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Pakistan demands apology over drone strike

"Please eliminate Brahamdegh Bugti who is comfortably housed in Kabul, as indicated through wikileaks, in full knowledge of the US..."

Better check your reading comprehension. You and I've already been through that. We had NO knowledge which explained why we were ASKING Karzai about the matter.
Take some of that colon cleanse to clean out all that bull crrap fed to you by your government and The media it has bought out. Now you wish to argue that the US had no idea that one of Pakistan's most wanted terrorist leaders, that Pakistan had been screaming to the US was living in Afghanistan, was right under their noses and under the protection of the Afghan government?

Apparently Saleh never mentioned his country was sheltering terrorist leaders from Pakistan. He was probably too busy concocting reports about the Isi stealing the goat he was screwing.

Somehow the US knows, without any evidence provided publicly, that all these Taliban leaders are being sheltered in Quetta, but has no idea that the most wanted terrorist from Pakistan is living under Afghan protection right under their noses in Kabul, despite Pakistan repeatedly telling them the same.

You truly are deluded.

So after finding out 'for the first time to your utter surprise' the Us helped a known terrorist leader being sheltered by the Afghan in a country crawling with us military and intelligence, settle abroad comfortably. And yet you chose to invade Afghanistan because the Taliban wanted obl 'tried in a neutral country'.

Sure. Just as soon as we get done burying those kids we killed in Konar-you know, the province where we're no longer fighting. Too bad it took some kids out looking for wood in the same area where we aren't fighting or killing insurgents anymore :-)rolleyes:) to put paid to that nonsense.

Make sure you keep an eye on the Bajauri side of things because I'm sure they know where it's safe to run when things get hot.
Excuses excuses. You can complain about sanctuaries in Pakistan when you decide to stop allowing terrorists attacking Pakistan to operate freely on Afghan side. Do more you lazy Yanks - combined isaf military and economic resources are magnitudes more than those of Pakistan alone.
"Irrelevant to my argument calling for the GoP to demand control of drone strikes."

Fully relevant. You'd not struck that target. We've zero cause to believe after ten years that you'd strike any target we consider warranted. We did and killed both taliban and their collaborators.
When in the last ten years did Pakistan have the drones to carry out these attacks or the resources to spare given the threat from India? Pakistan was also pursuing a different policy in fata, one of dialog and bribes. In addition, had we not wanted to strike those targets, the US would not be operating drones with Pakistani cooperation.
"I don't want an apology - I wont an end to US operated drone attacks in Pakistan, and I want the GoP to make that decision or start shooting them done if the US refuses."

Well bang away, stud, because you'd best not hold your breath either. Nothing I'd rather see, either, than for you to do so. Best you clear those drones off your own runways first. That'd be a first step. As for who controls those decisions, try applying the letter of the law inside Pakistan all you might wish but it's the boys over at GHQ in Rawalpindi that are calling the
foreign policy and nat'l security shots and EVERYBODY save yourself seems to know that.
I hope we do, bang away that is. We shall see I suppose.

On who is calling what shots, I have argued that already.
"Enough is enough when it comes to sanctioning illegal strikes by foreign entities on Pakistan soil..."

Then stop sanctioning foreign afghan taliban armies on your aborgated soil as well.
Stop sheltering terrorists attacking Pakistan on Afghan soil, and stop relocating them to resorts abroad.
Agnostic Muslim, I appreciate reading your details/knowledges.

Have you not consider to be involved in GoP party to solve Pakistan's issues instead this forum discussion?
Drone attacks will not end because GOP supports .... Baat to such hai magar baat hai ruswai ki
This is the face saving exercise, I for one do not believe that some how Americans are bombing with out Pakistani army collaboration. So, this exercise of demanding apology is a farce. Guess who else is asking for apologies from US, Karzhai the great president of afghanistan.
Again, while there is collaboration between the US and Pakistan on drone strikes in Pakistan, far from every single strike by the US is cleared with Pakistan or based on intel provided by Pakistan.

This is clearly established by the 'friendly fire' incidents by ISAF, that have killed Pakistani security forces, despite their check-post locations being clearly provided to ISAF in advance.
Aur arz kya hai...
Drone jaha bhi gya lout kar meray pass aya...
Yehi baat achi hai us harjai ki...
Why this issue is so worth debating?
America should apologies for this collateral damage. An apology is not going to compromise American mission.
Yeap ! Well , USA has always pressurized Pakistan. What was the need to attack on the next day of Davis's release ? Can anybody answer that ?
"You truly are deluded..."

You chose to reference Wikileaks. We both read the same cable. Who's deluded?

"Somehow the US knows, without any evidence provided publicly, that all these Taliban leaders are being sheltered in Quetta..."

Oh, spare me. Haqqani isn't in Miram Shah, eh? Your own op-ed writers regularly mention the presence of these men on your lands.

Just you attempting the usual cheap equivocation. Haqqani is clearly there. We shall continue flying PREDATOR as Haqqani's presence is known and protected by your military as an asset. You know it. I know it. Everybody knows it.

Quetta? We know that too. So does your defense minister. Don't quibble. Don't varicate. Don't dissemble. Everybody knows what's meant by the "Quetta Shura". They don't exist until, VOILA, one day in December 2009 they're magically "destroyed".

Sure they are...:lol:

I didn't come here to debate these facts. You want to know why PREDATOR flies and you've your answer. You wish to dissemble with Bughti and use Wikileaks then don't forget the facts of the interview with Karzai. We had no idea but, regardless, he's not there now is he?

Anybody else reported him? The Turkish? French? British? Romanians? Danes? Any of the internat'l aid organizations all over Afghanistan? Independant media everywhere-any of them?

You're usual tactics remain laughable.

PREDATOR will continue flying until the PA removes the cancer from their own land. That's what an army does. It defends it's sovereign lands from foreign enemies.

Haqqani is afghan and an enemy...or is he?:lol:
@ s 2
kill terrorists , not innocents ( like last drone attack and attacks in afghanistan ). Our army make operation in swat and south waziristan but not much innocent casualties were reported. Do you know how people became anti USA when their innocents beloved relatives are killed ?
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