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Pakistan demands apology over drone strike

@ Abu Basit,

i'm not praising PA like a parrot, i admit their work is not perfect. but they have done much more than ppl like you (or me) for our country. and i really appreciate all their sacrafices. you cant change my mind about Pak Army, just because of a few spoilt individuals in PA (so plz dont bother trying to convince me).

the average pakistani soldier who is fighting these terrorist scum to keep YOU and ME safe, is not getting the credit and price he deserves for his bravery and sacrafice.

When it comes to financial status, there is not much difference between a average Pakistani soldier and an average Pakistani civilian.
i'm not praising PA like a parrot, i admit their work is not perfect. but they have done much more than ppl like you (or me) for our country. and i really appreciate all their sacrafices. you cant change my mind about Pak Army, just because of a few spoilt individuals in PA ( so plz dont bother trying to convince me).

just to let you know, the average pakistani soldier who is fighting these terrorist scum to keep YOU and ME safe, is not getting the credit and price he deserves for his bravery and sacrafice. when it comes to financial status, there is not much difference between a average Pakistani soldier and an average Pakistani civilian.

just wake up to the reality and look around in steets, internet~ the time has come, PA should change it ways and make us feel that they are here to protect us and not to free cia terrorists.

and who's behind all these terrorists PA fighting, CIA, that's what we being told. So why not kick out the planners?
just wake up to the reality and look around in steets, internet~ the time has come, PA should change it ways and make us feel that they are here to protect us and not to free cia terrorists.

and who's behind all these terrorists PA fighting, CIA, that's what we being told. So why not kick out the planners?

how is pak army supposed to take responsibility for almost 200 million people? mate, the ppl of pak have to change their ways and take responsibility for themselves. stop blaming jews, hindus and americans for their failiures. these ppl carrying out the terror attacks in pakistan, are born and raised in pakistan, they are NOT hindus, jews or americans.
how is pak army supposed to take responsibility for almost 200 million people? mate, the ppl of pak have to change their ways and take responsibility for themselves. stop blaming jews, hindus and americans for their failiures. these ppl carrying out the terror attacks in pakistan, are born and raised in pakistan, they are NOT hindus, jews or americans.

my ears hear that the local terrorists are funded by cia terrorists like Raymond Davis. your logic is, go after the local terrorists & let the planners move freely in Pak~ is this even a logic?

just get out of the sick american war on terror and things will start coming back to normal.

don't blame those who have lost their loved ones in american drone attacks approved by PA.
my ears hear that the local terrorists are funded by cia terrorists like Raymond Davis. your logic is, go after the local terrorists & let the planners move freely in Pak~ is this even a logic?

just get out of the sick american war on terror and things will start coming back to normal.

don't blame those who have lost their loved ones in american drone attacks approved by PA.

Raymond Davis is a terrorist? Do you even know what a terrorist is?
Just stop the war and everything will be normal?
How about just closing your eyes and not watching any news, and pretending everything is fine?
Why Pakistanis can't think outside box instead depending on army, lack govt, ISI? They wouldn't willing to listen your emotionals, they will lie you.

I encourage you moving to overseas to get high education, politics experiences, and invest strong representatives in US lobbies to erase Pakistanerrist's image or a better future.
don't blame those who have lost their loved ones in american drone attacks approved by PA.

oh damn. same can be said about the victims of the suicide bombings who are mostly innocent ppl. u wanna tell those mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters who have lost their loved ones "dont blame the suicide bomber for killing your son, brother, sister, father, mother, uncle, garanparent, cousin" ?

Millions of ppl around the world have lost their loved ones. should they go on suicide bombing sprees? what about the families of the victims who have been killed by these suicide bombers? should they go on suicide bombing sprees and kill more innocent ppl?
Agno, all you fancy justification for PA's inaction against American Drone are shallow and lack substance. Here is the ground reality. When a drone strike like this happens and 45+ innocent die, PA and it's army chief get blamed for their inaction to protect the people of Pakistan.

You can put all kinds of spin on it you want, that PA is following the gov't and that's how it should be, here is the thing, bro, it sounds like a total croc s***. Pakistan Army has let the nation down. Tribesmen are dismayed at the army, the govt, the country. People in the rest of the country are outraged at the army for not shooting down drones.

