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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

Well there is some that cannot be said. However, the PAF Block 52+ contingent were more proficient comparatively to the first PAF Red Flag attendees.

And for the Falcons, the OC managed to secure a very quick kill against a USAF Aggressor, flown by an ex-PAF pilot. Some moves stay in muscle memory.
Ah the good old ex-PAF I wonder how they make the transitions.....any how lets say he got what he deserved.
Sounds like a dream job...
Not only does it sound like it but it is.....besides all the paper work a boat load of paper work.
JF-17 test pilot and former PAF Viper driver. He was flying a USAF Aggressor Viper during that Red Flag.

The first two PAF tests pilots were S/L Muhammad Ehsan-ul-Haq (Air Cdre) and S/L Rashid Habib (Air Cdre later) that flew the JF-17 for the first time in China in 2004.

It must be one of the latter ones you mention. Flying as an aggressor pilot got to be one of the best gigs
The first two PAF tests pilots were S/L Muhammad Ehsan-ul-Haq (Air Cdre) and S/L Rashid Habib (Air Cdre later) that flew the JF-17 for the first time in China in 2004.

It must be one of the latter ones you mention. Flying as an aggressor pilot got to be one of the best gigs
No he has a Christian name. He was also a JF-17 display pilot.
Boeing has got the approval of US to offer F15-EX to India. Clear disruption of balance of power in South Asia. Double standards when it comes to us wanting more f16s or even upgrades
Boeing has got the approval of US to offer F15-EX to India. Clear disruption of balance of power in South Asia. Double standards when it comes to us wanting more f16s or even upgrades
It is just approval but I dont believe anything more will materialise; India has firmly focused on rafael.

Dont read too much into tea leaves for now; except lobby hard for Pak's self position and posture.
With J10 coming PAF has called the day on f16s

I doubt any new will procured or even used one(doubt usa will let us and doubt it benfits post j10/block 3 aesa and lack of future updates)

My guess PAF will keep them till 2035-2040 and will get them replaced by azm.

With current environment congress wont be able to pass any aid packages either

We should simply lobby for excetive actions for pakistan benefits and get USA out of afghan and lobby for peace in afghanistan
I hope the USA will review Afghan policy, for that they need Pak help.
So chances of AH-1z deliveries are 100% and also chances of upgradation package for F-16s fleet.

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