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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

We have almost 500 AMRAAMS right? So if we have almost 70 f16s( keeping it simple for easier calculations) so it means for every f16 we have only 7 AMRAAMS and for every squadron we have almost 84 AMRAAMS ( if there are 12 f16s in a sqn) . Won't they get depleted quickly during war ( talking strictly of BVR engagements with regards to f16s and ignoring jft)? If this has been discussed earlier then please guide me to that thread
Pardon my ignorance please if I have made any mistake.
We have almost 500 AMRAAMS right? So if we have almost 70 f16s( keeping it simple for easier calculations) so it means for every f16 we have only 7 AMRAAMS and for every squadron we have almost 84 AMRAAMS ( if there are 12 f16s in a sqn) . Won't they get depleted quickly during war ( talking strictly of BVR engagements with regards to f16s and ignoring jft)? If this has been discussed earlier then please guide me to that thread
Pardon my ignorance please if I have made any mistake.

If there is a hit rate of 50% then it means that you have downed 250 enemy aircrafts. India have 272 SU-30 then if you can destroy those with the AMRAAMS who cares you don't have any more of them....
If there is a hit rate of 50% then it means that you have downed 250 enemy aircrafts. India have 272 SU-30 then if you can destroy those with the AMRAAMS who cares you don't have any more of them....
Yep I was thinking the same. Thanks
We have almost 500 AMRAAMS right? So if we have almost 70 f16s( keeping it simple for easier calculations) so it means for every f16 we have only 7 AMRAAMS and for every squadron we have almost 84 AMRAAMS ( if there are 12 f16s in a sqn) . Won't they get depleted quickly during war ( talking strictly of BVR engagements with regards to f16s and ignoring jft)? If this has been discussed earlier then please guide me to that thread
Pardon my ignorance please if I have made any mistake.
Unofficial or sometimes official pacts with our extremely friendly countries allow us to dip into their war equipment reserves in times of extreme emergency, which has also been practiced by us.
We have almost 500 AMRAAMS right? So if we have almost 70 f16s( keeping it simple for easier calculations) so it means for every f16 we have only 7 AMRAAMS and for every squadron we have almost 84 AMRAAMS ( if there are 12 f16s in a sqn) .
Actually, the No. 19 Squadron (Sherdils) based out in Bholari doesn't use or can't use Aim-120 (AMRAAMs).

We've discussed it in the past that they're mostly equipped with Aim-9 (Sidewinders).

Not sure how many F-16's they have, but you'll need to redo the Math based on that.
Actually, the No. 19 Squadron (Sherdils) based out in Bholari doesn't use or can't use Aim-120 (AMRAAMs).

We've discussed it in the past that they're mostly equipped with Aim-9 (Sidewinders).

Not sure how many F-16's they have, but you'll need to redo the Math based on that.

Not true air defense variant of f-16 can carry all aam types aim-120, aim-9m which paf has in stock
June 26, 2010 - Wg Cdr Ghazanfar Latif poses for the camera after ferrying first ever F-16 Block-52 aircraft from U.S to Pakistan. He also led the team that ferried MLU F-16s from Turkey in Feb 2012. PAF’s fleet of F-16A/B Block-15 are undergoing MLU at Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI), Turkey Completed In 2014.

Not true air defense variant of f-16 can carry all aam types aim-120, aim-9m which paf has in stock
Yeah, i'm not sure about that.

I recall not too long ago we were all going back and forth looking for images and video clips of the No. 19 having Aim-120. I'm pretty certain no one found anything.

Are these the 13 ex-Royal Jordanian F-16's? Were those capable of carrying Amraams or were those just like the Iraqi F-16's?

@airomerix @Windjammer @Hodor
Not true air defense variant of f-16 can carry all aam types aim-120, aim-9m which paf has in stock

F-16 ADFs cannot carry the Aim-120Cs that PAF has in stock. The ones we acquired from Jordan are the basic ADF versions designed to carry upto 6 AMRAAMs of the older models. We do not have the AIM-120A or B. These jets are modified Block-15s and without any upgrades are not capable of firing the AIM-120C that's why you will always see the ADFs carrying sidewinders. This issue has been repeatedly discussed on the forum.
Not true air defense variant of f-16 can carry all aam types aim-120, aim-9m which paf has in stock
Yeah, i'm not sure about that.

I recall not too long ago we were all going back and forth looking for images and video clips of the No. 19 having Aim-120. I'm pretty certain no one found anything.

Are these the 13 ex-Royal Jordanian F-16's? Were those capable of carrying Amraams or were those just like the Iraqi F-16's?

@airomerix @Windjammer @Hodor
They can yield the 120 but still carry the APG-66A variant which is not as effective in combo vs the APG-68 on the MLU’s.

The 498 Amraams are focused on the MLU and block-52 fleet letting these airframes be run up as the OCU.
F-16 ADFs cannot carry the Aim-120Cs that PAF has in stock. The ones we acquired from Jordan are the basic ADF versions designed to carry upto 6 AMRAAMs of the older models. We do not have the AIM-120A or B. These jets are modified Block-15s and without any upgrades are not capable of firing the AIM-120C that's why you will always see the ADFs carrying sidewinders. This issue has been repeatedly discussed on the forum.
The Jordanians asked for the upgrade in late 90’s - would assume the C’s are compatible with B launch protocols.
They can yield the 120 but still carry the APG-66A variant which is not as effective in combo vs the APG-68 on the MLU’s.

The 498 Amraams are focused on the MLU and block-52 fleet letting these airframes be run up as the OCU.

The Jordanians asked for the upgrade in late 90’s - would assume the C’s are compatible with B launch protocols.

Yes I do believe they did ask for upgrades but the Jordanian jets we acquired have not gone through any upgrades to enable them to carry the C's. Structurally they can carry the missile, its the firing that's not possible as the AIM120C is a significant enhancement over the previous versions.

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