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Pakistan doesn't believe in camp politics: Gen Bajwa

I am beginning to think army are balancing optics and showing they are "neutral" so nobody can say the army were involved if IK were to dissolve parliament to clean the system.
It's double game- to calm down the dimplomatic tensions while achieving your goals
Good cop, bad cop
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who forced them to makeup

Establishment needs to understand that people of Pak will choose IK over Army any day if army under the leadership of US poodle Bajwa siding with corrupt traitor tola.

IK should come openly against Bajwa.
He is the PM. He can fire him
Not a single word Bajwa uttered about open US interference in Pak politics and imposing regime change in Pak. Rather he tried to appease US when emotions were already high against it in the country.

Bajwa should receive Medal of Honor from US Congress for his commendable services.
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You obviously dont know history. Europe was always on the top, even before colonialism. Roman empire. Hellenic world.
Always? So dark ages were somewhere in the middle east.

Not a single word Bajwa uttered about open US interference in Pak politics and imposing regime change in Pak. Rather he tried to appease US when emotions were already high against it in the country.

Bajwa should receive Medal of Honor from US Congress for his commendable services.
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Lullay should keep his mouth shut. The Pakistani people will come for you soon Bajwa

Bajwa is still our army chief.

One may have a difference of opinion but using disparaging language is uncalled for.

Must I remind people that Imran Khan himself has said, 'I want you to NOT criticise the army.'

He is the PM. He can fire him

Then what is the difference between Imran Khan and Nawaz Sharif who forced Jehangir Karamat to resign?

Rest assured, by going to the supreme court and the streets Imran Khan has laid the foundation for real change (tabdeeli) in Pakistan.
I don't think it's a bad speech. But these parchi speeches need to go, they lose credibility and strength in the message.

I still think the army is with Imran Khan because unlike others at least he is honest and passionate.

By the way, instead of saying "Russian aggression must be stopped immediately, etc".

Army chief should have said,

"Pakistan supports a quick resolution to the conflict through dialogue instead of an armed conflict. And Pakistan can not condone any aggression anywhere. ", "Pakistan also does not believe in being part of any camp and is only interested in actions which serve the benefit of Pakistan, its friends and the global world as a whole."

I see Zalmay Khalilzad in the crowd, and he met Army chief a few days ago I believe, so something might have been said who knows. At the end of the day, Pakistan army's job is to protect the idea of Pakistan an independent and free land in the subcontinent where the Muslims can not be overshadowed by a majority, be it English or the Hindu majority India- the vision forwarded by Quaid and his allies.

If the Army allows an elected head of state to be disposed on the basis of a foreign regime change, then the Army is failing to do its job and is borderline treacherous. The army is not different from Pakistan but its backbone and for that the Chief executive of Pakistan can not be disposed by anyone outside the will of people inside of Pakistan.

I hope the military leadership already realizes that. That the military is not bigger than Pakistan, yet it is a part of it and meant to serve it.
"Russian aggression must be stopped immediately, etc".

How can he changed this statement to something you wishes, "its is the direction he received from his handlers in the USA, a clear message from Pakistan that "it is with the USA and not against them".
Nothing else would have been acceptable by uncle SAM.
Not a single word Bajwa uttered about open US interference in Pak politics and imposing regime change in Pak. Rather he tried to appease US when emotions were already high against it in the country.

Bajwa should receive Medal of Honor from US Congress for his commendable services.
what do you tell audience about something they already know

US interferes world around even in politics of EU
BEsides demarche has already been sent..Talking about an internal matter on an internaitonal forum looks something out of place.
The armed forces chief made serious remarks about brahmos attack. unfortunately the government is not interested in taking up the matter with India
What a coward nation. Will Bajwa condemn Israeli aggression against Palestinians? Will Bajwa condemn Usa supply of weapons to Ukraine? Will Bajwa condemn Nato expansion and threats to other nations? Will Bajwa condemn Afghan war and Iraq wars by Usa? Will Bajwa condemn Usa support to terrorists in Libya and Syria? Will Bajwa condemn the USA for allowing India to support the Baloch rebels and TTP terrorists (we lost 150B in economy, 5000 troops, 80000 innocent lives)

This is not about IK anymore. Its about Pakistan establishment licking the boots of the west.
I think it is a very difficult situation. In view of previous relations between IK and establishment this maybe a face saving outlet to pacify the US. Since the government has essentialy resigned and new elections called Bajwa's statement needs to be seen in that perspective.
Policy wise it does not differ much from our professesd policy statement which concentrates on better trade relations with all parties for mutual benefit. In this light the US simply cannot be ignored. I think if IK returns to power it will be a rethink of his policy as well to open some communication channels with the US. I think what Bajwa has done is kept that line open.
Understanding the transactional and perhaps even deceptive nature of the US establishment we need to make a case for Pakistan, if for nothing else, then cordial relations based on mutual respect and non interference. This will require a bit more of flexibility from IK and the foreign office with a view to achieving an effective trade relationship. It needs to be understood that despite its strained relationship with the US, China continues its trade ties with the US, SO WHY CAN'T WE?

The armed forces chief made serious remarks about brahmos attack. unfortunately the government is not interested in taking up the matter with India
The ruccus in the parlianment and call for elections has put the matter on the back burner. If IK returns it may be too old to take up. If he does not the other arse lickers will not be able to stand up to anything of any consequence
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