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Pakistan deals with its devils

"...christian mercenary army..."

By itself, this renders you irrelevant to any serious discussion.

My guess is the American army has far more muslims than the Pakistani army shall ever have christians. Take care that you religious xenophobes don't lose sight of your "land of the pure".

You've reached my "ignore list" with your latest incoherant diatribe. We're finished.


The problem with S 2 is that he cannot believe that the might of the great u s millitary has been pumelled in the h k mountain ranges and the high plains of afg---the high and mighty is clueless to what it can do---.

Look at all the cocky walkers of the prestigious u s milltary and the war mongering republican neo cons---you don't see anyone of them on the tv anymore. Their own party doesnot want to show their faces on the tv---because of bad publicity.

Come S 2---dare to start another war----see what happens to gas prices---. Right now the true un-employment in the state of calfornia is close to 20%---it is anicipated that the true reccession may carry on till the end of the decade. Let the gas price hit 200---300 dollars a barrel---.

Wars for peace is the dumbest reason to start a war---only one fool could do that---aka GWB---plus his leader Cheney. The u s millitary has its nose and behind rubbed in dirt so hard that it is clueless to which direction does it need to take

People like S 2 are just licking their wounds----you have ballz---show the dead coffins of your soldiers coming home---let the people see and decide if it is worth it or not---you bring them in darkness and do behind the door dburials---let us see the faces and the bodies of the living dead---those with deathly war wounds and not dead---let us see their vegetative states and let the nation decide what next.

You used to have some sense S 2----but the losses of over the years have poisioned your thinking and made you vengeful---S 2---it is over for you and the likes of you---you and your likes have murdered enough muslims in afg---your foolish thinking, bad bad planning and not accepting the job as your 100% percent own, from day one, has showed that neither you or your millitrary is capable of waging a war in a mountainous area---and for surely not against people for whom death doesnot mean much.

Let me tell you an anecdote about the afghans and you can share it with other idiots in your millitary---

The british commanders were rewarding their soldiers with medals for the batytle they had against the afghans---they saw a troop of afghans coming in---their leader asked the british commander---" where are our medals "---the commander said what medals---the afg replied---without us you didnot have a battle to fight---so where are our medals.

S 2, your millitary has reached a stage that where it is unable to learn anymore----------.

People---the only reason that you see the american soldiers fighting and enlisting---because there are no jobs left for them here in the u s---they will be left without a home, a shelter and no food on their own.

The reason they are out there, is that Obama cannot bring them home---because there are no jobs waiting for them---.

You question our ability to really hurt Pakistan? Waging war with Pakistan will probably be an act of desperation for us, it won’t come to that. There are other means to the same end.

That said, I can't believe a Think Tank said "gas price hit 200---300 dollars" :rofl: - really R.O.F.L

And this one is even more precious, “People---the only reason that you see the american soldiers fighting and enlisting---because there are no jobs left for them here in the u s---they will be left without a home, a shelter and no food on their own.” :lol:

- please put a little more “thinking” into your post after all you are a member of the elite and have a standard to uphold.
death.by choco..You question our ability to really hurt Pakistan? Waging war with Pakistan will probably be an act of desperation for us, it won’t come to that. There are other means to the same end.

Explain other means to the same end...you don't even know what's gonna hit you next second how'll you bring an end to others/Nation? got crystal balls to predict you can bring an end?

That said, death.by.choco.. I can't believe a Think Tank said "gas price hit 200---300 dollars" - really R.O.F.L

Ever thought of u s of a would be in trillion dollars+ debt mess...? but it happened cheers..

death.by.choco- please put a little more “thinking” into your post after all you are a member of the elite and have a standard to uphold.

out of every 5 families 3 families are in debt in u s of a, debts no steady income, no jobs, low on education levels, the only way is enlisting for Iraq and Afghanistan to have a steady income for as long as they remain alive in afghanistan or Iraq right said MastanKhan..
Use your head don't you see around are you blind?
^^Come on cheetah.Man understand these types of ppl earn good money publishing this trash

You seem to be very upset on such a small issue.After all he is using the right of freedom of expression you should not be bothered.

