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Pakistan Denies Operation in N. Waziristan

Assalam u Alaikum.

Positive approach.Why wasn't this done earlier? Cause most of our Front line troops are from Khyber Pakhtoon Khua, and in one way or the other, they would be fighting their own family. Horrible dilemma for them. I wonder how did they convience them. Plus, its summer starting now, and imagine the soldiers, in armour and uniform with huge bags and other stuff, how 'broasting' would it be for them? For God's sake, even they are human and moreover, it could end up in financial loss (LOW efficency). This could have been done around 3 months latter or earlier.


First, it is a media report, not yet officially confirmed.

Second, if you recall a piece from a few weeks ago, it suggested that the PakMil was considering a 'limited' targeted operation against the TTP elements based in NW and the local groups sheltering/supporting them, and not a wider offensive against every militant group there. If the Op. does take place, there is a strong chance that it might initially (or solely) focus on the TTP and associated groups, and seek to gain support from the Gul Bahadur network and associated groups in identifying and squeezing the TTP groups.

That would be the more sensible approach to take, if Gul Bahadur and associated groups can be convinced to turn against the TTP, rather than an all out offensive in the entire agency against every single group based there, which would result in a massive terrorist backlash across Pakistan.

Once the immediate threat to Pakistan is neutralized to a degree, Pakistan can focus on the other groups.
Good move. Looks like pressure works.

Now it is clear why USA did not send soliders to pakistan like Iraq and Afghanistan.
Pakistan Destroy it self already because of this bullshit WOT! and finally another biggest mistake by Pakistan general like 1971 .. they launch operation against whom .. who provide full shield from past 60 years... If army think that PNS base attack conducted by so called cartoon network dreamy organization TTP so thn from today ... Pakistan Army look more idiotic Army i have ever seen!
First, it is a media report, not yet officially confirmed.

Second, if you recall a piece from a few weeks ago, it suggested that the PakMil was considering a 'limited' targeted operation against the TTP elements based in NW and the local groups sheltering/supporting them, and not a wider offensive against every militant group there. If the Op. does take place, there is a strong chance that it might initially (or solely) focus on the TTP and associated groups, and seek to gain support from the Gul Bahadur network and associated groups in identifying and squeezing the TTP groups.

That would be the more sensible approach to take, if Gul Bahadur and associated groups can be convinced to turn against the TTP, rather than an all out offensive in the entire agency against every single group based there, which would result in a massive terrorist backlash across Pakistan.

Once the immediate threat to Pakistan is neutralized to a degree, Pakistan can focus on the other groups.

Agno you are right. BUT have you checked the fresh incident ? NATO helis violated Pakistani airspace lifted 5 top commanders of TTP to carry them to safe heavens in Afghanistan before Pakistan could launch an operation in North Waziristan

Agno you are right. BUT have you checked the fresh incident ? NATO helis violated Pakistani airspace lifted 5 top commanders of TTP to carry them to safe heavens in Afghanistan before Pakistan could launch an operation in North Waziristan

Your a journalist are you not Jana? Surely you can give some proof of what your saying rather then repeat hearsay?
So they could wait for ten years and celebrate over an unconfirmed media report about an operation in NW?

American military is busy with 2 wars. USA knows that when they want it, they will get it. It may be the time to wind up operation in Afghanistan.

Remember the phone call from USA to your Army chief and President musarraf.

We don't know what Hillary Clinton and General Mullan said to pakistan. It will come up after 2-3 years.
Your a journalist are you not Jana? Surely you can give some proof of what your saying rather then repeat hearsay?

English.news.cn 2011-05-30 18:56:42 FeedbackPrintRSS

ISLAMABAD, May 30 (Xinhua) -- Unconfirmed news from intelligence sources said on Monday that five Pakistan Taliban ( TTP) leaders were arrested Monday morning in the Gorvait area of North Waziristan by NATO forces and later taken away by two NATO helicopters to Afghanistan.

According to the sources who asked to remain anonymous, the action was taken by the NATO forces without informing the Pakistani government. If so, this is another Abbottabad-like operation taken by the foreign forces on the Pakistani soil without the knowledge of the Pakistani side.

Political agent of North Waziristan also confirmed the news.

So far, there is no official report about the Monday morning's operation taken by the NATO forces in North Waziristan, a tribal area in northwest Pakistan, which is believed to be a stronghold of militants in the country, who often launch attacks on the NATO forces in Afghanistan across the border.

