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Pakistan Denies Operation in N. Waziristan

See guys, from the reports that I read last year this was the whole point of why the drones started being used. The point was not operation or not operation but rather whether the Taliban and AQ operatives have been exterminated. Now I don't want to elaborate on why your Army didn't consider this earlier, but right now it is simply a political agenda; to lessen the strike rates and gain more public support for the government and military. The region in question has a swarming hornet's nest of AQ operatives as per what NATO has managed to gather.

The equation that US offers here is simple:

Conduct the operation + eliminate those who're a threat to us = minimal or no strikes from US side.
For Pakistan, the biggest terrorists are the taliban and their jihadi allies. This is proven fact by both the words and actions of these jihadi monsters. Or do you think taliban will stop their activities inside Pakistan or stop using Pakistan to launch attacks into Afghanistan if the US leaves?

Biggest threat to pakistan are the Neo-cons/Zionists operatives who influence a lot of US/Western policy. There designs are simple to eradicate/reduce any future Muslim country so that it does not pose a problem for it and its allies in the near region - DIVIDE and CONQUER them!

The TTP and similar organisations are funded by the COVERT FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE agencies (i.e CIA/MI6/RAW/KHAD and some others). where are these terrorist getting their sophisticated weapons?

who are funding them?

who is giving them the logistical support?

a lot of the above come under foreign intelligence agencies to see Pakistan embroilled in its own problems. there are maps that Zionist supporters would like to see (such as an independent Baluchistan etc). The only institution that had some credibility was the Pakistani armed forces - there tactics are humilate and generate global opinion against them and then go for the 'kill' once an opportunity arises.

Think about 300-400 hundred thosand people that will be displaced and the many that will be innocently killed. DO NOT LET THIS BE A RECRUITING SERGEANT FOR THE TERRORISTS???
let's do this C'mon kill all those TALIBANS ttp whatever u find just kill all of them , close our boarders and say F*** you all , and then kill all those politician nuke them all ,

"Better to die standing, than to live on your knees"- PAK ARMY ZINDABAD
ref:CIA runs 3,000-strong covert army to hunt down al-Qaida in Pakistan - Times Of India

CIA runs 3,000-strong covert army to hunt down al-Qaida in PakistanPTI, Sep 23, 2010, 01.29pm ISTTags:Taliban
NEW YORK: America's CIA is running a 3,000-strong covert army to hunt down key leaders of Taliban and al-Qaida in not only Afghanistan but across the border in Pakistan.

This heavily-armed irregular force manned entirely by Afghan personnel operates in small units called Counter- terrorism Pursuit Teams, the New York Times reported today quoting extracts from a new book 'Obama's wars' by journalist Bob Woodward.

The stunning disclosures in the book which is making waves for laying bare the policy divisions and the personality clashes among the Obama advisors on the Afghan policy may complicate relations between Washington and Islamabad, the paper said.

"Firing missiles from unmanned drones patrolling over Pakistan's turbulent northwest tribal region at a rate that has outstripped the Bush administration's record is bad enough and now to have brigade size paramilitary units operating inside Pakistan marks a significant expansion of the covert war that the Obama administration has waged there," the book claims.

These forces, the paper said, conducted clandestine raids into Pakistan as part of stepped-up campaign against al-Qaida and Afghan Taliban havens there.

The CIA directs and funds the force, which is being billed as the best Afghan fighting force which has made major contributions to stability and security, the book claims.

"The covert army captures and kills Taliban fighters and seeks support in Tribal areas," the NYT reported and quoted Pentagon officials as saying that these Afghan units were closely working with American Green Berets to go after Taiban fighters.

According to the Woodward's book, by the end of 2009 strategy review, the President had concluded that the task in Afghanistan could not succeed without wiping out al-Qaida and Afghan Taliban havens operating with impunity in the border tribal areas of Pakistan.

The book says that Obama has remarked, "We need to make clear to the people that the cancer is in Pakistan", so the CIA had turned into its classic old strategy of setting up of a lethal proxy unit.
The book says that such "kill teams" were also operating within Afghanistan to target groups like Haqqani network, closely linked to Taliban and al-Qaida.

The members of these hot pursuit units have been probably recruited from the private militias of warlords.


The above was just an example.....CIA operatives.....whats the chance these kind of people are working with the TTP and other anti-Pakistan militants to cause problems???
It is untrue that India is the enemy. Terrorists and terrorism are the #1 enemy today of Pakistan. Getting rid of terrorist areas such as in N. Waziristan will be a positive development. And Pakistan can move more forces from the Indian frontier to use in N. Waziristan. The critical need of the PA going into N. Waziristan is to keep a permenent PA presence there, as recent events prove repeatedly that to go into and then withdrawn from an area inevitably brings the Taliban terrorists right back into the vacuum left by departing PA troops.
There is no such thing as Afghan vs. Pakistani Pahtun paramilitary troops used against the Taliban Pashtun terrorists. They are all of a grouping of over 425 Pahtuns tribes that straddle both sides of the Durand Line.
It is untrue that India is the enemy. Terrorists and terrorism are the #1 enemy today of Pakistan. Getting rid of terrorist areas such as in N. Waziristan will be a positive development. And Pakistan can move more forces from the Indian frontier to use in N. Waziristan. The critical need of the PA going into N. Waziristan is to keep a permenent PA presence there, as recent events prove repeatedly that to go into and then withdrawn from an area inevitably brings the Taliban terrorists right back into the vacuum left by departing PA troops.

