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Pakistan demands apology over drone strike

Except asking apology what else pakistan can do?

Going by the posts in this thread... A lot of things that would be unwise.

Edit: When denigrating the demand for apology, people should also keep in mind that Munter was summoned by the F.O. and the message was conveyed in sharp, bitter words. That is way more than just apology. Democracy is not as bad as it is being portrayed here.
for all the ppl who are blaming pak army, what do u want the Pak army to do? shall they let all the terrorists run around freely in pakistan?

Pak Army needs to shoot some missiles on the US/NATO Army and kill at least 50 pplz there and then say sorry we thought the terrorists were there disguised as US/NATO Army ....otherwise we dont trust our Army ..sorry to say like that cuz ..we r in such a position... cant trust nobody now unless is a real proof....in the form of blood....:woot::cheesy:
Muslims can never be cowards ...they never fear death...and we r Alhamdolillah ready to die for the sake of Allahs sovereignity...and will.
Bro If we didnt leave hypocrisy and truly follow the commands of Allah SBWT ..then we will perish within no time .......:agree:
Pak Army needs to shoot some missiles on the US/NATO Army and kill at least 50 pplz there and then say sorry we thought the terrorists were there disguised as US/NATO Army ....otherwise we dont trust our Army ..sorry to say like that cuz ..we r in such a position... cant trust nobody now unless is a real proof....in the form of blood....:woot::cheesy:
Muslims can never be cowards ...they never fear death...and we r Alhamdolillah ready to die for the sake of Allahs sovereignity...and will.
Bro If we didnt leave hypocrisy and truly follow the commands of Allah SBWT ..then we will perish within no time .......:agree:
Sure - let me know when the 'elected civilian government' issues those orders.

Direct your demands as a citizen and voter to the correct institution - it is not the PA that has to make this decision, but the GoP. That is how it should be in a representative government, which is what Pakistanis kicked Musharraf out for.
"I am still hopeful that the GoP and PA might be able to convince the US to either let Pakistan operate the drones (preferable since they do have value in taking out targets) or end the drone strikes on Pakistani soil."

We're easily convinced. Remove the targets of those drones by your own actions and we'll have little cause nor need to defend ourselves. So long as the enemies of ISAF find succor and refuge on your side of the border from which to attack with impunity our troops engaged in the difficult work of stabilizing Afghanistan, we'll defend those men and women as best we reasonably can.

Let us bear in mind this latest attack included many taliban operatives. Further, they were engaged with local tribesmen in a jirga to resolve disputing claims over a mineral mine. Why? Two-fold. Your government asserts no authority in this area and the enemy does. An enemy, btw, to whom these locals have seen fit to collaborate.

What, then, does that make those "citizens"? I can assure you what the taliban would call these citizens had they resisted the taliban and/or submitted to the sovereign authority of Islamabad. They'd be called an enemy of the taliban and a lackey of the American puppets governing your country.

Lacking the spine to declare themselves true Pakistani patriots, these tribal leaders instead waffled their way to a taliban-rendered decision costing them their lives for being at the wrong place at the right time.

For that Kiyani wants an apology? I pray he doesn't hold his breath.

Nothing has changed. PREDATOR shall fly so long as our enemies use Pakistani land from which to make war upon Afghanistan. Just a humble thought or two from the other side of the hill.

Remove the targets of those drones by your own actions and we'll have little cause nor need to defend ourselves. So long as the enemies of ISAF find succor and refuge on your side of the border from which to attack with impunity our troops engaged in the difficult work of stabilizing Afghanistan, we'll defend those men and women as best we reasonably can.

I vehemently agree with this statement that the only suitable manner in which we can end the drone strikes is when the PA goes after the targets themselves.

After all, these terrorists have harmed us more than anyone else and as an existential threat, the militants must be crushed through brute force.

The only thing stopping us from doing so is our shortsighted strategic plan for our neighbourhood and we know how our strategies have come back to haunt us over the last decade, so it would be best to alter our strategy.

This way we will retain the support of the west, end the threat of terrorism emanating from the region and come out as heros in this war.

Let's hope this does happen because its time to earn our lost respect.
"I am still hopeful that the GoP and PA might be able to convince the US to either let Pakistan operate the drones (preferable since they do have value in taking out targets) or end the drone strikes on Pakistani soil."

We're easily convinced. Remove the targets of those drones by your own actions and we'll have little cause nor need to defend ourselves.
That is a tired old argument rebutted many times. We'll remove the targets with the drones - so long as Pakistan is willing to carry out the same actions that the US wants carried out with the drones, the US has no authority or legal justification for conducting military operations on Pakistani soil. If the US does not want to provide the technology and resources to conduct the operations, then that is your problem and your fault, not Pakistan's.

