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Pakistan doesn't believe in camp politics: Gen Bajwa

I hope the army is balancing optics and backing the right people behind the scenes. Lets see.
If they really are playing 5th generation warfare, I sincerely hope to Allah that they are with Pakistan. If they aren't, may Allah save them from the wrath that is the Pakistani awam.
Either they are playing American game of Good cop bad cop back on Americans.
Or it's a major defection from the Gov official policy of neutrality based relations.
We will know soon.
please enlighten us ohh the mighty white knight how India is not a democratic country?

Large parts of population are basicly on slave level. Caste system is still rampant. 75% of population are completly cut off any participation in public life. India is a proto democracy with democratic tendencies but still extreme shortcomings.
Western Nations typically look for Policy Announcement from Civilian Governments , in their inner circle they don't value anything a Military Leader states seriously.

In context of Pakistan they make exception because it keeps Pakistan in a stalled position globally (Just on the edge of becoming developed and Developing)

USA changed their General when he objected to US policy in Afghanistan
that was the general behavior there.

Honorable General Bajwa needs to understand the respect you have with your public is due to your Service to Country , not due to your efforts for Political Statements to foreigners who don't value your opinion

Help Make Pakistan Strong by putting back power in hand of people

Help , move country to new elections - Thank you

No need to explain anything to foreigners, you will be wasting your energies by engaging foreign entities because behind the scene they will simply say , Pakistan has no strong civilian government
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Nobody have objection to PM Imran Khan's visit to Russia.

Russia invaded Ukraine while Pakistani delegation was there. This development created BAD OPTICS for Pakistan.

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For general knowledge: Americans had globally announced that Russia will invade Ukraine on 01-12-2021 - why wasn't this INTEL taken seriously?

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Pakistan Army warmed up to Russia under Pervez Musharraf. PAK - Russia relations are advancing at their own pace since.

Please do keep in mind that Russians have to accommodate Indians in their calculus as well.

Pakistan wants to build bilateral relations with Russia but this relationship should NOT be TAINTED with BAD OPTICS.

Russians should learn to RESPECT Pakistan's concerns as well. COAS Bajwa's statement FITS in this context.

Clear enough?

Ukraine is a friendly country to Pakistan - one of the suppliers of equipment and technologies. WE should show NO concern for Ukraine at all?

COAS Bajwa have also CAUTIONED India in his speech.
You may have arguments for and against the choices made by IK on foreign policy. But i seriously hope you are not justifying US managed regime change in Pakistan currently very much in process??
I expected such a stance by Mr. Bajwa, after Americans paid him visit couple of days ago. After all his family and relatives are in USA. So that statement of Imran about having business outside country doesn’t apply to political figures only but generals are also included.
Won’t call him general no more as he failed to serve the country. He betrayed the country y inviting neighbor country for dialogue when they broke international laws. So disappointed today.
tell me you dont know anything about india without telling me you know anything about india , also pretty rich coming from a euronazi, slavery was not even practiced or part of culture of subcontinent its only white man's burden , there is no such thing as caste system the word caste itself is derived from castas a Portuguese word which colonizers used to spin a narrative after all mighty white race needed to spin a narrative to enslave brown people and act like harbinger of civilization , the voting turnout in india in last election itself was more than 60% and you're telling 75% dont have any participation

typical ignorant white trash who thinks they know everything but what can you expect from euronazi after all we don't have blue eyes and blond hairs

Doesnt look democratic to me


It says certain groups of people are mistreated in extreme ways.

Not that i care about it. India is none of our business. Im not one of those who wants rescue the world.
Excellent statement from Bajwa. Which reassures world that we are neutral and we as a nation don’t believe in joker Niazi and his third class views.
I am sure Gen Bajwa had enjoyed his time in so called Naya Pakistan lol, It’s time to correct your mistake Sir, embarrass this joker on every forum.
If you are talking about Army being triggered by Imran objecting to appointment of new ISI chief for a while, Army really has to be some soyboy with sensitive ego to make that an issue, even after successfully convincing Imran. This is some next level snowflakery if they are triggered by a difference of opinion with Government. If that is the case they deserve the shit they get for interfering in politics. Here was Imran fully behind the Idea of a hybrid sort of system, and Army back stabbed him if they really are onboard with Americans and their vessels who are ready to be polish American shoes.
You dont understand the mindset of these generals because these people think us civilians as literal keerei makorei and call us bloody civilians. Have all the facilities in the world for their officers while charge the civilians premium to get same facilities. It is something huge for them if a civilian tries to challenge the army even at one particular instance saying he should be the one appointing DG ISI as it comes under his jurisdiction, these generals cant take this disrespect from insects.
I can post dozens of these images from both greece or germany or US so it makes it undemocratic ??