I think currently it is not in the first place, but US/NATO forces are the number 1 threat. Prior to the WOT Pakistan did not have the instability it currently has - the US/NATO has failed in Afghanistan and wants to drag Pakistan into this failure???
Pakistan Should not do the 'DIRTY WORK' of the US/NATO? otherwise it will further undermine its people and then cause further destruction to itself.

The WOT resulted in a 'knee jerk' reaction that resulted in the invasion of a country that had no part in the 911 drama - most of the alledged terrorists were Saudis? The motives of the west are insincere - Muslim blood is cheap, actually developing countries blood is cheap???
let's do this C'mon kill all those TALIBANS ttp whatever u find just kill all of them , close our boarders and say F*** you all , and then kill all those politician nuke them all ,

"Better to die standing, than to live on your knees"- PAK ARMY ZINDABAD

Yeah, Pak army zindahbad. BTW, was it not the "aql e kul" and wannabe Temur Lung but dangerously duffer (thank you Asma Jahangir) Musharraf the great who had allowed these Talibans to take refuge in Pakistna in the wake of US led invasion of Afghanistan?
Yeah, Pak army zindahbad. BTW, was it not the "aql e kul" and wannabe Temur Lung but dangerously duffer (thank you Asma Jahangir) Musharraf the great who had allowed these Talibans to take refuge in Pakistna in the wake of US led invasion of Afghanistan?

I don't believe there is any credible evidence suggesting Musharraf allowed the TTP, or the Afghan Taliban, to take refuge in Pakistan as a matter of deliberate policy.

The US did not coordinate its operations in Afghanistan well with Pakistan, and at the time deploying the military to the 'autonomous tribal areas' was a very sensitive thing to do, not to mention that even with the amount of NATO, Afghan and Pakistani forces currently deployed along the border, the border remains extremely porous. There was a large movement of innocent people across the border fleeing the fighting as well as Taliban - how could Pakistan or Musharaf have been expected to sort out all of this with almost no coordination from the US in the short amount of time available following the US invasion?

Not to mention that soon after the US invasion of Afghanistan, India launched Operation Parakaram, which diverted the PA's attention back to the Eastern Front.

Rants against Musharaf such as yours might sell articles and sound great since bashing the military is the favorite past time of the 'bayghairat liberal brigade', but a closer analysis of the situation on the ground at the time indicates numerous constraints and issues that the PA and Musharraf had to juggle and address.
Biggest threat to pakistan are the Neo-cons/Zionists operatives who influence a lot of US/Western policy. There designs are simple to eradicate/reduce any future Muslim country so that it does not pose a problem for it and its allies in the near region - DIVIDE and CONQUER them!

The TTP and similar organisations are funded by the COVERT FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE agencies (i.e CIA/MI6/RAW/KHAD and some others). where are these terrorist getting their sophisticated weapons?

who are funding them?

who is giving them the logistical support?

a lot of the above come under foreign intelligence agencies to see Pakistan embroilled in its own problems. there are maps that Zionist supporters would like to see (such as an independent Baluchistan etc). The only institution that had some credibility was the Pakistani armed forces - there tactics are humilate and generate global opinion against them and then go for the 'kill' once an opportunity arises.

Think about 300-400 hundred thosand people that will be displaced and the many that will be innocently killed. DO NOT LET THIS BE A RECRUITING SERGEANT FOR THE TERRORISTS???

So, on one hand you are saying that TTP terrorists are being funded and backed by foreign powers and on the other hand you are against an operation that goes after TTP in NWA. At least make sure to get your lies in order before trying to peddle your pro-terrorist propaganda.
In the end it will be Pakistan who has to suffer............More bomb blasts and terrorist attacks will follow..

When did you guys become so spineless??

These guys are already attacking you every single day..what can be worst than this?
Rather than going after them killing them in their lair.. you cower in your homes fearing their retaliation?

You can't impose your own laws in your own country..have writ of the state in every part of your country..clear your country of foreign/domestic terrorists..not be safe haven for terrorist all over the over the world.

Isn't this a breach of your sovereignty?

Does this not make your blood boil?
I think currently it is not in the first place, but US/NATO forces are the number 1 threat. Prior to the WOT Pakistan did not have the instability it currently has - the US/NATO has failed in Afghanistan and wants to drag Pakistan into this failure???

Stop lying for once. Before 9/11, the terrorist jihadists were busy killing shias and others they disagreed with in both Pakistan and Afghanistan. Just because your memory doesn't go that far, doesn't mean everyone is blinded like you.
Pakistan Should not do the 'DIRTY WORK' of the US/NATO? otherwise it will further undermine its people and then cause further destruction to itself.

The WOT resulted in a 'knee jerk' reaction that resulted in the invasion of a country that had no part in the 911 drama - most of the alledged terrorists were Saudis? The motives of the west are insincere - Muslim blood is cheap, actually developing countries blood is cheap???

The motives of these jihadists thugs is the most unholy of all the motives, which is toll kill Muslims and non Muslims alike without any regard to Islamic teachings. That alone makes it a crime against Islam to not go after these takfiris.

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