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Pakistan finalized Z-10ME Helicopters deal with China : Journalist Sumaira Khan

So, the enemies should be able to assume no attack helicopters are available for Kashmir Or to support the FC in KPK and Baluchistan. We need our helicopters to operate all over the country, not just in the plains and deserts along the East border.

Also, if the engine power is limited, the enemy can predict which paths our helicopters must take. Just like the Apache Block III video from my earlier post; we need to be able to respond ASAP and over mountains if necessary.
No offense, but try being realistic.

There is no use case scenario for helicopters in Kashmir, they’re to support armored assaults in Punjab and Sind. FC needs their own helicopters if they’re ever going to have effective air support. The MOI needs to get on that. Many paramilitary and police forces around the world operate attack helicopters and none of them have to fight terrorists on a daily basis, instead thousands of new rifles and uniforms, a couple of attack helicopters would have been much more useful for the FC, but who’s gonna explain that to politicians?

The army cannot split its resources all the time and leave one border undefended for another. You can’t just make helicopters operate all around the country when you have limited numbers and limited roles.

The engine power was limited in the older models, it’s been resolved in the ME, it has new engines.
How many helicopters will be taken in total? Is there a determined unit cost and is there a stipulated interval as the delivery schedule? I didn't really understand much from the video.
The latest WZ10C has been replaced with a new engine

No offense, but try being realistic.

There is no use case scenario for helicopters in Kashmir, they’re to support armored assaults in Punjab and Sind. FC needs their own helicopters if they’re ever going to have effective air support. The MOI needs to get on that. Many paramilitary and police forces around the world operate attack helicopters and none of them have to fight terrorists on a daily basis, instead thousands of new rifles and uniforms, a couple of attack helicopters would have been much more useful for the FC, but who’s gonna explain that to politicians?

The army cannot split its resources all the time and leave one border undefended for another. You can’t just make helicopters operate all around the country when you have limited numbers and limited roles.

The engine power was limited in the older models, it’s been resolved in the ME, it has new engines.

It would be fine if they gave the FC the modest resources to deal with the miscreants so the Army can concentrate on the conventional adversary.

I agree, the overwhelming need for new attack helicopters is in the plains and deserts so I’m sure the army will reassess after the acquisition of the first batch what maybe needed if/when there is to be a follow on order
One more thing , Pakistan is still sticking with T-129 deal :smitten:
So that could mean these helicopters maybe a replacement for the AH-1Z; so should we expect about 15 helicopters?
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How many helicopters will be taken in total? Is there a determined unit cost and is there a stipulated interval as the delivery schedule? I didn't really understand much from the video.
Haven't heard much talks of such deal on Chinese forums before so I'm also doubtful, not to mention slow production rate of its new powerplant (WZ-9H/AES100). On one hand, as per Quwa technically PA can still get those AH-1Z at normal prices so the option is still on the table. On the other hand, PA had extended the T129 delivery window multiple times before, chances are they may renew the extension again allowing enough time to get either greenlight from US or an engine replacement.

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T 129 deal is going to be canceled tgere is no credibility even if some one asks you but you have to make calculations
Most of the video is her going off what is already known or talking about the capabilities of the Z-10. She says the T-129 deal is dead due to the engine (again, something we already knew).
She does talk about someone in the PAA having made a statement in regards to the Z-10ME purchase recently but says further details are expected and that she won’t reveal the name until they come out.
She does not confirm that the deal has been signed, just that the helicopters were reconsidered and it’s very likely they will be bought.

This is more of an explainer video about what the PAA is doing in regards to attack helicopters rather than any sort of conformation, she actually didn’t confirm any purchase specifically for the reasons of credibility which imo is admirable given how Pakistani media usually is.

That aside, PAA is very likely getting Z-10ME, there are really no other options, it’s really only a matter of time, this video doesn’t add or subtract to that since we already knew it.
Unforutnately there are no other options
T 129 deal is going to be canceled tgere is no credibility even if some one asks you but you have to make calculations
Unless PA wants to wait 10 years for the turkish engine its going to be cancelled
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