democracy simply means cointunous and fair election process and india is shining hallmark and pioneer in conducting free and fairs elections(read EVM) without a single military coup , can you tell me the record of germany or greece? pretty sure hitler wasnt democratically elected.

ofcourse india is a poor country but that has nothing to do with conducting free and fair elections 90% of india's population was below poverty in 1947 and today it is less than 15% pf india's population and surely we will improve it further.

also democracy is highly overrated just look at the amazing progress of china and no one can change regime in china

There are no such places in Germany and Greece. India has extreme poverty on a level that max out what some can endure.

But as i said, India is none of our business. I dont care how others run their country as long it doesnt affect us.

P.s. Hitler was indeed democraticly elected in 1933.
Under what capacity does he have a right to make foreign policy statements. Not even the constitution permits this.

Don't get me wrong I'm a staunch supporter for the Army but this has to STOP, Every tom dick and harry from overseas should not be allowed to mingle with our military.

Foreign policy statements should come from the people responsible, The head of state or the foreign office,
I don't think it's a bad speech. But these parchi speeches need to go, they lose credibility and strength in the message.

I still think the army is with Imran Khan because unlike others at least he is honest and passionate.

By the way, instead of saying "Russian aggression must be stopped immediately, etc".

Army chief should have said,

"Pakistan supports a quick resolution to the conflict through dialogue instead of an armed conflict. And Pakistan can not condone any aggression anywhere. ", "Pakistan also does not believe in being part of any camp and is only interested in actions which serve the benefit of Pakistan, its friends and the global world as a whole."

I see Zalmay Khalilzad in the crowd, and he met Army chief a few days ago I believe, so something might have been said who knows. At the end of the day, Pakistan army's job is to protect the idea of Pakistan an independent and free land in the subcontinent where the Muslims can not be overshadowed by a majority, be it English or the Hindu majority India- the vision forwarded by Quaid and his allies.

If the Army allows an elected head of state to be disposed on the basis of a foreign regime change, then the Army is failing to do its job and is borderline treacherous. The army is not different from Pakistan but its backbone and for that the Chief executive of Pakistan can not be disposed by anyone outside the will of people inside of Pakistan.

I hope the military leadership already realizes that. That the military is not bigger than Pakistan, yet it is a part of it and meant to serve it.
I don't think it's a bad speech. But these parchi speeches need to go, they lose credibility and strength in the message.

I still think the army is with Imran Khan because unlike others at least he is honest and passionate.

By the way, instead of saying "Russian aggression must be stopped immediately, etc".

Army chief should have said,

"Pakistan supports a quick resolution to the conflict through dialogue instead of an armed conflict. And Pakistan can not condone any aggression anywhere. ", "Pakistan also does not believe in being part of any camp and is only interested in actions which serve the benefit of Pakistan, its friends and the global world as a whole."

I see Zalmay Khalilzad in the crowd, and he met Army chief a few days ago I believe, so something might have been said who knows. At the end of the day, Pakistan army's job is to protect the idea of Pakistan an independent and free land in the subcontinent where the Muslims can not be overshadowed by a majority, be it English or the Hindu majority India- the vision forwarded by Quaid and his allies.

If the Army allows an elected head of state to be disposed on the basis of a foreign regime change, then the Army is failing to do its job and is borderline treacherous. The army is not different from Pakistan but its backbone and for that the Chief executive of Pakistan can not be disposed by anyone outside the will of people inside of Pakistan.

I hope the military leadership already realizes that. That the military is not bigger than Pakistan, yet it is a part of it and meant to serve it.
Candor. They need it. Also why the Army is at the receiving end of a lot of insults today. Unless this whole thing is smokes and mirrors and is meant as 5th gen warfare on awam to expose traitors.
So he went against what Imran said regarding neutrality and no siding with anyone.

Yeh watan tomara hai , ham to khamakha iss mein .....

Overall, this statement from Bajwa shouldn't have been given, it's a reversal of IK policy.
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