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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

Boss in action..........................

The Ideal Office.
An Iconic image of PAF F-16 during a low level flight.
A USAF pilot described his experience of flying F-16 with unrestricted view as riding on top of a Telegraph post. He said, ''every time i lit the afterburner, it felt as if it's going away from under me''.
Credit: HFK

V-upgrade extends airframe life ?
No it does not. There are separate structural upgrades for F-16s which all users have already completed/opted for over the lives of their fleets. There is also an ongoing F-16 Aircraft Structural Integrity Program (ASIP) that monitors fatigue and cracks in various components such as wings etc.
V upgrade is strictly for avionics/radar/ew etc
V-upgrade extends airframe life ?
No it does not. There are separate structural upgrades for F-16s which all users have already completed/opted for over the lives of their fleets. There is also an ongoing F-16 Aircraft Structural Integrity Program (ASIP) that monitors fatigue and cracks in various components such as wings etc.
V upgrade is strictly for avionics/radar/ew etc
The airframe life extension upgrades were FALCON-UP, FALCON-STAR and ASIP. Countries upgrading their F16s to V standard usually get those as well.

I believe one of these Packages were included in the upgrades our F16s received in turkey recently (along with their avionics upgrades). So they should still have life left in them. (43 F16s were upgraded, that’s all of them except ADF and C/D variants)
however I’m not 100% if they got the life extensions so do take it with a grain of salt.
The airframe life extension upgrades were FALCON-UP, FALCON-STAR and ASIP. Countries upgrading their F16s to V standard usually get those as well.

I believe one of these Packages were included in the upgrades our F16s received in turkey recently (along with their avionics upgrades). So they should still have life left in them. (43 F16s were upgraded, that’s all of them except ADF and C/D variants)
however I’m not 100% if they got the life extensions so do take it with a grain of salt.
From the little that I know, these 41 (or 43 according to some) aircraft received The radar and avionics package from Block 52+ However they did not get the option to mount CFTs, spinal EW (which itself is an option not all C/Ds have) or the extra hard point. They also received structural modernization.

If this is true, this would leave the 13(?) ADF fighters as the only ones in PAF inventory that aren’t Modernized (those are the ones from Jordan or did they come from elsewhere?)
So, this past week I spent 5 awesome days at the DxB Air Show & was fortunate to hang out with guys from the 55th Fighter Squadron (USAF) & the 176 Fighter Squadron (Air National Guard).

During our conversations I brought up something that isn't just something that is misunderstood in our parts, but shockingly has cast a doubt in other parts of the World (including the US).

Even though I knew the answer, but thought i'd ask for their view on...

Is it the (Fighting) Falcon or the Viper?

The answer was quite obvious, but one of 'em gave me the link to a video C.W. Lemoine did a while back, & I thought i'd shorten it to get the message through.

The question came up 'cause I drew a lot attention from some idiots as to why I used the term 'Viper' in my recent F-16 video - since according to them: Pakistan does not have Vipers

I know had I of gone about saying that all F-16's are Vipers regardless what Block they are or if they've gone through a MLU.

Anyways, I hope this will clear up any doubt for certain individuals on: The Viper

@Bilal Khan (Quwa) @Hodor @Windjammer @The Eagle @GriffinsRule @HRK @iLION12345_1 @mingle @Nomad40 @Path-Finder @The Raven @Zarvan @ziaulislam
Danish Defence to sell ageing fighter jets in anticipation of new fleet arriving

F-16s have ten years on the clock and could command a price of 100 million kroner each

The F-16s can still put on a good show, so they won’t be cheap! (photo: Slaunger)
November 11th, 2021 1:51 pm| by Marius Rolland
Danish Defence is making plans to sell 24 of its 43 F-16 fighter jets before 2025 in anticipation of receiving its full contingent of F-35s.
For the last four months, Danish personnel have been testing four of the new planes in Arizona, and all 27 should be based on Danish soil by 2027.

The F-16s have another ten years on the clock, and it is believed they are worth 100 million kroner each(11.24 million Dollars). All revenue from the sales will be reinvested in the defence budget.
One potential buyer …
Turkey has emerged as a potential buyer, although that would have various complications.
The country was ousted by the US from the F-35 distribution program following statements by President Erdogan that he wanted to develop a military collaboration with Russia.
The buyer of the F-16s must be approved by Parliament, after which the Ministry of Justice will issue an export licence. And then the deal will need to be legally validated by the US, where the supplier Lockheed Martin is based.
The old guard still in action
Denmark’s F-16s are currently on their final deployment.
Since September, they have been based at the Šiauliai airbase in Lithuania, where they will continue to operate for another two months monitoring activity in the Baltic States.
The mission has so far resulted in the interception of 18 military aircraft attempting to penetrate the airspace borders of NATO member states.

dame Cheap if the only US approved.
who said Turkey is potential buyer? those aircrafts are junk, need to park nearest junkyard, if you buy them you need to upgrade them and pay millions more, why does Turkey need them? we have 238 f16 and they are younger , much more capable
who said Turkey is potential buyer? those aircrafts are junk, need to park nearest junkyard, if you buy them you need to upgrade them and pay millions more, why does Turkey need them? we have 238 f16 and they are younger , much more capable

Turkey will not but used fighter. Turkey will upgrade 140 towards V standard and buy another 40 F-16V if usa approve. This reporter maybe eating taking weed while reporting.

So anyone worked in industry will know ,all Oem perhaps and I know Lockheed Martin as being one has supply chain system which has complete inventory and parts etc

Plus US ITAR, DSCA audits And monitoring for all US supplied equipment around the world , you cannot hide

Layman may not know so for local consumption IAF can do anything 😉

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