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Pakistan Denies Operation in N. Waziristan

Agno you are right. BUT have you checked the fresh incident ? NATO helis violated Pakistani airspace lifted 5 top commanders of TTP to carry them to safe heavens in Afghanistan before Pakistan could launch an operation in North Waziristan

Jana, can you answer this for me: How come our journalists know, our ordinary Pakistanis know, and the rest of the world will know about the incident you have described to us, but why will our Politicians, our Kiyani, our Pasha never know... why???
Jana, can you answer this for me: How come our journalists know, our ordinary Pakistanis know, and the rest of the world will know about the incident you have described to us, but why will our Politicians, our Kiyani, our Pasha never know... why???

Why do you think Kayani, Pasha and Zardari do not know?

And assuming they know, what do you expect them to do about it?

The liberal 'bayghairat brigade' in the media is out in full force calling for Pakistan to become subservient to the US.

If you recall, the leaks from the ISI/PAF briefing to the parliament indicated that both Pasha and the CAS put the responsibility for future foreign policy in the hands of parliament. And do you think our current parliament will actually do anything?

If the military acts alone, it will get vilified from every quarter for becoming 'invovled in politics'.

The only solution is to elect someone like Imran Khan (even though I dislike a lot of his platform) since he at least talks about an independent foreign policy and rejecting US aid.

Nawaz and Zardari led PML-N and PPP are useless and good for nothing American lackeys.
Good finially get rid of these bastards this needs to be done to first make Pakistan safe for its own people followed by offcourse helping the US.
Army & specially ISI MUST prevent terrorists escaping in disguise of civilions.
Seal the borders of North Waziristan once the operation started.
Ensure very strict security measures are taken nation wide, specially in cities like Karachi,Peshawar,Islamabad,Lahore.

BTW Allah bless our soilders who are going in death valley. Whole nation is with Pak Army, crush these damn terrorists to hell.
There is a major difference - Salman Taseer was not training suicide bombers and carrying out terrorist attacks across Pakistan against 'conservative Pakistanis'. The terrorist organizations in NW are doing that, as are the terrorist organizations in Punjab, Sindh and Baluchistan.

They are murderers, barbarians and criminals, not merely people with 'different opinions', and therefore they should either surrender and stand trial for their crimes, or be eliminated.

If they merely are 'people with a different opinion' then they can form a political party and try and convince Pakistanis to vote for them and their platform of religious intolerance and then ammend the constitution when they have enough seats.

Who will not agree with you? My point is let the people say especially when it comes after USA pressure.
Who will not agree with you? My point is let the people say especially when it comes after USA pressure.
And my point is that whether the operation is conducted out of US pressure or not is irrelevant to analyzing the pros and cons of the operation, its goals and its scope.

Just because the US is currently launching a media offensive against Pakistan does not automatically mean that Pakistan may not have already had plans in the works for an operation in NW. The timing may or may not have changed, we do not know, but simply pointing to 'US pressure' is not a good reason to oppose a military operation in NW and condemn the military.
And my point is that whether the operation is conducted out of US pressure or not is irrelevant to analyzing the pros and cons of the operation, its goals and its scope.

Just because the US is currently launching a media offensive against Pakistan does not automatically mean that Pakistan may not have already had plans in the works for an operation in NW. The timing may or may not have changed, we do not know, but simply pointing to 'US pressure' is not a good reason to oppose a military operation in NW and condemn the military.

I am neither opposing this operation nor condemning Pakistan military, I am rather posing at its delayed execution.
Anyways better late than never.
I hope sanity prevails and there is no operation in NW. Pakistan needs to be firm, patient and use wisdom.

Pakistan does not need to get involved into another major operation - it needs to gather intelligence (targeting killing if certain) of enemies. the intelligence agencies also need to ensure that foreign intelligence agencies activities are curtailed promptly - especially the CIA/MI6/RAW/KHAD!

US & NATO - the greatest military power currently on the planet is finding it difficult to resolve this issue in Afghanistan - and is losing the WAR...it has been WINNING the battle due to superior firepower but in the long LOSING the war. Pakistan would be foolish to undertake activities in which many innocent Pakistanis will be displaced and killed.

Pakistan needs to covertly increase the pressure and make it unsustainable for foreign forces to operate in Afghanistan. Pakistan needs to find alternative global players to counterbalance primarily western forces (run by zionist controlled neo-cons and their ilk - sustained by their greedy military industrial complex who are happy for the war on terrorism to continue as they reap much financial benefits at the expense of killing people around the globe).

Pakistan is not as weak as led to be....I can say confidently if Pakistan did not have its WMD capability then you will be seeing airstrikes/invasion as you are seeing in Libya and also other countries.

Afghanistan is a losing battle for them, Pakistan just needs to wait out and counter the terrorists that the CIA (in its covert missions, black water) and other foreign agencies are utilising through providing money and arms.
personally...the reasons why the Pakistan government does not stand up to foreign aggression is because most of them are on their payrols. These scum in the top hierarchies of the Military and the politicians are selling/destroying pakistan for a meagre wage....they are cowards who will try to destroy the nation and then eff off to a western countries with their families. they will then leave the mess to the ordinary poor families who will then be forced to take action to defend themselves.

