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Pakistan carries out airstrikes along AfPak border

Perhaps, but either way, Afghans need to be made to agree to terms that allow peaceful coexistence, especially with regards to our border. The Afghans may never accept the border, and therefore we need to make it such that if they even think of crossing the border it is on Pakistan’s terms not a push by Afghans into Pakistan. We need a Haidrian’s wall style Defense; fencing but with trading posts with facilities for hospitals along the border. Make the border beneficial to them if they cooperate otherwise make it a hard border.

Btw, a protracted conflict with them is not in the national interest IMHO, only punitive strikes on confirmed concentrations of enemy forces. If indeed a woman and 5 children were killed, compensation should be paid to the families to lower tensions and show that it was not intentional (although that could become a slippery slow of false claims down the line).

Problem with afghans is that diplomacy with them NEVER works. They see it as a sign of weakness which only emboldens them. afghans ONLY understand brute force and aggression. Pay compensation to afghans????????...........so when will afghans pay compensation to the families of over 80,000 innocent Pakistani civilians killed by ttp/afghan terrorists since 2001?......... :disagree:

There is a REASON why afghans are the MOST failed and inferior people on planet earth by a LONG shot.

There is a coming famine in afghanistan. Pakistan needs to make sure that it has maximum effect so we can avenge the deaths of over 80,000 innocent Pakistani civilians killed by ttp/afghan terrorists since 2001:

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Shouldn't they be protesting about their men coming back to Afg after committing murder in Pakistan every day? These savages only understand brute force.

Even here on PDF there are Pakistani cucks and afghan apologists who are okay with ttp/afghan terrorists murdering innocent Pakistanis but have an issue when Pakistan fights back or retaliates. They claim Pakistan fighting back is inhuman, unIslamic, evil etc............ :disagree:
IEA, has been informed through various channels that operations will continue, as long as Astan continues to allow tabs to attack Pakistan. And any IEA, complicity will have a diplomatic, economic, military response.
Problem with afghans is that diplomacy with them NEVER works. They see it as a sign of weakness which only emboldens them. afghans ONLY understand brute force and aggression. Pay compensation to afghans????????...........so when will afghans pay compensation to the families of over 80,000 innocent Pakistani civilians killed by ttp/afghan terrorists since 2001?......... :disagree:

There is a REASON why afghans are the MOST failed and inferior people on planet earth by a LONG shot.

There is a coming famine in afghanistan. Pakistan needs to make sure that it has maximum effect so we can avenge over 80,000 innocent Pakistani civilians killed by ttp/afghan terrorists since 2001:

Agreed, if they don’t respect our restraint these punitive raids become necessary. But we should be smart not to get drawn in too deep into Afghanistan; air strikes and commando raids should be the extend of military ops, IMHO.

They are akin to the Scots, which is why I advocate the Hadrian’s Wall Approach. Trade when they behave, and seal them off when they act up. I put the idea out there of compensation to extend an olive branch in hopes that they get the nuanced message we are trying to convey (while we are dealing with our own internal problems), because we don’t want to cause collateral damage but will not hesitate to target and destroy the TTP and their supporters. The Afghans for their part should be grateful for all that Pakistan has done and is doing for them, vis a vi their humanitarian crisis.

This is also why I doubt we will ever see a rail line through Afghanistan and should build one directly through Gilgit Baltistan to China, with all the mountain cutting that will be required. It’s a better investment then putting our efforts into the Namak Haram Afghans (and central Asians). Plus we don’t want to deal with Russia (or become dependent on them) and their influence in Central Asia unless we have to.
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As soon as I go onto Twitter and read what the Afghans are saying I find it hard to find any sympathy for them.

It's one of the most ironic statements when they call Pakistan a terror state while praising TTP who shoot up schools and blow up in supermarkets...

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