So long as the enemies of ISAF find succor and refuge on your side of the border from which to attack with impunity our troops engaged in the difficult work of stabilizing Afghanistan, we'll defend those men and women as best we reasonably can.
Please eliminate Brahamdegh Bugti who is comfortably housed in Kabul, as indicated through wikileaks, in full knowledge of the US, as well as Mullah Fazlullah and Qari Ziaur Rehman, who continue to find refuge on the Afghan side of the border and carry out attacks in Bajaur and Mohmand.

Let us bear in mind this latest attack included many taliban operatives. Further, they were engaged with local tribesmen in a jirga to resolve disputing claims over a mineral mine. Why? Two-fold. Your government asserts no authority in this area and the enemy does. An enemy, btw, to whom these locals have seen fit to collaberate.
Irrelevant to my argument calling for the GoP to demand control of drone strikes.

For that Kiyani wants an apology? I pray he doesn't hold his breath.
I don't want an apology - I wont an end to US operated drone attacks in Pakistan, and I want the GoP to make that decision or start shooting them done if the US refuses.

Enough is enough when it comes to sanctioning illegal strikes by foreign entities on Pakistan soil and allowing murderers to get away scot free simply because they are American.

Nothing has changed. PREDATOR shall fly so long as our enemies use Pakistani land from which to make war upon Afghanistan. Just a humble thought or two from the other side of the hill.
Nothing has changed, correct. There remains no justification, legal or otherwise, for the US to refuse to let Pakistan operate the drones.
That is a tired old argument rebutted many times. We'll remove the targets with the drones - so long as Pakistan is willing to carry out the same actions that the US wants carried out with the drones, the US has no authority or legal justification for conducting military operations on Pakistani soil. If the US does not want to provide the technology and resources to conduct the operations, then that is your problem and your fault, not Pakistan's.

It is well known that past strikes have been carried out with the support of Pakistan. Even though publicly they have said otherwise. If Pakistan allows Drones to based in Pakistan and gives the C.I.A Intel on militant whereabouts. Then how can you say the U.S. has no right?

Google Earth reveals secret history of US base in Pakistan - Times Online

Drones parked at Shamshi Airbase


It is well known that past strikes have been carried out with the support of Pakistan. Even though publicly they have said otherwise. If Pakistan allows Drones to based based in Pakistan and gives the C.I.A Intel on militant whereabouts. Then how can you say the U.S. has no right?

Google Earth reveals secret history of US base in Pakistan - Times Online

Drones parked at Shamshi Airbase



There is no official agreement and there is nothing to indicate that those parked drones are armed.

Even if there is an unofficial agreement and those drones are armed, I want the GoP to end the agreement and demand control of drone operations in Pakistan with US officials present in an observer/adviser capacity only.
It is well known that past strikes have been carried out with the support of Pakistan. Even though publicly they have said otherwise. If Pakistan allows Drones to based based in Pakistan and gives the C.I.A Intel on militant whereabouts. Then how can you say the U.S. has no right?

Google Earth reveals secret history of US base in Pakistan - Times Online

Drones parked at Shamshi Airbase



U.S has every right to fire any missiles in Pakistani Soil. and As you've mentioned, our Army had granted them with a secret base as well

I want all those Pro Pak Armys analysts to explain to me, why Kiyani is feeling sorry? Why is he hiding behind his untruthful words condemning the drones? Why? Its certainly very ridiculous.
Gen Kiyani and all the other Generals on extension should resign and apologies to the nation for US bully in the region as by getting extensions they are proving they work for some one else not Pakistan.
Let the normal process of promotion be continue in Pak Army or there are no more right people in Pak Army to promote???
U.S has every right to fire any missiles in Pakistani Soil. and As you've mentioned, our Army had granted them with a secret base as well

I want all those Pro Pak Armys analysts to explain to me, why Kiyani is feeling sorry? Why is he hiding behind his untruthful words condemning the drones? Why? Its certainly very ridiculous.

Gen Kiyani and all the other Generals on extension should resign and apologies to the nation for US bully in the region as by getting extensions they are proving they work for some one else not Pakistan.
Let the normal process of promotion be continue in Pak Army or there are no more right people in Pak Army to promote???

Do you want democracy or Martial Law?

If you people want democracy, then stop looking to the Army and the COAS for solutions, and direct your ire at the PPP and PML-N, since they are Pakistan's elected representatives. If they come out and order drone attacks stopped and order the PA to shoot the drones down, and the PA refuses, then I will condemn and criticize the Army. Right now the Army is acting constitutionally by adhering by the PPP decision to allow drone attacks. Remember Zardari's comments revealed by wikileaks?
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