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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

high profile ECS Exhaust port

Pakistani F-16 MLU - Zone-Five Aircraft Modeling Forums

Is this an APU exhaust?
The f16 is designed as lightweight air superiority fighter. It evolved into multirole. But even then the need for more then two BVR is almost zero. If optimized one used two BVR in outer stations first. Then moved in to do the job with AIM9. After that it was either being killed or time to save plane and pilot. Adding 4 or even 6 BVR on such plane is just adding penalty during the actual combat. Bigger planes an handle the drag and have bigger radar. So can stay out of range and use maybe 4 BVR... Here you have the F15...

Those dual racks are a hell for the agility cause your G load is down to 5... You do not want that during do or die dogfight. The next to the intake BVR station is a hell for the engine. There are more then a few planes that suffered engine problems after launching.
Pakistani F-16s carrying DB-110 pods have flown over a thousand missions and been very effective at spotting Taliban camps and units of Taliban themselves.
Pakistani F-16s carrying DB-110 pods have flown over a thousand missions and been very effective at spotting Taliban camps and units of Taliban themselves.

I hope that they are not just spotting them but bombing their sorry a$$es to hell as well!
Item 1: 36 New F-16 Block 50/52s – $3 billion

PAF F-16D Block 52
(click to view full)
The Government of Pakistan has requested a possible sale of up to 36 F-16C Block 50 and F-16D Block 52 two-seater aircraft – a buy of 18 jets, with an option for another 18. The total value, if all options are exercised, could be as high as $3 billion.

Having 18 more Block 52s will definitely give us more BVR capability, strike and boost in regional Air power.
Any chances of practicing this option......?
Having 18 more Block 52s will definitely give us more BVR capability, strike and boost in regional Air power.
Any chances of practicing this option......?

99% no. Block-52s were just a force-multiplier, used to fill the time gap till J-10s arrive.
99% no. Block-52s were just a force-multiplier, used to fill the time gap till J-10s arrive.

Bro, neither we have 36 F-16 / B-52 nor FC-20 / J-10 arriving any soon or possibly never.
Why are you kept on saying that we have 36 block 52s while we never saw any proof for that.
Bro, neither we have 36 F-16 / B-52 nor FC-20 / J-10 arriving any soon or possibly never.
Why are you kept on saying that we have 36 block 52s while we never saw any proof for that.

I didn't say anything about having 36 Block 52s. It was misinterpret. I always said that there are 36 new hangars at PAF Base Shahbaz and initial deal was for 36 Block 52s, which means we could again go for 18 more, but which is highly unlikely so for now.
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