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Pakistan carries out airstrikes along AfPak border

Good, the only thing that can strike fear into TTP and also anti-PAK IEA is constant air superiority which they obviously don't have. I want them to tremble by the sights of a jf-17 or j-10 constantly flying over Kunar and the Pak-Afghan border area. I want them to see constant Pakistani and Turkish drones hovering over Afghanistan's border ready to strike at a moments notice. In fact, I say let's give America a base but ask them to fully cooperate in getting rid of TTP terrorists across the border.
You are out of your senses... IEA was not deterred by the American's F-16, F15, A-10 and B-52 and now they will tremble by the sight of a JF-17 and J-10?
Many are predicting a famine in afghanistan in the coming few years. If it happens and Pakistan plays it's cards right, we could potentially eradicate afghan terrorism against Pakistan for good.


the less afgans means less terrorism in Pakistan

Nopes, it was a combined operation, jets bombing, followed by commando units closely supported by gunships.

like this :-)

You are out of your senses... IEA was not deterred by the American's F-16, F15, A-10 and B-52 and now they will tremble by the sight of a JF-17 and J-10?

Yes because they will know we are not going anywhere unlike Americans. We will continue to bomb them till the end of times if it need to, till every afghani terrorist is eliminated.
You are out of your senses... IEA was not deterred by the American's F-16, F15, A-10 and B-52 and now they will tremble by the sight of a JF-17 and J-10?

In the Doha agreement, IEA confirmed they will never attack US assets again so yes this does work.

