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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

The fact that the news came out that the ADF are unable to fire the AMRAAM, means exactly that they can fire them - as if they couldn't, it would have been kept as a state secret.

It is not a big deal, just a software update. I remember during the sanction years Pak had hacked the F-16's FCS and avionics even, and was doing funny things with them as an experiment.

There is no need to keep a state secret about something that is widely known to anyone who can google ADF F-16s and their capabilities. News came out because the individual units of ADFs we bought from Jordan are all OCU versions of the earliest blocks and did not go through any MLU upgrades.They can fire the previous AMRAAM versions but not the ones we have.

Also, its not as simple as merely tweaking with the FCS. Technology has vastly improved since the 90s and we cannot experiment with our F-16s which carries risk of stoppage of spares and maintenance support. We also needed MLU upgrades at TAI for our own in order to enable them to fire the AMRAAM.
There is no need to keep a state secret about something that is widely known to anyone who can google ADF F-16s and their capabilities. News came out because the individual units of ADFs we bought from Jordan are all OCU versions of the earliest blocks and did not go through any MLU upgrades.They can fire the previous AMRAAM versions but not the ones we have.

Also, its not as simple as merely tweaking with the FCS. Technology has vastly improved since the 90s and we cannot experiment with our F-16s which carries risk of stoppage of spares and maintenance support. We also needed MLU upgrades at TAI for our own in order to enable them to fire the AMRAAM.

FCS has nothing to do with AMRAAM firing ability. That probably shows you aren't quite sure about what you are talking about. Anyways, people can have differing opinions.

My view is that the news of PAF F-16s not being able to fire AMRAAMs was released by the PAF. They could have simply left it ambiguous. (Did they come with the old Amraams? Did it receive a software update by LM? etc would have allowed ambiguity to play in PAF's favour.

The fact they made it crystal clear simply shows they are AMRAAM capable now. It's a rational and logic based conclusion. I'm having to make the same point again but if someone read my previous post and was intelligent enough to understand it, they would have gotten the argument the first time around.

Secondly, the fact that PAF could tweak its non MLU F-16s in the 1990s, which were close to tech level of the ADF also cannot be brushed aside with random comments about a completely different issue - tinkering with the present generation or MLU'ed F-16s. That is a different ball game and one would only use such an argument either because they don't understand tech, or they are just being deliberately disingenious.
FCS has nothing to do with AMRAAM firing ability. That probably shows you aren't quite sure about what you are talking about. Anyways, people can have differing opinions.

My view is that the news of PAF F-16s not being able to fire AMRAAMs was released by the PAF. They could have simply left it ambiguous. (Did they come with the old Amraams? Did it receive a software update by LM? etc would have allowed ambiguity to play in PAF's favour.

The fact they made it crystal clear simply shows they are AMRAAM capable now. It's a rational and logic based conclusion. I'm having to make the same point again but if someone read my previous post and was intelligent enough to understand it, they would have gotten the argument the first time around.

Secondly, the fact that PAF could tweak its non MLU F-16s in the 1990s, which were close to tech level of the ADF also cannot be brushed aside with random comments about a completely different issue - tinkering with the present generation or MLU'ed F-16s. That is a different ball game and one would only use such an argument either because they don't understand tech, or they are just being deliberately disingenious.
No such news was released by PAF dude. It's people on the forum here, including myself that read up on it and corroborated with pictorial evidence showing that the ADFs only carrying AIM-9s.
There are other circumstances as well surrounding the transfers of these in the first place that I am guessing points to the lack of this capability in these jets. Jordan transferred/sold these jets to us (on US behest, since USN didn't want to give up on their birds) while it was buying MLU F-16s from Europe. It made sense for them too to standardize their fleet. PAF choose not to upgrade these jets for whatever reason (maybe age of the jets, changing US-Pak relationship around that time, or finances) but there is no hidden conspiracy on part of the PAF.
And PAF can not tweak any fcs systems on its own without major repercussions so not worth it for a handful of jets (that's assuming it even has the capability to do so).
its fan art made by me so dont jump around


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Are we seeing F-16s take the same route as our mirages (MRF)? On one hand I wouldn't be surprised, on the other don't know how feasible it is.
no, unless uncle sam let us..which they wont, because if they do it will seriously hurt India

imagine us gathering 200-300 f16s..

india will need a lot of 4th gn fighters to counter that
The fact that the news came out that the ADF are unable to fire the AMRAAM, means exactly that they can fire them - as if they couldn't, it would have been kept as a state secret.

It is not a big deal, just a software update. I remember during the sanction years Pak had hacked the F-16's FCS and avionics even, and was doing funny things with them as an experiment.

Very true, often even denial can mean that there's something more to it than meets the eye or that the opposite is true.
So, is there any development to add some old Jordian F16 into fleet.
New ones are hard to obtained from USA. even we couldn't get 8 F-16 approved for us.
whats the reason ?
Strengthening Pakistan do not fit in the overall strategy, there is not even a short term goal associated with Pakistan at this point. Any help needed in Afghanistan can be extracted by FATF threat.

Responsibility goes to Pakistan's leadership, they are unable to barter their services.
Nothing more is coming from US anymore.. Shift in geopolitics and national interests of both Pakistan and US in the region
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