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Pakistan Fires Off Over 500 Missiles In Four Days

Kunar civil society activists and residents call on the Afghan government and the international community to find a solution to the issue.


Government officials said Wednesday that more than 500 missiles have landed in Kunar in the eastern part of Afghanistan after being fired off from across the Durand Line in the past four days.

This comes after Pakistan resumed cross-Durand Line incursions after a few months break.

The missiles have landed in Shultan, Dangam, Shegal and Marwa districts in Kunar province – in the east of the country, displacing dozens of families, local officials told TOLOnews.

“Rockets (fired off by Pakistani forces) have landed in residential areas which have claimed one life,” Kunar governor Waheedullah Kalimzai said. “People have suffered financial losses. At least 40 families have been displaced in Shultan (district).”

The governor said they are waiting for orders from the central government on how to respond to the incursion by Pakistan.

“This is an issue between two countries. We have shared it with government leadership in Kabul. We are waiting for their order to act in this respect,” he said.

Kunar residents and civil society activists called on government to talk with Islamabad to stop the cross-Durand Line shelling.

“The rocket attacks from Pakistan on parts of Kunar province are ongoing for the past three days,” civil society activist Matiullah Shahab said.

“At least 80 families have been displaced so far. We call on the central government and the international community to find a solution for this issue which has been ongoing for many years.”

Massoud, a resident of Kunar’s Shegal district, said: “You see that the sporadic shelling is still ongoing in those parts of the district. The rockets are coming from the other side of the Durand Line.”

“People are worried. Children and families have been displaced due to the firings,” Sebghatullah, a resident of Shegal district said.

“Pakistan continues to shell rockets on Kunar districts. Last night (Tuesday night), many families in Amankhail village in Shegal district left their houses in search of safe places,” said Baran Sapai, a resident of Asadabad, Kunar’s central city.

Official information shows that at least 1,500 missiles were fired on Kunar province from Pakistan during the month of September.

In February, the Ministry of Defense (MoD) warned that Pakistan’s missile attacks on the eastern regions of the country would have serious consequences, suggesting that a diplomatic solution to the issue between the two neighbors was needed.


Keep your terrorists in check. Missiles will stop.

LOL, About which capabilities are you boasting about ??? Lobbing few artillery shell across the border, huh ?? Apart from that what have you done actually ??? India and Pakistan do it every other day and what's the big deal in that ?? LOL :p:

PS: And only tag me only if Pakistan have done or does something different, just for a change.

LOL this question should be posed to the Afghans who are crying like babies. According to Afghan opiumnews the “missiles” are a big deal. The Afghans seem to be rattled.
LOL this question should be posed to the Afghans who are crying like babies. According to Afghan opiumnews the “missiles” are a big deal. The Afghans seem to be rattled.

Dodge it, dodge it as long as you can. But the fact is the Chicken has already started coming come to roost, it's only a matter of time. :p:
Dodge it, dodge it as long as you can. But the fact is the Chicken has already started coming come to roost, it's only a matter of time. :p:

Looking at record Afghan casualties, the chicken has roosted to the extent that nothing is left to roast.
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