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Pakistan finalized Z-10ME Helicopters deal with China : Journalist Sumaira Khan

So... This means the AH1F will be retired shortly?

In that case then....

Goodbye my old friend :(. You will still be my favourite heli to look at and play in, in games o7
Maybe not for a while. Probably not until enough numbers are inducted to fully replace them. But they do need replacing. But will be glad to see new birds in Multan.
Anyone remember Z-10s flypast in Pakistan?
I am sure everyone remembers J-10 air display flypast in Pakistan.
Yes I remember them being in black paint scheme... (Z-10s).... There was also some news that they were lended to us.. ? Did we use them in any operations of some sort... They were stationed here for awhile weren't they ?
I already wrote about weight point in my last point.

F7 & Old mirages are not your air superiority fighters, Mirages are mostly being used as Trucks and Mirage are still capable platforms for A2G roles which Pakistan is using for Similar to Indian Mig 21 & F7 both are really good nimble fighters are especially in WVR combat which will Pakistan India both face in full-scale war.
Yes, Pakistan is already trying to replace its aging platforms but it takes time. FEW F7PG are younger than F16s Pakistan have but both platforms serve different roles.
Thunder was developed as budget-friendly Lightweight platform to replace older platforms but Since Block 2 this has changed & Pakistan is trying to make it as a air superiority platform for PAF as well. With Tech trickling down from other Chinese Projects. So Anything which can be installed on J10 can also be installed on Thunder. Are we forgetting the comments from last air chief?

In regards to more hardpoints, & weapon carry capability Pakistan doesn't need a truck for deep Otherwise Pakistan would have gotten to the dual-engine platform in J class.
For deep penetration into Indian air space, Pakistan won't use these air crafts you have cruise missiles and other systems in your arsenal.

This Purchase can be taken in 2 ways
1 its a stop gap until Pakistan can finally make something of Project Azm.
2 F16s is a dead horse and have no future purchase option so Pakistan will use this platform.

You nailed it. USA has put restrictions on F-16s. J-10 is acquired mainly to replace older planes and to be the frontline plane to support to JF-17.
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They might do batch procurement of the Z-10ME; 12-15 at a time, every 2-4 years until the Turks have a helicopter ready. If the Turks can’t get their engine ready in 6-10 years the numbers that could be procured will just be allocated to the Chinese option. Between the Ah-1Z and T-129 Pakistan planned to procure 45 helicopters; so three to four rounds of procurements could be done, with each round having increasing technical requirements.

The Turks should assume Pakistan won’t wait for the T-129 and work on getting their ATAK-2 design ready within the next 2-4 years, if they want to sell it to Pakistan.

24 Z-10ME and 24 Atak-2 wouldn’t be a bad force structure to replace the 40 or so AH-1F/S the PA currently operates. And maybe add in 12 Z-19 with the MMW radar for FC operations in peacetime and Scouting during a conventional standoff.
Why buy Z-19s... Can't we extend the life of the Cobras to work with FC ?.... And where would you factor in the Mi-35s....
Yes I remember them being in black paint scheme... (Z-10s).... There was also some news that they were lended to us.. ? Did we use them in any operations of some sort... They were stationed here for awhile weren't they ?

They were here to be tested and PAA don't let them for easy flying. Tested, observed, evaluated, analysis done, reports prepared and highlighted the necessary upgrades to make it at par with current war fighting machines and returned them accordingly. Not to forget that we had our input for J-10 as well back then.

Pakistan don't buy something off the shelf like that. Spent every penny should worth, therefore, nothing is purchased without total satisfaction and results.
Why doesn't Pakistan consider Mi-28 or KA-50 series helis from Russia ? Why go for Mi-35s ?
I know they need replacing. They are old... but not obsolete. Still will miss them when they are gone :(
True, I wish they could be re-engines and given to the FC, but the metal fatigue and need to replace other components maybe more expensive then it’s worth. Hopefully the preserve a few and put them at cadet colleges around the country for the young men and women of the nation to look at.
Why buy Z-19s... Can't we extend the life of the Cobras to work with FC ?.... And where would you factor in the Mi-35s....

Z-19 has already been developed; especially with the MMW radar, and their commonality of parts with the navy’s Z-9 make them an ideal fit, as an affordable scout helicopter, for procurement, especially for the Pakistani Marines in littoral areas (high humidity, salt Rich air, etc).

The Cobras, IMHO, Should see life with the FC but it could cost more then they are worth considering their antiquated sensors and defenses. But even 40-48 simple attack helicopter maybe more than enough for the FC. Especially if rebuilt with the same engine and avionics as on as on the Z-10; which would be good for commonality/ease of maintenance also give an increase in horsepower.

Refurbishment of the 40-48 Helciopters with the following upgrades may actually be worth it, if Pakistan can get. A stop gap option for the PAA and a decent platform for a couple more decades for the FC. It might be better not to put any Chinese systems on these birds for political reason. Turkish Cirit rockets maybe a good option.
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At the rate the news is flowing through (lately), I won't be surprised if it turns out to be true.
It might be part of a pattern- more and more developing countries are transitioning from primarily western military equipment, to non- western equipment. They wont tolerate foreign powers leveraging them too much.
Not surprising if it happens.
The T-129 Atak is non-starter, that engine replacement will take some time.
The Zulu's Pakistan don't have the money for, even if they did I think the US would throw another spanner in the works.

Those poor girls the Cobras will soon need a push from behind by PA pilots to lift them off the ground.
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