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Pakistan Election Day: 11 May 2013, updates.

Keep Tobe 2nd ! If It Makes You Happy Bt Can That Change Anything In Pakistan No?
So TuQ Was Right, Its Just Proven Now, With Crooked ÈCP, You Cant Hve Fair & Unrigged Elections?
Just Accept Elections Werent Rigged, or Accept PTI Has Lost fairly & Peoples Of Pakistan Dont Want A Unexperinced Cricketer , & A Former Playboy To Be Thier PM, or Tell Me TuQ Was Right, & ElecTions Were Massily Rigged ? & PTI Should Hve Joinned Him The time He Was Protesting?
Both Ways Its means You & ik & PTI Has Lost, peoples Dont Think About Number 2 Or 3, They Only Concern About Number 1?
So Plz Come Out Of Ìk,s Uttopia Of Revolution in Pakistan By Vote, Instead Stop Supporting Damocrazy!

Lol, you still talking ****? Seriously, don't put works into other peoples mouths, "Drak night" haha.

When it comes to government and Parliament, second place does matter. Second place is official opposition, which has the power to keep the government in check and influence parliamentary votes.

PTI came in second place, and obviously people were afraid of IK's inexperience, but this "play boy" still ended up becoming Pakistan's official opposition, the second largest party.

TuQ wouldn't even win 10 seats, which is why Qadri didn't participate in the elections. Were they rigged? Certainly there were irregularities and some vote rigging, but most of it was free and fair, with foreign observers saying that it was the freest elections Pakistan has experienced, with a 60% turnout (a new record for Pakistan).

Also, PTI is going to form a government in KPK, and is set to win Baluchistan. So you need to keep quiet "Drak knight", because you have no idea what you're talking about.
Some excellent analysis on election by Sohail Veriach on Geo right now.
Crazy imran khan suppoter - Look what he writes on ballot paper

I vote for Imran Khan! So what if there is no one competing from my area? Nobody can stop me from voting for Imran Khan!
Kon bachayega Pakistan? Imran khan Imran Khan!


Ab kon bachayega Pakistan :P Sher ???? ;)
O bhai can somebody update me on NA-250, NA 125, Hanif Abbasi halqa, Shah Mehmood Qureshi and Sheeda Talli?
For all the PTI supporters who are disappointed and think they've wasted their vote and time, think again!

1) Totally wiped out PPP from punjab...
2) Totally wiped out ANP from KPK...
3) Claimed KPK prov assembly
4) Strong Opp in NA
5) Started the big change of"voting for a party"instead of a"Candidate"..
6) Posed the Governments in times to come that if they don't deliver they will be washed out!
The change has just started my dear pakistanis... This will go very far in positive directions in times to come!
Huge changes are here!
So don't lose heart and Accept democracy with a Big heart... Be patriotic be a responsible Pakistani we are not Pathan , not Punjabi , not Mahajir , Not Balochi , not sindhi

Azizi (Sohail Ahmad): https://www.facebook.com/Azizi4you
These elections are huge disappointment, everybody knew PML-N was winning & I have been saying this since day one when the alliance was formed & the deals were made between PPP & PML-N.

These elections were rigged in simple words, just look at Karachi open rigging & same thing happened in Punjab.

Rigging -Footage of polling station in Karachi: must watch

There is so much more but it is clear that these elections were pre-planned already years ago & PML-N was coming.
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Well you have to think about it, it is a good thing that PTI only got KPK and not centre.

Now we can prove that PTI can do good governance by showing performance in KPK while giving N league tough time through opposition.

ANd majority of the PTI candidates who have lost haven't been totally routed (well except Ibrar Ul Haq!), the difference has been of around 10k votes to 25k votes....
For all the PTI supporters who are disappointed and think they've wasted their vote and time, think again!

1) Totally wiped out PPP from punjab...
2) Totally wiped out ANP from KPK...
3) Claimed KPK prov assembly
4) Strong Opp in NA
5) Started the big change of"voting for a party"instead of a"Candidate"..
6) Posed the Governments in times to come that if they don't deliver they will be washed out!
The change has just started my dear pakistanis... This will go very far in positive directions in times to come!
Huge changes are here!
So don't lose heart and Accept democracy with a Big heart... Be patriotic be a responsible Pakistani we are not Pathan , not Punjabi , not Mahajir , Not Balochi , not sindhi

Azizi (Sohail Ahmad): https://www.facebook.com/Azizi4you

What kuta Nawaz is dreaming now & so far it is coming true is that he wants to win heavily so that he does not need to form any alliance with any party, he said this last night as well. He said the same in 90's "I have won with heavy mandate, no one can touch me" today he wants the same thing. So the people who say kuta Nawaz has changed well this statements clears everything up that he is the same just like a twisted dog's tail which can never be straightened.
کاش میں بھی پٹھان ہوتا
تو آج میرا بھی لیڈر عمران ہوتا
(آج کے لیے ایک نوجوان پنجابی کی آرزو )

Azizi (Sohail Ahmad) :https://www.facebook.com/Azizi4you
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