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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

It is just approval but I dont believe anything more will materialise; India has firmly focused on rafael.

Dont read too much into tea leaves for now; except lobby hard for Pak's self position and posture.
With Rafale induction no room for F15EX IAF will continue LCA and Rafale for near future
Boeing has got the approval of US to offer F15-EX to India. Clear disruption of balance of power in South Asia. Double standards when it comes to us wanting more f16s or even upgrades
F16 F15 F18 all approved for india but it's india who not interested at all
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With Rafale induction no room for F15EX IAF will continue LCA and Rafale for near future

F16 F15 F18 all approved for india but it's india who not interested at all
F18 still has more chance than F-15 or f-16 will ever have. Just my 2 cents.
YES, navy migth take it
but india has cash crunch

so my guess even navy will take rafale M
Also theior Mig29 has many yrs life so no rush for F18 procurement along cash crunch as you said Rafale M make more sense when airforce is running same platform easy maintenance and training
US Senate urged to help upgrade Pakistans F-16s
By Our Correspondent

WASHINGTON, Oct 14: The US administration on Tuesday held a special briefing to persuade Senate to help finance mid-life upgrading of Pakistans ageing fleet of F-16 aircraft.

US Assistant Secretary of State Richard Boucher, who looks after South Asian affairs at the State Department, said that upgrading the F-16s would increase Pakistans effectiveness in the war against terror.

Pakistan has a total of 34 F-16s purchased mostly in the 1980s.

The US government has already accepted Pakistans request to upgrade the aircraft, equipping them with modern technology and weapon systems to make them compatible with newer versions of the F-16s. The mid-life upgrading will cost a total of $891 million. Pakistan agreed to pay $417 million and asked the United States to provide $474 million.

In July this year, the US State Department notified the committee that it had accepted Pakistans request to make available $226 million from the foreign military finance programme for upgrading the F-16s.

Initially, Pakistan had agreed to bear most of the cost but under the new arrangement the United States will provide almost half of the money needed. The State Department said the move was aimed at helping a strong ally faced with a difficult financial situation.

Initially, Pakistan had also planned to buy 36 aircraft at a cost of $5.1 billion but after the 2005 earthquake, it reduced its order to 18 aircraft.

The United States is already providing $224 million but needs Congresss permission for the remaining $250 million.

Pakistan received additional 14 F-16 A and B models under an arrangement that allowed US allies to receive excessive defence articles. The US has designated Pakistan a major non-Nato ally, a category that allows the allied nation to receive excessive defence equipment.

The White House has rejected criticism that Pakistan could only use the F-16s against its nuclear neighbour India and not against the terrorists.

The F-16s that they have are used in counter-terrorism operations. We made them available to the Pakistanis and they need to be maintained, White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said.

Administration officials have told the Senate that upgrading Pakistans ageing fleet of F-16 aircraft will dramatically reduce collateral damage and civilian casualties in Fata.

US Senate urged to help upgrade Pakistans F-16s -DAWN - Top Stories; October 15, 2008
Why reprint 12 years old news?
Sincerity of purpose leads to success, PAF is always ready to thwart any misadventure by the enemy.
Air Chief Marshal Mujahid Anwar Khan along with combat air and ground crew pose in front of the most potent symbol of Air Power, The F-16C Block 52

Sincerity of purpose leads to success, PAF is always ready to thwart any misadventure by the enemy.
Air Chief Marshal Mujahid Anwar Khan along with combat air and ground crew pose in front of the most potent symbol of Air Power, The F-16C Block 52

View attachment 712074
Love the volleyball net on the left, rear...


Sir Scroll down & check second notification in airforce section. Though isn't big deal still something is coming out.
The total contract is for $64 million something, for all the countries listed. This is probably routine support
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I hope the USA will review Afghan policy, for that they need Pak help.
So chances of AH-1z deliveries are 100% and also chances of upgradation package for F-16s fleet.
except trump proves stick alone will work
USA has several other ways to pressurize pakistan like FATF and IMF(thanks to PMLN and our educated tola we are under IMF now)

Sir Scroll down & check second notification in airforce section. Though isn't big deal still something is coming out.

Official or credible source is always appreciated as compare to a random SM account. I hope you will understand.


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