Pakistan has the potential to deal with all these issues through patience and wisdom - they need to focus on undermining foreign countries evil designs.

The biggest terrorists at the moment are the STATE TERRORISM INFLICTED BY THE US/NATO - The leaders of these warmongering nations need to be summoned to a war/criminal tribunal for their WAR CRIMES against humanity, under the pretext of coming in peace - shoot to Kill policies!
ref:Aid agencies told to prepare for N.Waziristan evacuation | Pakistan | DAWN.COM

Aid agencies told to prepare for N.Waziristan evacuationReuters


YesterdayIn this picture taken on March 7, 2011, Pakistan army soldiers take positions in the Pakistani tribal area of Ditta Kheil in North Waziristan.– Photo by AP

ISLAMABAD: Humanitarian agencies active in Pakistan’s northwest have been quietly told to prepare for up to 365,000 displaced people in advance of a military offensive against North Waziristan, a senior official with an international humanitarian agency said on Monday.

The official, who requested anonymity because of the sensitivity of the subject, was responding to a media report in a local newspaper that Pakistan will launch a military offensive against al Qaeda and Taliban safe havens in the Afghan border regions.

“Humanitarian agencies operating in FATA and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa were given the heads up two weeks ago by the authorities of a possible displacement of up to 50,000 families,” he said, referring to the Federally Administered Tribal Areas and the northwest province.

A similar tip-off in 2009 preceded a military offensive in neighbouring South Waziristan by about five months, he said.

Other aid agencies were not immediately available for comment. The report comes just days after US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton reiterated a US demand to tackle sanctuaries for al Qaeda and the Taliban on the Afghan border.

An understanding for an offensive in North Waziristan, the main sanctuary in Pakistan for militants fighting in Afghanistan, was reached when Clinton and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen visited Pakistan last week, the News reported.

The United States has long demanded that Pakistan attack the region to eliminate the Haqqani network, one of the deadliest Afghan militant factions fighting US troops in Afghanistan.

Pakistan has been reluctant to do so, but it has come under more pressure and its performance in fighting militancy is under scrutiny again after it was discovered that Osama bin Laden had been living in the country.

Some analysts say any joint US-Pakistani operation would subject the army to even more public criticism in a country where anti-US feeling runs deep.

“The reaction could be even more vociferous, just because everybody is so suspicious, as well as dismissive of American interference,” said Imtiaz Gul, author of “The Most Dangerous Place”, a book about Pakistan’s militant strongholds.

“People already feel so humiliated because of this Osama bin Laden thing and now they will have another reason to react.”

But the South Asian nation, dependent on billions of dollars in US aid, is under more pressure than ever to show it is serious about tackling militancy.

Attacking US enemies in North Waziristan may be one way of repairing ties with Washington which were badly damaged by the bin Laden affair.

Pakistan maintains about 140,000 troops in the northwest, including about 34,000 in North Waziristan, but says they are too stretched fighting Pakistani Taliban insurgents in other parts of the region to tackle North Waziristan.


Absolutely FOOLISH if this operation is undertaken! it will not eradicate the terrorist issue but would subject Pakistan to more violence - which incidently would be in the interest of US/NATO?
personally...the reasons why the Pakistan government does not stand up to foreign aggression is because most of them are on their payrols. These scum in the top hierarchies of the Military and the politicians are selling/destroying pakistan for a meagre wage....they are cowards who will try to destroy the nation and then eff off to a western countries with their families. they will then leave the mess to the ordinary poor families who will then be forced to take action to defend themselves.

Pakistan has the potential to deal with all these issues through patience and wisdom - they need to focus on undermining foreign countries evil designs.

The biggest terrorists at the moment are the STATE TERRORISM INFLICTED BY THE US/NATO - The leaders of these warmongering nations need to be summoned to a war/criminal tribunal for their WAR CRIMES against humanity, under the pretext of coming in peace - shoot to Kill policies!

For Pakistan, the biggest terrorists are the taliban and their jihadi allies. This is proven fact by both the words and actions of these jihadi monsters. Or do you think taliban will stop their activities inside Pakistan or stop using Pakistan to launch attacks into Afghanistan if the US leaves?
If this operation goes ahead, there will be a lot of atrocities committed by both sides since after 10 years of conflict and many thousand dead the tolerance threshold within the military with respect to militant outrages is very very low and suspects will be shot on sight and militants will also do the same, so we should brace ourselves for that.
A few years ago Pakistan was able to conduct operations in its northwest after deploying some of its troops away from the Indian border. Some kind of assurance must have been given to Pakistan then. Some kind given now, again, perhaps. Currently, Pakistan has about 140,000 troops in Pakistan's northwest fighting the militants--in regions which are gorilla fighters' ideal grounds.
Anyway, may be everything is gelling toward making the Haqqani network and Talibans to break away from Al Qaida and join a national govt. in Afghanistan.

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