Pakistan does not have to accept weekly/monthly attacks from TTP. NATO have left and the war is over, they have had months to lay down arms and talk peace. I want daily assaults on their bases and night time mortars so they can't sleep. They have a lot of Pakistani blood on their hands, how many families have they deprived of fathers, how many Pakistani families don't have money to eat because their breadwinner is dead? And they get to live happily ever after across the border with their families. Its tit for tat, crush them all. If it was up to me I would flatten Kunar, Khost etc completely so its unlivable.
  1. September 1947: Afghanistan became the only country to vote against Pakistan’s membership of the United Nations.
  2. September 1947: Pashtunistan flag is raised alongside the Afghan national flag in Kabul. Afg started arming and funding proxies in the border areas (Afridi Sarishtas & Ipi Faqir) for the ‘Liberation of Pashtunistan’. This led to skirmishes between Pak forces and Afghan proxies.
  3. June 1949: While pursuing miscreants who attacked Pakistani border posts from Afghanistan, a PAF warplane inadvertently bombed the Afghan village of Moghulgai on the Waziristan border.
  4. July 1949: A Loya Jirga held by Afghan govt at Kabul unilaterally denounced all treaties related to Pak-Afghan international border and announced full support for Pashtunistan. 31st August was declared as ‘Pashtunistan Day’ which was regularly commemorated by Afghan Govt every year.
  5. 1948-1949: Afghan-supported proxies announced the formation of ‘Pashtunistan’ in Tirah (Khyber) and Razmak (Waziristan), with Ipi Faqir as President.
  6. 1950: Afghan airforce planes dropped leaflets in support of Pashtunistan, inside Pakistan’s tribal areas.
  7. Sep-Oct 1950: Afghan army with artillery support attacked Dobandi area of Balochistan and occupied a strategic pass with the aim to cut off Chaman-Quetta Railway link. Pakistan army sent reinforcements to the area and retook the pass after a week’s fighting.
  8. 1950-51: Three Afghan-led Lashkars attacked Pakistani areas across Durand Line in Khyber Agency.
    Afghanistan declared the miscreants as ‘Freedom Fighters’ and used its official Radio and Press for non-stop Pashtunistan propaganda.
  9. Pakistan responded by using the ‘go slow’ approach to Afghanistan’s trade transit routes.
  10. 16 October 1951: Pakistani PM Liaquat Ali Khan was shot dead in Rawalpindi by an Afghan national Said Akbar Babrak. Afghanistan’s govt disowned his act.
    Afghanistan’s material+propaganda support for Pashtunistan miscreants continued unabated throughout the 1950s.
  11. 30 March 1955: Pakistan’s diplomatic missions in Kabul, Qandahar, Jalalabad were attacked at the behest of Afghan govt and Pashtunistan flag was hoisted on the chancery of Pakistan Embassy in Kabul.
  12. September 1959: Afghan King Zahir Shah and PM Sardar Daud reaffirmed their support for Pashtunistan.
  13. September 1960: Afghan army troops and militias attacked Bajaur. The attack was repulsed by Bajauri tribesmen with help of SSG forces from Cherat.
  14. March 1961: Afghanistan supplied arms and ammunition to proxies led by Pacha Gul in Bajaur’s Batmalai area for an uprising. The ammunition dump was destroyed by PAF aerial bombing.
  15. May 1961: Thousands of Afghan troops disguised as militias attacked Bajaur, Jandul, and Khyber. The attacks were repulsed by tribesmen with support of Frontier Corps and aerial bombing by PAF warplanes. President Ayub warned the Afghan side against unprovoked escalations.
  16. 6 September 1961: Diplomatic relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan were cut off after Pakistan decided to restrict Afghan transit trade due to its continuous support for Pashtunistan proxies.
  17. The relations were resumed two years later, in 1963, when Sardar Doud (the main engine behind Pashtunistan) resigned as PM.
  18. September 1964: Afghan Loya Jirga again reiterated support for Pashtunistan (though much mildly than in past).
  19. 1964-1972: Relative calm in relations due to Afghanistan’s domestic power struggle issues and democracy experiments. The Pashtunistan issue went on backburner and Pak-Afghan relations normalized to such extent that Afghanistan remained neutral in 1965 and 1971 Indo-Pak wars.
  20. 1972-73: Afghanistan restarted support for Pashtunistan; intensified Radio Kabul propaganda and sheltered NAP activists led by Ajmal Khattak.
  21. July 1973: Sardar Doud led a bloodless military coup to overthrow King Zahir Shah and declared himself President. One of the reasons he quoted for the coup was Zahir Shah’s supposedly soft approach on Pashtunistan.
  22. Afghan official gazette published the Pashtunistan flag and also ran inflammatory reports about terrorist activities of Pashtunistan miscreants. Radio Kabul’s propaganda reached a peak.
  23. 1973: In response to renewed Pashtunistan focus by Afghanistan, Pakistani PM Z.A.Bhutto authorized a tit-for-tat response to Afghanistan. IGFC Naseerullah Babar was tasked to train dissident Afghans for proxy purposes inside Afghanistan.
  24. This was Pakistan’s first act to use proxies against Afghanistan, after 26-year long proxy war perpetrated by Afghanistan in the name of Pashtunistan (1947-73).
  25. Feb 1974: Afghan animosity to Pakistan was so great that Afghan President Doud didn’t participate in the ‘OIC Leaders Summit’ held in Lahore.
  26. Abdul Rahman Pazhwak, the Afghan delegate at the summit, tried to raise Pashtunistan issue on this Unity forum too but got snubbed as no Muslim country’s leader paid any heed.
  27. 1973-78: Soon after Doud assumed power, Afghan govt started supporting the Baloch insurgents fighting against Pakistan. Afghanistan sheltered thousands of Marri tribesmen and gave them training+weapons for militant activities inside Pakistan.
  28. 1973-78: Afghan govt under Doud continued to support the Pashtunistan proxies. NAP’s militant wing ‘Pakhtun Zalmay’ was funded/trained/armed by Kabul for terrorist attacks in Pakistan.
  29. These facts have been confirmed by Jumma Khan Sufi, a close aide of Ajmal Khattak, in his memoirs ‘Faraib e Na Tamam’. Sufi remained in exile for 20 years in Afghanistan and was involved in the Afghan proxy activities in Pakistan.
  30. 1973-onwards: Not only was Afghanistan supporting NAP terrorism in Pakistan itself, but it also became a hub for Indian interference into Pakistan via Pashtunistan and Balochistan proxies.
  31. NAP leaders were paid monthly stipends and other funds by Indian govt as admitted by Jumma Khan Sufi in his memoirs.
  32. February 1975: Hayat Khan Sherpao, Senior PPP minister and ex-Governor NWFP, was killed in a bomb blast. The assassination was carried out by NAP militant wing operating out of Afghanistan (as confirmed by Jumma Khan Sufi some three decades later).
  33. April 1978: Afghan President Doud and his whole family were massacred in the Soviet-sponsored ‘Saur Revolution’. The new pro-Communist regime announced all-out support for Pashtunistan.
  34. December 1979: Soviet secret service KGB assassinated Afghanistan’s President Hafizullah Amin and nearly 100,000 Soviet forces entered Afghanistan. Babrak Karmal was installed as President by Soviets who pledged to free the ‘holy land of Pashtunistan’ (from Pakistan).

