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Pakistan Denies Operation in N. Waziristan

Pakistan Should not do the 'DIRTY WORK' of the US/NATO? otherwise it will further undermine its people and then cause further destruction to itself.

What other option does Pakistan has, these pigs are killing innocent Pakistanis, so this is Pakistan's dirty work. They are launching attacks all over the country, should we just sit there and beg them to stop their attacks? About time we realize, whether we like it or not, this is our war now. We never wanted it but hell the Soviets didnt want World War 2 either. Pakistan Army should show these animals no quarter, hit them hard and go full medieval on them. Hang the heads of their leaders out on the streets so all these Taliban Wannabe's can see what their future holds for them.
When did you guys become so spineless??

These guys are already attacking you every single day..what can be worst than this?
Rather than going after them killing them in their lair.. you cower in your homes fearing their retaliation?

You can't impose your own laws in your own country..have writ of the state in every part of your country..clear your country of foreign/domestic terrorists..not be safe haven for terrorist all over the over the world.

Isn't these breach of your sovereignty?

Does this not make your blood boil?

We have seen enough blood shed.......... We are a poor country with limited resources......Unlike americans sitting in armoured humvees with a gunship hovering above........ Our soldiers go into battle unprotected and without these facilities............. More blood of soldiers and more attacks will follow.........As of right now we are fighting just 1 or 2 factions of taliban......Wonder what horrors a total all out war will bring.........Its very easy for u to sit in ur comfy home is usa to talk abt it..........Very hard to live it.

Anyways........May God protect our soldiers and our country and help us destroy these talibastards ameen.
We have seen enough blood shed.......... We are a poor country with limited resources......Unlike americans sitting in armoured humvees with a gunship hovering above........ Our soldiers go into battle unprotected and without these facilities............. More blood of soldiers and more attacks will follow.........As of right now we are fighting just 1 or 2 factions of taliban......Wonder what horrors will a total all out war will bring.........Its very easy for u to sit in ur comfy home is usa to talk abt it..........Very hard to live it.

So tell me are you that tired of this war..that in future you are ready to offer them your country or atleast part of your country on a plate..so that they can run their own pseudo govt..impose their own laws ..subjugate your population and harbour terrorist who will attack you every other day...so that you don't have to fight them anymore?
I don't believe there is any credible evidence suggesting Musharraf allowed the TTP, or the Afghan Taliban, to take refuge in Pakistan as a matter of deliberate policy.

The US did not coordinate its operations in Afghanistan well with Pakistan, and at the time deploying the military to the 'autonomous tribal areas' was a very sensitive thing to do, not to mention that even with the amount of NATO, Afghan and Pakistani forces currently deployed along the border, the border remains extremely porous. There was a large movement of innocent people across the border fleeing the fighting as well as Taliban - how could Pakistan or Musharaf have been expected to sort out all of this with almost no coordination from the US in the short amount of time available following the US invasion?

Not to mention that soon after the US invasion of Afghanistan, India launched Operation Parakaram, which diverted the PA's attention back to the Eastern Front.

Rants against Musharaf such as yours might sell articles and sound great since bashing the military is the favorite past time of the 'bayghairat liberal brigade', but a closer analysis of the situation on the ground at the time indicates numerous constraints and issues that the PA and Musharraf had to juggle and address.

What is a credible evidecne? Should uncle Musharraf take the kid in his lap and then confess his faults and blunders to him. Just google boy, you will find tons of "creidible" evidences.
What is a credible evidecne? Should uncle Musharraf take the kid in his lap and then confess his faults and blunders. Just google boy, you will find tons of "creidible" evidences.

I just pointed out several issues that could have resulted in porous Afghan-Pakistan border that continues to this day.

Musharraf does not have to confess to anything in order for me to highlight the glaring flaws in the 'bayghairat liberal brigade's' argument that Musharraf somehow did this deliberately.

I notice that you offered no rebuttal to my points, instead resorting to suggesting I 'google'. Google what?

If you are aware of any credible evidence supporting your arguments and refuting mine, then please provide it.
I just pointed out several issues that could have resulted in porous Afghan-Pakistan border that continues to this day.

Musharraf does not have to confess to anything in order for me to highlight the glaring flaws in the 'bayghairat liberal brigade's' argument that Musharraf somehow did this deliberately.

