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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

It is fairly obvious you have little idea about the level of technological acheivment China has achieved in the military sphere. Let me enlighten you by using the words of The Pentagon


Americans are monsters clothed in teddy bear clothing---.

When they decide to destroy someone---they start to put them on a pedestal---they start to prep and prepare their civilians to get ready for war and be prepared to see the enemy killed destroyed and annihilated---.

This nation has killed more muslims in the last 18 years than the invasion of the mongols---.

Never in the history of the world so many people made homeless---their civilizations destroyed by a well educated and learned people like the americans---.

Chinese have yet to learn killing of nations at the scale of the americans---.

Americans have killed over a 100 million native american and no one knows about it---.

Youngman---I have forgotten more than many of your well learned people will ever be able to learn and understand.
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Americans are monsters clothed in teddy bear clothing---.

When they decide to destroy someone---they start to put them on a pedestal---they start to prep and prepare their civilians to get ready for war and be prepared to see the enemy killed destroyed and annihilated---.

This nation has killed more muslims in the last 18 years than the invasion of the mongols---.

Never in the history of the world so many people made homeless---their civilizations destroyed by a well educated and learned people like the americans---.

Chinese have yet to learn killing of nations at the scale of the americans---.

Americans have killed over a 100 million native american and no one knows about it---.

Youngman---I have forgotten more than many of your well learned people will ever be able to learn and understand.

I am 44 now, but thank you for the young man compliment.

Try sticking to the debate on Chinese military tech innovation.

You are right about US destroying many countries but that is another argument. Pakistan's 500,000 strong world class army and nuclear weapons are the main reasons US tanks are not parked outside my ancestral village in Rawalpindi district.....
It is fairly obvious you have little idea about the level of technological acheivment China has achieved in the military sphere. Let me enlighten you by using the words of The Pentagon

This is pentagon trying to get budget increase. Even China knows they have not surpassed USA, not even closed. However, they are more than capable of defending themselves against any adversary even USA due to home advantage but cant beat USA, at a neutral battle zone.
This is pentagon trying to get budget increase. Even China knows they have not surpassed USA, not even closed. However, they are more than capable of defending themselves against any adversary even USA due to home advantage but cant beat USA, at a neutral battle zone.

Usually these reports to overblow enemy capabilities but in some areas Chinese have excelled. Namely avionics, air to air missiles, anti-carrier missiles and increasingly avionics. Granted much of this tech may have been stolen from the US, but regardless if how it has been acquired, in many areas now China has already surpassed US.
I am 44 now, but thank you for the young man compliment.

Try sticking to the debate on Chinese military tech innovation.

You are right about US destroying many countries but that is another argument. Pakistan's 500,000 strong world class army and nuclear weapons are the main reasons US tanks are not parked outside my ancestral village in Rawalpindi district.....


Don't dwell on the 500K strong and nucs---.

American "Payroll" goes far and deep in pakistan.

Don't dwell on the 500K strong and nucs---.

American "Payroll" goes far and deep in pakistan.
Partially agreed but as an institution it still much stronger and majority of core commanders might have influence but not on payroll.

Afghanistan war, instance on Kashmir,CPEC and nuclear / missile program is testamonial to the fact that majority of core commanders are out of control of americans.

Americans are monsters clothed in teddy bear clothing---.

Americans are monsters FULL STOP, END

their existence is based on occupying land, all their major wars have been based upon lies. They will lie, deceit and will even eat their own shit when it comes to their own interests.

Unfortunately history is told by either the winners or by the literates and they have edge on both ends. Enforcing freedom is their favorite pass time and since their existence they literally always have been in one war or another. This aura of superiority is drilled in them since they are born.
Am I in the wrong thread, where is F16 discussion? Another TH claiming f16 upgrade and acquisition. Can anyone verify or deny this news?
This was the last update from 2019:

Booz Allen Hamilton Inc., McLean, Virginia, has been awarded a not-to-exceed $9,111,111 predominantly firm-fixed-price undefinitized contract to provide technical security team support services in support of the Pakistan F-16 program. Work will be performed in Pakistan and is expected to be complete by June 18, 2020. This contract involves 100% foreign military sales to Pakistan. This award is the result of a sole-source acquisition. Foreign military sales funds of $4,464,444 are being obligated at the time of award. The Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Air Force Security Assistance and Cooperation Directorate, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, is the contracting activity (FA8630-20-C-5020).
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This was the last update from 2019:

Booz Allen Hamilton Inc., McLean, Virginia, has been awarded a not-to-exceed $9,111,111 predominantly firm-fixed-price undefinitized contract to provide technical security team support services in support of the Pakistan F-16 program. Work will be performed in Pakistan and is expected to be complete by June 18, 2020. This contract involves 100% foreign military sales to Pakistan. This award is the result of a sole-source acquisition. Foreign military sales funds of $4,464,444 are being obligated at the time of award. The Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Air Force Security Assistance and Cooperation Directorate, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, is the contracting activity (FA8630-20-C-5020).
amazing.... to have a monitoring service that you must pay. middle finger to who ever buys US products.
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