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Pakistan demands apology over drone strike

if that was plan it was duty of pak army to shot it down before enter pakistan and get 10000000000000 times more respect. tell to kiyani send back all amercans from pakistan today close conslates break all relations stop WOT and welcome rule us till your last day of life .if he can.

You cannot do that. And even don`t say it again.
80% Pak support is coming from USA:
We did that because of India.
Otherwise pr today you may under the control of India.

indian issues can be solved on table and they will be solve on table only we need serius talks.india will be no more threat when issues solve but army dont want to resolve all the issues with india because then there will be no need of this huge army and what they will eat?
Why would we do that???

A second strike against whom???

Against anyone who nukes us, obviously. And it would be delivered anywhere in the world, since it would be a suicide squad delivering a non-conventional nuke.

Why in another country??

Because we don't have nuclear subs.

what other country would willingly agree to be evaporated to hell for Pakistan??

That country, or countries, would remain unidentified forever. Even after the second strike is delivered.

What other country would even trust leaders Pakistanis themselves do not trust??

Many countries trust Pakistan army's professionalism. Besides, they don't even need to know.

The whole thing could be spread over several countries, with operatives in each country holding one part of the device. They only meet up in the target country.
Guys, can we stop blaming the Pakistan army and ISI for this, please?

That was the whole point of the Ameican drone attack -- to turn public opinion against the army and ISI.

no we cannot stop blaming them they have lost their trust ... they have lost their dignity they need to prove it by their act rather registering protest on air .............................................
if that was plan it was duty of pak army to shot it down before enter pakistan and get 10000000000000 times more respect. tell to kiyani send back all amercans from pakistan today close conslates break all relations stop WOT and welcome rule us till your last day of life .if he can.

That's what we are discussing.
The US is probing us because they are itching for a fight.
A fight we cannot possibly win.
dont insult army of imam mehdi ok mind it .;lollllllll

Yaar... a disgruntled friend wrote to me yesterday saying that these takmeel people are using the slogan "Rasool Allah Ki Army" and Logon Ko Pagal Bana Rahain Hain...

Some people refuse to see the obvious... I predict the end of this useless phenomenon of Zaid Hamid... Now was a golden chance for him to have come forward and stated with integrity that he has been very disappointed with the "Rasool Allah Ki Army" and their action/inaction in all this matter is disgusting... yet he is still going on and on about how great each and every sipahi of our Army is... What good are these sipahi who are hell bent on removing our Shalwaar at every available opportunity... In context of the topic... you know what... had these people not asked an apology for these drone attacks, it would have been more dignified actually!!!

I mean if you are being gang raped... might as well just give in and start enjoying yourself!!!!
Against anyone who nukes us, obviously. And it would be delivered anywhere in the world, since it would be a suicide squad delivering a non-conventional nuke.

Suitcase nukes of Gen.HongWu. ??

That country, or countries, would remain unidentified forever. Even after the second strike is delivered.

BTW are you serious ?
You cannot do that. And even don`t say it again.
80% Pak support is coming from USA:

you need to think abut freedom and self respect only spport or money is the real problem i am an authest but give you example of islam why your prophet dig the khadak and never eat three days? why he tight stones with his stumich and dig the place were today you cant dig 2 feet? only the self respect many many nations live better life then pakistanis even they have worse relations with west and us. because one door close other open its nature of humen when he see there is no way he work hard he achive.
That's what we are discussing.
The US is probing us because they are itching for a fight.
A fight we cannot possibly win.

Bro... if the US is itching for a fight... I swear to God who holds my life in His mighty hands... US WILL GIVE YOU A FIGHT...

might as well just prepare for it then... you need to ready the Army to strike American troops inside Afghanistan and stop their supplies from Pakistan...

Oh wait a second... who I am talking about... Pakistan Army??

Send them to do some sort of Bhal Safai yaar... LOL
@ Imran
What was the result of 8 years long talks with India?
Only 2.6% of GDP is spend on army. Huge army? I consumes as much as any other army.
That's what we are discussing.
The US is probing us because they are itching for a fight.
A fight we cannot possibly win.

US bring pakistan in deep mess now its pakistani job to get out from it only protests condemns will never work .they have to work even for peace they spport talibans of afghan and kick out US as soon as posible. we have to create many many problems for US so they think abut go home not to give them more and more sporrt and they stay more here.
We should wait for another drone attack ......................Trust on PA demand this from us ............................Let's see how many people lost their life:disagree:
First of all Pakistanis should know here u cannot win militarily against USA even if u become stronger economically..the headway USA has in every field especially weapons development is mind boggling...and y will china come to clean ur mess with USA?..China has its cards to play and it definitely will not use it for Pakistan..because they might need to use it for their purpose someday when needed.In international diplomacy,friends will come to a certain point..and after that u r all alone...this is true for every country.

The only way u can make USA listen to u is by being indifferent to their requests.

The next time USA's drones enter Pakistani airspace, shoot down a drone or two.Then, dont make any jingoistic statements ..just a clear message from Pakistani FO to world media .."A foreign plane had entered our airspace..and after repeated warnings we shot the drone down"..
Let USA cry in media.but dont get into diplomatic tussle.As long as no american soldier or pilot dies coz of pakistani soldier , there will be no american public backlash or support to american gov.
carry on with day-to day dealings with USA...give a quiet and clear signal...we want to help u in ur WoT..but u enter our airspace without permission, we will shoot ur drones down..

slowly, but surely USA will come around..
indian issues can be solved on table and they will be solve on table only we need serius talks.india will be no more threat when issues solve but army dont want to resolve all the issues with india because then there will be no need of this huge army and what they will eat?

Come on, Brother :devil:

Then why India always REJECT Pak offer about peaceful dialogue?
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