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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

I think it was far better for PAF to go for about 57 new Block-52s(25 Cs and 32 Ds models with 7 Ds for CSS for enhance training) along with negotiating about 28 old F-16s and 21 from Venuezvella in 2002 and made a deal at that time and also for the upgrade of all the 80 F-16s in Turkey. So the condition now would be quite different.

IF THEY HAVE ARRIVED when did they arrive CAUSE offically there are only 3 F16 sqds in service

2 block a/b ie 44 MLU and 1 sdq of block 52 to date

IF THEY HAVE ARRIVED when did they arrive CAUSE offically there are only 3 F16 sqds in service

2 block a/b ie 44 MLU and 1 sdq of block 52 to date

No deal yet reached for them. So they aren't arriving anytime soon.

For now 45 olders ones with upgrades going on and 18 Blk 52s.
I HAVE OFTEN QUOTED PAF F16 complement to be 63 F16s in total. ONLY TO BE SHOT DOWN by patriotic members telling me its 77 or even 86

Never understood WHERE 86 came from
I HAVE OFTEN QUOTED PAF F16 complement to be 63 F16s in total. ONLY TO BE SHOT DOWN by patriotic members telling me its 77 or even 86

Never understood WHERE 86 came from

So far i have never seen the sanner patriotic members claim the 86 figure, we all agree with the 63 figure.

May be the ones quoting 86 are as patriotic as you are :)
DONT mean to rude

BUT PAF need A BIG INJECTION OF BLOCK 52s or FC20 in the near future....

EVEN IF RAFALE NEVER COMES THE upgraded MIRAGE2000- 5 with 52 planes & over 100 mig29/mig29k would be a major headache for 63 F16 & 50 JF17 block 1

the 170 su30mki takes THINGS to another level completely....

for me the F16/52 REMAINS the single MOST LIKELY WORTHY deterrant to the IAF that PAF can get.

BUT THEY NEED TO IRON OUT THEIR DIFFERENCES WITH USA and get the additonal 14 MLU F16 & 18 BLOCK 52s options.

what are they waiting for ???
DONT mean to rude

BUT PAF need A BIG INJECTION OF BLOCK 52s or FC20 in the near future....

EVEN IF RAFALE NEVER COMES THE upgraded MIRAGE2000- 5 with 52 planes & over 100 mig29/mig29k would be a major headache for 63 F16 & 50 JF17 block 1

the 170 su30mki takes THINGS to another level completely....

for me the F16/52 REMAINS the single MOST LIKELY WORTHY deterrant to the IAF that PAF can get.

BUT THEY NEED TO IRON OUT THEIR DIFFERENCES WITH USA and get the additonal 14 MLU F16 & 18 BLOCK 52s options.

what are they waiting for ???

Waiting for money and the time when differences with US end (which may never)
I believe Paf will opt for aesa radars in the future.

F-16's with aesa radars?

Your thoughts?
Not so soon, as of now PAF is satisfied with 54 APG-63[V]9.

I know not any time soon. I was thinking early 2020's.

Also, if the U.S. (for some reason) is not willing to offer us their Aesa systems is it possible to fit a Chinese or European Aesa system onto the birds? Similar to some of our f-7's.
Also, if the U.S. (for some reason) is not willing to offer us their Aesa systems is it possible to fit a Chinese or European Aesa system onto the birds? Similar to some of our f-7's.

SELIX Vixen 1000E could be the option in the future or anything further developed but still US approval would be required to upgrade F-16s.
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