On May 2, the U.S. forces conducted a raid in Pakistan's northwestern city of Abbottabad, during which the former al-Qaida chief Osama bin Laden was killed in his compound. As the U.S. side did not inform the Pakistani side until the raid was over, it led to a strong protest from the Pakistani side as Pakistan considers the unilateral action taken by the United States has seriously violated its sovereignty.

5 Pakistan Taliban leaders arrested by NATO forces in Pakistan
English.news.cn 2011-05-30 18:56:42 FeedbackPrintRSS

ISLAMABAD, May 30 (Xinhua) -- Unconfirmed news from intelligence sources said on Monday that five Pakistan Taliban ( TTP) leaders were arrested Monday morning in the Gorvait area of North Waziristan by NATO forces and later taken away by two NATO helicopters to Afghanistan.

According to the sources who asked to remain anonymous, the action was taken by the NATO forces without informing the Pakistani government. If so, this is another Abbottabad-like operation taken by the foreign forces on the Pakistani soil without the knowledge of the Pakistani side.

Political agent of North Waziristan also confirmed the news.

So far, there is no official report about the Monday morning's operation taken by the NATO forces in North Waziristan, a tribal area in northwest Pakistan, which is believed to be a stronghold of militants in the country, who often launch attacks on the NATO forces in Afghanistan across the border.

On May 2, the U.S. forces conducted a raid in Pakistan's northwestern city of Abbottabad, during which the former al-Qaida chief Osama bin Laden was killed in his compound. As the U.S. side did not inform the Pakistani side until the raid was over, it led to a strong protest from the Pakistani side as Pakistan considers the unilateral action taken by the United States has seriously violated its sovereignty.

5 Pakistan Taliban leaders arrested by NATO forces in Pakistan

seems like the govt and military know every single attaks, just that they are ordered to remain silent and not to sharethe info to the public

looks like nato has been doing this frequently, just that govt doesnt let public know

why didnt nato killed those men instantly, seems like they are being safe guarded
English.news.cn 2011-05-30 18:56:42 FeedbackPrintRSS

ISLAMABAD, May 30 (Xinhua) -- Unconfirmed news from intelligence sources said on Monday that five Pakistan Taliban ( TTP) leaders were arrested Monday morning in the Gorvait area of North Waziristan by NATO forces and later taken away by two NATO helicopters to Afghanistan.

According to the sources who asked to remain anonymous, the action was taken by the NATO forces without informing the Pakistani government. If so, this is another Abbottabad-like operation taken by the foreign forces on the Pakistani soil without the knowledge of the Pakistani side.

Political agent of North Waziristan also confirmed the news.

So far, there is no official report about the Monday morning's operation taken by the NATO forces in North Waziristan, a tribal area in northwest Pakistan, which is believed to be a stronghold of militants in the country, who often launch attacks on the NATO forces in Afghanistan across the border.

On May 2, the U.S. forces conducted a raid in Pakistan's northwestern city of Abbottabad, during which the former al-Qaida chief Osama bin Laden was killed in his compound. As the U.S. side did not inform the Pakistani side until the raid was over, it led to a strong protest from the Pakistani side as Pakistan considers the unilateral action taken by the United States has seriously violated its sovereignty.

5 Pakistan Taliban leaders arrested by NATO forces in Pakistan

What I see in this article and subsequent searches. Is one news source being quoted numerous times. The article quotes intelligence sources, but seriously why would intelligence sources speak only to a Chinese news organization on such a major raid? Not only that but to nab not just 1 but 5 Taliban leaders. Taliban leadership travel with security and times that by 5 and you have a major resource operation with most likely a large amount of resistance. Such an operation would have drawn a lot more public scrutiny.

Sorry not buying into the story. Sounds like Chinese tabloid gossip.
at this time it whould bee totaly foolish to conduct an operation in NWas USA is going and they want to leave us fighting not repairing our losses done in WOT,
Good - Good Good.

US and Nato defeated in Afghanistan and launch of North Waziristan operation, Good Good and Good. :undecided:
and MODs can they elleborate that what magic whould be done when we did opperation in NW as terrorist have there acces to all the pakistan and whole of afghanistan,,,in my thinking that it will be totaly a dissaster for us,becose we might lose our future in afghanistan and our whole good will between afghans that we earned in last 3 dacades........:sniper::usflag:
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