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Pakistan carries out airstrikes along AfPak border

No that policy was actively supporting militants , radicalizing your society with thousands of unregistered madrassas all the while having unprotected border wifh Afg.

It just blew in our face. Most TTP members are our folks from tribal belt who got more active after lal masjid.
Should've been wrapped post Afghan war. We already had issues in 90s in the tribal belt.
When civilians are killed then backlash will happen. The Afghan Taliban will become enemies, then more attacks will take place in Pakistan. Pakistan government/military needs to stop being west slaves and recognise Afghan government, bring the Uzbek,Tajikis on board, then joinly destroy the militants. The same with Iran, make a joint security border force and attack rebels within each other border territories.
@Bleek what do you find funny, care to share your blessed opinion? Solution?
When civilians are killed then backlash will happen. The Afghan Taliban will become enemies, then more attacks will take place in Pakistan. Pakistan government/military needs to stop being west slaves and recognise Afghan government, bring the Uzbek,Tajikis on board, then joinly destroy the militants. The same with Iran, make a joint security border force and attack rebels within each other border territories.
Not possible because TTP is literally Afghan Taliban's little brother...
Not possible because TTP is literally Afghan Taliban's little brother...
I've already mentioned this on PDF but people were singing songs for the last 20 years. Now the same people are calling for strikes in Afghanistan which will replace Pakistan with USA as the aggressive power. The only solution is to bring Taliban, Tajikis, Uzbeks on board and then jointly finish them off, otherwise act like slaves and put your head down. The air strikes which kill civilians will end up biting Pakistan in the back side.
I've already mentioned this on PDF but people were singing songs for the last 20 years. Now the same people are calling for strikes in Afghanistan which will replace Pakistan with USA as the aggressive power. The only solution is to bring Taliban, Tajikis, Uzbeks on board and then jointly finish them off, otherwise act like slaves and put your head down. The air strikes which kill civilians will end up biting Pakistan in the back side.
That is not possible. Afghan Taliban will not stop TTP. They hold the same views and are on the same page.

The solution is to support a regime change in Afghanistan that's not Pashtun. Simple.

Make it a Hazara resistance group, they will comply with the Durrand line acceptance and prevent terror groups from operating.

Don't expect Afghan Taliban to do anything.
That is not possible. Afghan Taliban will not stop TTP. They hold the same views and are on the same page.

The solution is to support a regime change in Afghanistan that's not Pashtun. Simple.

Make it a Hazara resistance group, they will comply with the Durrand line acceptance and prevent terror groups from operating.

Don't expect Afghan Taliban to do anything.
Hazaras are pro Iran, so they will not be acceptable, the rest who are not pashtun are not pro Pakistan. However they may accept the Durrand line because a bigger Pashtun Afghan will make them more weaker. The only option is to engage with the Taliban, they do have different factions inside it, plus many Pushtun are not Taliban. The issue with Pakistan is they only have Taliban on their good list, they made close relations since the 1980s. JUIF, JUIS are very close to them and support them.
Hazaras are pro Iran, so they will not be acceptable, the rest who are not pashtun are not pro Pakistan. However they may accept the Durrand line because a bigger Pashtun Afghan will make them more weaker. The only option is to engage with the Taliban, they do have different factions inside it, plus many Pushtun are not Taliban. The issue with Pakistan is they only have Taliban on their good list, they made close relations since the 1980s. JUIF, JUIS are very close to them and support them.
Pro-Iran is better than anti-Pakistan though...
Pro-Iran is better than anti-Pakistan though...
But Pakistan establishment will not accept it otherwise they would have atleast tried. I am talking about the realistic options. Afghan has many Pashtun who are not Taliban or extremist but Pakistan never seems to engage with them. Its always Taliban. When the USA was leaving Pakistan should have made peace deals with all groups and called for a unity government but they failed. The TTP problem will not be solved unless people in Afghanistan deal with them and then people in tribal areas of Pakistan deal with them.

To me it seems like Usa is encouraging Pakistan to attack terrorists in Afghanistan, this will then make Pakistan in to a aggressive state for Afghans and TTP will become more strong. Not sure what's wrong with the higher ups.
But Pakistan establishment will not accept it otherwise they would have atleast tried. I am talking about the realistic options. Afghan has many Pashtun who are not Taliban or extremist but Pakistan never seems to engage with them. Its always Taliban. When the USA was leaving Pakistan should have made peace deals with all groups and called for a unity government but they failed. The TTP problem will not be solved unless people in Afghanistan deal with them and then people in tribal areas of Pakistan deal with them.

To me it seems like Usa is encouraging Pakistan to attack terrorists in Afghanistan, this will then make Pakistan in to a aggressive state for Afghans and TTP will become more strong. Not sure what's wrong with the higher ups.
Bro they have local support, and every single Afghan Pashtun believes in Lar Oa Bar Afghanistan
Bro they have local support, and every single Afghan Pashtun believes in Lar Oa Bar Afghanistan
Burhānuddīn Rabbānī, Ahmad Shah Massoud, Sibghatullah Mojaddedi. Did these also not recognise the Durrand line? After Soviets left Pakistan chose to support the more extreme ones. The Uzbekis are close to Turkey and there is a possibility they would cooperate.

The TTP is an alliance of 12 groups, the Amjad Farouqi group, one faction of the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, the Musa Shaheed Karwan group, Mehsud factions of the TTP, Mohmand Taliban, Bajaur Taliban, Jamaat-ul-Ahrar, and Hizb-ul-Ahrar, Ghazi Abdul Rashid Shaheed Brigade. Has support of many political parties and religious groups. Alot of TTP are salafi jihadist which Pakistan state fails to mention due to pressure from certain countries.
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Taliban are not letting anyone else on board. The way things seem to be, it looks like others will unite against the Taliban. Already tensions with Iran, Uzbekistan and Pakistan. Taliban will be taught a lesson in humility one way or the other.
I have seen videos of them attending gatherings of other groups and sects, but I believe the less tolerant version of Taliban is not happy, they will not share major power. If Iran, Turkey, Uzbekistan are not happy and plan to deal with the Taliban we would have another war.
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