Afghanis accept durand line or not, it does not matter as UN and whole world recognize it as Int. border.

But it is reality that Afghanis and Indians are/will be our enemy forever,
Chinese will be our friends forever,
Pakistan can resolve Jindullah issue and Baloch militants issue with Iranis, better Pakistan should not be used as proxy for Saudis. Saudis and all arabs are wild, hungry, animals, better to stay away from them. Even Palestine issue, we should be at side, let them to deal it, as they are un useful for kashmir issue.

US and Russia can not be trusted, we can use Rus, when we feel danger from US, and we can use US if we feel danger from Rus.
You are out of your senses... IEA was not deterred by the American's F-16, F15, A-10 and B-52 and now they will tremble by the sight of a JF-17 and J-10?
Deterred? They ran away from all the battlefields. You can check american casualty figure to understand how much Taliban faught against americans. This notion of taliban invincibility needs to go.
You are out of your senses... IEA was not deterred by the American's F-16, F15, A-10 and B-52 and now they will tremble by the sight of a JF-17 and J-10?

No but the afghans can be deterred by their forthcoming famine which Pakistan can exacerbate............ :azn::

What is the reason behind the India-Nepal resentment?

Pak-Afghan is inherently due to the 'Durrand' line.
currently its the leaders in Kathmandu being too strict and not hearing the demands of the Madhesi people. there was a border strike by Madhesis allegedly supported by the Indian government (admittedly a overkill and wrong move on India's part). but all this is general symptom of "not enough independence" that small states naturally experience with big neighbours.
No but the afghans can be deterred by their forthcoming famine which Pakistan can exacerbate............ :azn::

You can be sure that afghans will blame Pakistan anyway even if Pakistan did nothing. Damned if you do dammed if you don't.

I was driving past Pakistan High Commission in London couple of minutes ago and it was surrounded by Afghan people with media also reporting live. I guess there is a protest for possibly the same event being discussed in this thread
I was driving past Pakistan High Commission in London couple of minutes ago and it was surrounded by Afghan people with media also reporting live. I guess there is a protest for possibly the same event being discussed in this thread

Shouldn't they be protesting about their men coming back to Afg after committing murder in Pakistan every day? These savages only understand brute force.
Many are predicting a famine in afghanistan in the coming few years. If it happens and Pakistan plays it's cards right, we could potentially eradicate afghan terrorism against Pakistan for good.
Perhaps, but either way, Afghans need to be made to agree to terms that allow peaceful coexistence, especially with regards to our border. The Afghans may never accept the border, and therefore we need to make it such that if they even think of crossing the border it is on Pakistan’s terms not a push by Afghans into Pakistan. We need a Haidrian’s wall style Defense; fencing but with trading posts with facilities for hospitals along the border. Make the border beneficial to them if they cooperate otherwise make it a hard border.

Btw, a protracted conflict with them is not in the national interest IMHO, only punitive strikes on confirmed concentrations of enemy forces. If indeed a woman and 5 children were killed, compensation should be paid to the families to lower tensions and show that it was not intentional (although that could become a slippery slow of false claims down the line).
Shouldn't they be protesting about their men coming back to Afg after committing murder in Pakistan every day? These savages only understand brute force.
They are blind ethnic nationalists, they don't care how many Pakistanis die. They don't even accept there is a international border, they claim all the land till attock.
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