Here is another one, from here on every future drone strike is gonna have more negative impact on the army. Army comprises from the same people so look for some very disgruntle low-ranking soldiers. Time has come to lay down some serious ground rules with the Americans and the continuity of these drones. No longer can they keep on playing this condeming-the-drone-strike game.
All the Pakistanis here would agree that in general Pakistani people are emotional and impulsive. This thread the best example.

As Agnostic Muslim says,
Wherever the Army chooses to act constitutionally, Pakistanis should be glad.
- Yes, thank Kiyani for not repeating the same practice of coup detat to the further detriment of Pakistani society.

Everyone complaining about Army's quiet on this matter should understand that per the law the Army has no right to say anything on these matters.

Even the NRO that came into being was during Musharraf era, not in Kiyani's time. Why blame the Army now when it is actually trying to keep itself away from the interference that you criticize in the same line?

As far as the apology is concerned, what else is the Army supposed to do? Send its own planes and attack the US? Such errors always happen in every operation. No army in this world has an impeccable, flawless record. Secondly, how do you know it was the US government, and not some rogue elements inside the US Army who might have done this deliberate error, if it was any deliberate at all.

I would suggest the emotional Pakistani friends, who sound hopeless and desperate, to sit away from the computer and take an hour to think. Think about the repercussions if Pakistan does bring down the drones. If you can think without emotion/anger, then you will see that the way Pakistani Army is acting now, is the best you can expect of it. Be glad Kiyani is not Musharraf who didn't mind toppling the democratic government to bring further chaos and disarray country.

P.S. You are all p!ssed at the apology seeking statements. But you may not know what harsh words might be getting exchanged between the PA and US Government. They won't let it be public, but I do very much expect the frequency of drone attacks to go down for at least a couple of months.
for all the ppl who are blaming pak army, what do u want the Pak army to do? shall they let all the terrorists run around freely in pakistan?

how about take control of these fuckin drones or put an end to them????
how about take control of these fuckin drones or put an end to them????

Have the government issue an order to shoot them down then, or issue an official statement indicating that any understanding between the US and Pakistan on the issue is now at an end, and any future drone operations will only be conducted if Pakistan has complete control over them. US officials can act as observers.

If then the US refuses to comply with Pakistan's demands, have the President and PM address the people in order to let them know that all US aid and IFI support will likely end and the 91% of Pakistanis who do not pay taxes will have to start paying up, and the significant majority that does not vote will have to get of their arses and vote for better government.

Stop looking at the Army to act unconstitutionally and overthrow/overrule the government that Pakistanis themselves elected, because now you don't like the policies pushed by those seeking the 'biradri' vote. Vote deeya tha biradri pay to ab bhugto.

Had the PPP taken a strong stance on the Davis issue, prosecuted him and established that he did not qualify for blanket immunity, I would have supported them completely, and strongly criticized the Army as many of you are criticizing it now if they had forced the GoP to release Davis. But the PPP all along was not the least bit interested in taking on the US, and neither was Nawaz Sharif and the PML-N. These two entities are the ones running Pakistan, and elected by the people of Pakistan. If anyone needs to be held accountable, first and foremost it is the politicians, not the Army, which in this case acted constitutionally and appropriately.
oh damn. same can be said about the victims of the suicide bombings who are mostly innocent ppl. u wanna tell those mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters who have lost their loved ones "dont blame the suicide bomber for killing your son, brother, sister, father, mother, uncle, garanparent, cousin" ?

Millions of ppl around the world have lost their loved ones. should they go on suicide bombing sprees? what about the families of the victims who have been killed by these suicide bombers? should they go on suicide bombing sprees and kill more innocent ppl?

superb justification. That's how I used to think two years ago during the intense suicide bombing in Pakistan. But I've learned a lesson in these past two-three days. That in math 2+2 is always 4. The end result is always accurately predicted. But when it comes to human emotions such is not the case. 2+2 can be 5 or 1.

The suicide bombing that followed in the aftermath of 2006 drone strike where 80 people died and lal masjid operation, was horrific. Innocent people got killed through out Pakistan. People reasoned, argued, justified, nothing seemed to fit. Why the victims of suicide bombing dont become suicide bomber? if the suicide bombers are the result of drone strikes and Musharraf's wrong doing, why are the innocent people being punished. This is 2+2 becoming 5 for you. No accurate outcome.

God forbid, I see another such bloody episode of suicide bombing coming our way very soon and this drone strike will be in corner stone of it. All your justification will sound and appeal very reasonable on paper and but out on the street innocent Pakistanis will be getting killed (god forbid).
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