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Pakistan doesn't believe in camp politics: Gen Bajwa

tell me you dont know anything about india without telling me you know anything about india , also pretty rich coming from a euronazi, slavery was not even practiced or part of culture of subcontinent its only white man's burden , there is no such thing as caste system the word caste itself is derived from castas a Portuguese word which colonizers used to spin a narrative after all mighty white race needed to spin a narrative to enslave brown people and act like harbinger of civilization , the voting turnout in india in last election itself was more than 60% and you're telling 75% dont have any participation

typical ignorant white trash who thinks they know everything but what can you expect from euronazi after all we don't have blue eyes and blond hairs
Why are y'all bringing India here
This is clearly off topic

Please stop this, really don't want to report posts
Under what capacity does he have a right to make foreign policy statements. Not even the constitution permits this.

Don't get me wrong I'm a staunch supporter for the Army but this has to STOP, Every tom dick and harry from overseas should not be allowed to mingle with our military.

Foreign policy statements should come from the people responsible, The head of state or the foreign office,

See your avatar picture again & again & again. Just try to recall the Musharraf days, his entire photo sessions. And hopefully you will find answers.
Read the Foreign Policy of Pakistan since 1947, those Eisenhower, JFK, Nixon, L.B Johnson's visits to Pakistan. This Halo effect of Imran Khan needs to be removed so that you folks would be able to understand why, when and how this country has reached to current state. And of course Imran Khan has to accept every ounce of responsibility for this current mess we are into !!!
He is safeguarding himself only and his own interests and agenda.
He has sold out this country to please the USA.
The condemnation of Russia and wanting better relations line reflects this.
USA has cold shouldered Pakistan, not even a phone call from Biden and they are arming India to the teeth.
Yet he, as COAS, as overuled the elected PM to change Pakistan foreign policy.

He is a traitor and should hang. Many in the Military are now saying the same thing.
They must have balanced the pros and cons of being with Russia or the USA up and made a reasoned conclusion.
but relations with Russia were "cold" for a long time because of numerous reasons
Yes, we didn't have good relations but did they ever stop RD 93 supply? since 2000? When they knew it was used by PAF and against their ally.
Imran is adamant that Army is just being non-partisan b/w Government and the opposition. But these reconciliatary remarks by COAS regarding Pakistan wanting relations with America .. etc at this moment were badly timed. He could've waited a while, especially when America a foreign power is overthrowing a Govt. in your country. He is being "non-partisan" between Imran and US now, disgraceful really.
A real endorsement

Army should forgive him now and recommend him for sitar e imtiaz

Shahbaz sharif will comply with his daddies recommendation

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Since we are not in the business of deciding what, how much and which kind of critique is appropriate, posts that are abusive, condescending and/or critical of the military/establishment will be deleted from this point on.

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- On Kaptan's orders!
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They must have balanced the pros and cons of being with Russia or the USA up and made a reasoned conclusion.
But thats not his job, its the job of the elected PM
He may have balanced his own desires and interests with those of the Pakistani State.

In normal countries this is called treason.
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