That said, I can't believe a Think Tank said
"gas price hit 200---300 dollars" - really R.O.F.L
People have such short memories---it was the year 2008---nothing major was happening in the gulf---just some stock brokers out biddinhg themselves and a little confrontation with iran----guess where the gas prices went-----from 50 dollars a barrel to 145 dollars a barrel within a few months.
People like you said the same thing to people like me at that time---be cautious---gas prices may hit 150 a barrel---and they were snubbed---and when it really really happened---the economies of the 1 st world countries came crushing down---and people like someone said---" oh gee we didnot know it could happen---now that it has happened, we are sorry ".
The u s has been hurt so hard, that it is being anticipated that it would take another TEN years for to get out of the muck that it chose for itself.
The whole of auto industry is in shambles---millions have lost their jobs and have bnowhere else to go. Millions of others who had their jobs attached to auto industry---the vendors---have lost their jobs as well.
America still hasn't learnt its lesson well---actually it has nowhere to go but home---only the americans ought to have the realization of the impending disaster that is going to befall the world.
America has always made the others a scapegoat---a target of their blunders and have succceeded most of the times----but this time, they are stuck in a death trap of their own creation.
When RELIGIOUS ZEALOTARY takes over proffessionalism at the onset of wars, the wars are lost---even for a super power like the u s of a---pumped up by christian zealotary, this superpower blundered into this war like a drunk elephant---drunk in their belief of self righteousness---pumped up by the sermons from their parishes and priests---it was the crusades again---no doubt there would be death and destruction, wherever the beast rampaged through---but the task at hand was never taken into account.
The only thing that the u s army is doing for the last 8 years is trying to hide its shame of not doing and completing its job in the first 48---72 hours of the war.
The "american bride" OBL was ready and prepped to be mounted by the us millitarymen----but they turned around and told northern alliance---it is ok---you can go ahead and mount my bride on my wedding night---.
What happened then and there is for the rest of the world to see and permanently imbeded in the anals of history---lesson learnt---don't let the northern alliance mount your bride the very first night---if you want to do the job right---then you got to do it yourself.
PS---you can roll on the floor laughing or whatever but that won't stop the barrel of gas going where I pointed to if there is another war in the area. So, do whatever, there is no escaping the inevitable.