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Pakistan film industry fears 70% loss if ties with India worsen

How come Pakistani film industry will lose 70% when Pakistan does not produce much films?
More appropriate to say Pakistani cinemas and theaters...it means more people will turn to piracy...which will save valuable capital from going to India...

Where did you invent this sh1t from?
For showbiz everything is money. They dont realise that there are many things which are beyond financials.

They should look for solutions to keep the money cycle rather then relying on external sources. I remember when Indira Gandhi banned every luxury import in India and said that if you want it produce it within. Then people were cribbing but that decision is paying back to current generation. Answer is not in import of what you dont have, but to create within.
Pakistan have started producing some quality movies, a ban will further help local industry, the loss here talked about is of cinema owners, if a ban is imposed, then Bollywood will be losing a large viewer base & money, as majority will be downloading the movies they wanna see..
What kind of f**ked up bullsh!t news is this from bhartis? Truly bhartis are jabronis & have nothing better to do in their life.
What culture and mindset ?

Bringing in a **** star ................ and making her feel so insecure that she would latter refuse to film the exotic scenes with their local guys and instead would ask to do it with her husband. Basically if we look at it they were even insulted by a **** star for their culture and mindset. Jhootay aur baygairato kay sir pay seengh hotay hain kya?
And the loss to Hindia? That they won't mention and;
dignity > money/loss.

Sure it is a loss for our industry but it will sustain because the loss is manageable.

Just like a duck takes to water you folks flock to bollywood films- ban or no ban. Your previous four decade ban on Indian films did not diminish your appetite for our films. Whats to say this ban will have any effect on your viewing habits? Now instead of going to cinema they will will watch online or on DVD.

For sure it is an uneasy time for your film industry which invested in new cinema multiplexes and it attracted families in huge numbers to cinema after a long hiatus thanks largely to bollywood. I just hope your film industry will fill the gap with some good films if this ban is enforced.

Good luck buddy!. You need it more than us.
What rubbish. Many alternatives available . Pakistan should permanently ban Bollywood.
sigh, if only I realized this earlier, I wouldn't have wasted my time reading that crap

It is good that this is your best opportunity for learning curve. Look at the source before read next time. :D

And you posted news from 2008... In the end of 2016... Almost a decade old news ... Kinda pathetic .. :lol:

Heard of Pak cinema revival ? Our new releases are already competing favourably with Indian movies... So don't get your panties in a twist.

Like Pakistani dramas, Indians will be obsessed with Pakistani films with the quality of recent Pakistani movies have improved drastically whereas for the quality of Indian movies are decreasing to new lows.
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Pakistani don't watch movies. We have enough live political circus . Its more entertaining with reality.
Plus, right now few Pakistani actors are Indian film industry movers.
Ha Ha. Good one. Our politics too is more entertaining than Bollywood music.
Majority of Pakistani diaspora is Urdu speaker.

Sir , do you even know the meaning of the word " Diaspora " ?

Majority of Pakistani diaspora speak or at the very least understands English and some of them speak little or no URDU.
its very hard to understand, why this pic presents that Pakistanies deying to watch indian movies.. why cant we just translate hollywood movies and play in our cinemas instead of indian movies.
we sud ban them in Pak till we built our industry even if it takes another 100 years.
You don't even have to translate Hollywood movies. It's already being done for the Indian market. You just have to ask the distributors in India for the dubbed Hindi version.
welll lose means more opportunities for opportunistic businessmen :)
You don't even have to translate Hollywood movies. It's already being done for the Indian market. You just have to ask the distributors in India for the dubbed Hindi version.
thats why i said we need to translate it instead of third class translation in hindi medium..
Nadmin Mandiwala forgets the days when he had only nishat cinema , and they used to survive without any indian and hollywood movies even

Pakistan Film industry is suffering cause of Indian movies TBH , Film makers know they dont get slot to run there movies in cinemas , Pakistan can still survive on Hollywood movies , and in Long term Pakistan own movies
The feeling is a permanent ban on Indian movies will result in theatres, multiplexes shutting down.
Pakistan’s film industry fears it may suffer a 70 per cent business loss if India-Pakistan ties worsen and Bollywood films are banned in the country.

The fear among the industry people has been growing as they feel that if the situation does not improve, there will be calls to ban Indian films eventually.

Bollywood, Hollywood matter

“I don’t want to sound pessimistic but the truth is there has only been a boom in the cinema industry in Pakistan in the last few years because of the release of latest Bollywood and Hollywood films,” says Nadeem Mandviwalla, a known exhibitor, distributor and owner of the Atrium chain of cineplexes.

“I just hope the ties don’t remain tense on long term basis. If there is a temporary ban, we can survive but if there is any permanent ban, you can expect a lot of cinema houses and multiplexes to close down,” he says.

Omair Alavi, a popular film critic, says that due to the increase in cinema screens and revenues, there has also been a resurgence of the Pakistani film industry.

Needed: 50 to 60 films a year

“We have seen a number of Pakistani films release and do well and others are also lined up for release. But for a cinema industry to survive you need to produce at least 50 to 60 films in a year which we are not doing at present,” he says.

Mr. Mandviwalla says 70 per cent of the business comes from Bollywood and Hollywood. “There is no alternative. If the ties worsen, it is going to affect everyone,” he says. He, however, says that previously when Indian films were banned in Pakistan, business flourished underground with the sale of pirated DVDs and other such materials.

“Now you have cable operators as well but I think if there is any ban it will also affect their programming,” he says.

‘Hope there will not be a ban’

Saleem Khan, who has been in the business for years, thinks there will not be a ban but if this happenes cinema owners might have to completely wrap up their business or shut a few screens to cut costs.

“We don’t produce enough films to sustain ourselves throughout the year. We need to produce at least over 50 films annually,” he says.

Former Sindh Board of Film Censors chairman Fakhr-e-Alam says any such ban will result in “going back to the days where our screens were shut down and converted into shopping malls or apartments because there weren’t enough movies.”

He feels there is only one hope for industry people in case of a ban on Bollywood films and that is the Pakistan government must provide funds for production of films.

Option: screen old Pak. films?

Cinepax Cinemas Assistant Marketing Manager Abid Ali Zaidi says if there is a “temporary” ban, the cinema chains will manage for a while by screening old Pakistani films.

“We are already planning to do that from October as an alternative,” Mr. Zaidi said.

Since Indian films were allowed to be imported and screened the cinema industry business has picked up rapidly in Pakistan with some Bollywood blockbusters even grossing the 100-crore rupees mark in Pakistan.


LOL at the source thehindu.com

We couldn't give a sh!t about India or its entertainment industry.
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