Just as a note there are some communties in South Asia that can be accused of being "colonized" by the English or West in the sense that they have taken on board large aspects of Western thinking. In this regard the community in South Asia that is most Anglocized to the point that many even Anglocized their names is Parsee. We all know how successful they are. Second on my list would be Sikhs. Again I see how successful they are.
No. It goes back to being the language of good chunk of the ML elite pre 1947. That assured it's ascendancy. Much of that elite moved to Karachi in 1947. That elite ruled Pakistan in the formative period until power was grabbed by the military which was more Punjabi dominated. But the Grand Trunk Road elite co-opted with the Urdu speaking elite and that is what we have had or differant iterations of it ever since.
We have classic South Asia elite like we always had but which has decorated itself with some manners of the West. I would much them give up English, speak their own languages but act like the ruling elite in Japan, Korea, China etc
They are not. If only. They are exactly like our elite was before British came. Please explain how a few English bummed all of South Asia. Was it because we had superpower economy? Was it because we had super ruling elite? They were almost like the elite we have today. They only though about themselves. tell me Nawaz Sharif. Does he behave like a Moghul or a Western ruler? Bhutto goes, daughter comes, Benezir goes, son comes. Ditto Nawaz Sharif. We have elites who behave like the Moghul/feudal elite of the past who did not give crap about the ordinary man.
Do we have elites in West behaving like that? Cameron, Cameron son, Cameron's grandson etc ec.