attacks like this since it results in loss of innocent lives. We should do intel based targeted operations even if we have to sent our SSGs, air force, drones or agents and proxies.
Agreed. It should be pin point. Backers should also be exposed.
Agreed. It should be pin point. Backers should also be exposed.
by firing indiscriminately we are not achieving anything...only civilians are getting killed that increase their hate towards Pakistan but think if we are doing intel based targeting and shooting down the RAW+NDS assets on regular basis, imagine what kind of shudders would running down the spine of enemies.
It's artillery not missiles

Or are they too high to note the difference

Mate, you know that it does not work like that. When India violates LOC and does indiscriminate firing, do we become scared of India and force govt of Pakistan to back down or urge PA to give a befitting response. Loss of innocent life is against our religion too furthermore this way we are wasting ammo and time too. If we do intel based operations and kill high valued terrorists like Maulvi Fazal-ullah and likes of him, we will achieve our objectives and enemy's back will be broken and in that there may be some collateral damage or loss of innocent life but that will be on much smaller scale and pay off will be much higher.
Totally concur bro, lets use more targeted strikes against their prominent officials from NDS and ANA, soon they will be bringing white flags and putting flowers round the necks of Pak officers.Kudos bro
It's artillery not missiles

Or are they too high to note the difference
Not high but ignorant. Most of the military related news reported by Urdu and english newspapers is erroneous.
I'm against indiscriminate attacks like this since it results in loss of innocent lives. We should do intel based targeted operations even if we have to sent our SSGs, air force, drones or agents and proxies.
This is all BS, you think we have 1500 missiles to waste on Afghanistan where as our one missile is sufficient to take out any threat. This is all fabricated lie

They need to understand the cost for siding with the enemies of a country which opened its doors and hearts and welcomed these namak harams. I am all for it. If anything, they should be forcing their government to halt all anti Pakistan activities and stop sheltering TTP and Jamat Alhar.
If not i only wish and hope that we multiply these attacks.
Afghanis are namak harams, 100% agree
Mate, you know that it does not work like that. When India violates LOC and does indiscriminate firing, do we become scared of India and force govt of Pakistan to back down or urge PA to give a befitting response. Loss of innocent life is against our religion too furthermore this way we are wasting ammo and time too. If we do intel based operations and kill high valued terrorists like Maulvi Fazal-ullah and likes of him, we will achieve our objectives and enemy's back will be broken and in that there may be some collateral damage or loss of innocent life but that will be on much smaller scale and pay off will be much higher.
I am not against doing intel based operation, in fact I am all for it. Having said that with India its a different story, they are occupying a territory and Kashmiries dont side with India or support anti Pakistan elements, Afghans and Afghanistan always had since our inception. Even when we opened our doors for millions, gave them food and shelter, their hatred for us hasnt halted and they jumped on the next anti Pakistan bandwagon. This is why i said if our hospitality and love hasnt changed their attitude, its time for another approach.
I am not against doing intel based operation, in fact I am all for it. Having said that with India its a different story, they are occupying a territory and Kashmiries dont side with India or support anti Pakistan elements, Afghans and Afghanistan always had since our inception. Even when we opened our doors for millions, gave them food and shelter, their hatred for us hasnt halted and they jumped on the next anti Pakistan bandwagon. This is why i said if our hospitality and love hasnt changed their attitude, its time for another approach.
When love fails to work, then DADNDA is the answer for such ungrateful people.
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