I notice that you offered no rebuttal to my points, instead resorting to suggesting I 'google'. Google what?

If you are aware of any credible evidence supporting your arguments and refuting mine, then please provide it.

Are you serious kid? You think that I will waste my time trying to prove you anything even though I know very well how deep you fools have your heads stucked up your a$$e$.
Yeah, Pak army zindahbad. BTW, was it not the "aql e kul" and wannabe Temur Lung but dangerously duffer (thank you Asma Jahangir) Musharraf the great who had allowed these Talibans to take refuge in Pakistnan in the wake of US led invasion of Afghanistan?

About musharaf all i can say "Both" MUSHARAF and bush F*** this Planet upp , Pakistan is not a guest house for Afghan refugees We should deport their a$$ back to Afghanistan ,, Kick them out at once. Enough is enough. These are all snakes and “Indian worshippers”. They don't contribute one penny. We can't trust them on their word. They bring bad influence with them. Our societies are being corrupted. Besides, Pakistan is already overcrowded. We need some breathing space.

Why doesn’t the US, Britain or countries of the NATO forces take so many Afghan refugees? It’s their illegitimate war after all. Pakistan should demand this from all these richer countries. Pakistan isn’t responsible for bearing the brunt on its own. every afghan that i have met wishes nothing but the partition of pakistan and its destruction not to mention, how racist they are toward pakistanis...they think they are racially better than us!
So tell me are you that tired of this war..that in future you are ready to offer them your country or atleast part of your country on a plate..so that they can run their own pseudo govt..impose their own laws ..subjugate your population and harbour terrorist who will attack you every other day...so that you don't have to fight them anymore?

You know what? I'm tired of Bullshit like this . Get out of here or respect foreign countries, douche.I'm guessing, India you are, huh? Get a life. Serve your country or else stfu about ours. Pu$$y.
I told you guys this would happen.


Time to slap some sh.t
Well I think its necessary to clean up all these areas. I'm sick of hearing that such and so attack was planned in Waziristan/FATA. Its time for Pakistan to get control of all its territory and get rid of all the random chechens, uzbecks, afghans, arabs terrorists who operate from that area. The only thing is that if the military does do an operation there, then there will be a terrible back lash and there will be an increase in suicide bombings.
Well I think its necessary to clean up all these areas. I'm sick of hearing that such and so attack was planned in Waziristan/FATA. Its time for Pakistan to get control of all its territory and get rid of all the random chechens, uzbecks, afghans, arabs terrorists who operate from that area. The only thing is that if the military does do an operation there, then there will be a terrible back lash and there will be an increase in suicide bombings.

Pakistan will suffer from the attacks in long term if it doesn't attack, or a huge amount concentrated in short term if it does attack. If there is no attack on N. Waziristan, they will continue piling their men and weapons and explosives until it is impossible to stop them.

Get ready to fight now, or get ready for independence of N Waziristan.
Pakistan will suffer from the attacks in long term if it doesn't attack, or a huge amount concentrated in short term if it does attack. If there is no attack on N. Waziristan, they will continue piling their men and weapons and explosives until it is impossible to stop them.

Get ready to fight now, or get ready for independence of N Waziristan.

Yeah thats true. But theres still a chance that these terrorists will run away into other cities of Pakistan and still cause mayhem, after all its not too hard for them to blend in. There needs be a clean up not only in N Waziristan but ALL over Pakistan.
There will be more losses than benefits to N Operation.

People of pakistan donot want this....govt. and army leadership only want this, NO N Operation.

Already NATO has taken 5 terrorists from NW by helicopters.

Its all drama by ppp govt, media and army leadership against ppl of pakistan.

More suffering, bomb blasts, attacks....!!!

But, Only a targeted air attack and raids in compound required.
This is no good i dont want haqqani network to fight with Pakistan army..Enough civil war..End the occupation of USA in Afghanistan rather than killing your own people.
Pakistan should move into N Waziristan , and keep marching all the way into Kabul

Set up a 100 km buffer zone , that starts from Kabul with Pakistani borders and have JF17 Thunders patrol these regions to protect pakistan from insurgents

And ideally lets just take over Afghanistan and make it a province of Pakistan , case closed -

This is the best ideal solution for Pakistan/US , we take over security of new province and no more drone attacks from US

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