Mk then from now on i will call pakistani terrorists but you wouldn't be up set by it since i am just using the right of freedom of expression right?

from your point of view it seems that i have a right to call all muslims terrorists but no i won't since i don't know my self who are realy terrorists or not.

Same way you don't have the right to call us devils since you can't judge evrey person.
Americans call Pakistan a migraine, British call Pakistan the haven of terrorists and you have enough cheeks to come and complain when devil is described as devil? WAR for PEACE? Is that you have given this region? How many millions have lost their lives in Iraq? How many in Afghanistan? How many in Pakistan and in the name of what? PEACE? Peace for whom? Humans or Americans? Its time to see the mirror my friend. Just see your real image and Identify the angel of peace is infact the devil of death. Does that hurt? mustn't be hurting more than how 100s of Pakistanis and Afghanistans feel every day becase of loosing their brothers, sisters, children and their own lives. FEEL IT, YOU deserve medals for terrorising whole south Asia. The biggest Terrorists are you America, England and NATO, the freaking sick skull peace selling butchers.

Indeed how many british and amreican soliders have lost there lives in iraq and afganistan trying to kill terrorists >___>.

also do you have any idea how many ppl lost there lives in 9/11 cause of the terroirts that came from afganistan ?
indians need to know what they're talking about here. They are confusing TTP with Afghan Taliban. TTP was NOT created by Pakistan and never got help from Pakistan. Sure, there might be corrupt army men(besides you-know-who) helping TTP, but it was not done by the state.
The American Devils!

Not an accurate representation of average americans (the average weight will be quite higher) but that's besides the point. These people here are strictly talking about the american state.
indians need to know what they're talking about here. They are confusing TTP with Afghan Taliban. TTP was NOT created by Pakistan and never got help from Pakistan. Sure, there might be corrupt army men(besides you-know-who) helping TTP, but it was not done by the state.

They share ideology and resources from Taliban so they are Taliban. You have been trying to shout as hard as possible but still world doesn't make distinction.

You tolerated them, had deal with them, When world said kick there *** you had a deal with them so no one will by this logic anymore.
Their ideologies are very different. For starters, Afghan Taliban only attacks military while we know what TTP does. Their resources are NOT shared with Afghan Taliban and Afghan Taliban has quite often opposed them.

As for world not making distinction, I couldn't care less about that and that means very little regardless. Most of the world knows very little about the Taliban, forget knowing the difference between the two. Musharraf has talked about this situation and has repeatedly stated that this difference exists and it's not all as simplified as some would like it to be.
Not an accurate representation of average americans (the average weight will be quite higher) but that's besides the point. These people here are strictly talking about the american state.

You know, it is quite often hard for an American to tell the difference when we are called devils and Great Satan. Hope you don't mind if we sometimes take it personally. You have your free speech and we listen in "quiet" anger. Sometimes it makes us mad enough to strike back. Hope you are OK with that.
Their ideologies are very different. For starters, Afghan Taliban only attacks military while we know what TTP does. Their resources are NOT shared with Afghan Taliban and Afghan Taliban has quite often opposed them.

As for world not making distinction, I couldn't care less about that and that means very little regardless. Most of the world knows very little about the Taliban, forget knowing the difference between the two. Musharraf has talked about this situation and has repeatedly stated that this difference exists and it's not all as simplified as some would like it to be.

How about making note of some similarities

Both are

middle age type Barbaric
Against Modern ethos like freedom and secularism
Attacking military and civil (yes both.. Kabul bombings)

And in the end its not whom we call taliban its about who call them selves Taliban. If a group insist on being a Taliban like group and agrees to the thinking and ideology why should we make a difference while executing them.

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