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Pakistan carries out airstrikes along AfPak border

Despite 20yrs of anti terror op we dont know how to do anything
Been wondering this too, I really question our training... didn't USA literally help with the training and intelligence gathering skills too?

Yet soldiers are dying in large numbers.

What did we even learn?
First get MRAPs, drones for precise intelligence based ops not randon bombing
Air support for your men ans better boarder petrol
Stronger pressure on taliban both diplomatic and economic

Despite 20yrs of anti terror op we dont know how to do anything

Instead of using micro ammunition like e.g turkey did ..we dropping 500 lb bombs
Ninja blade bombs.
Been wondering this too, I really question our training... didn't USA literally help with the training and intelligence gathering skills too?

Yet soldiers are dying in large numbers.

What did we even learn?
Ninja blade bombs.
Since we cant talk to china ans turkey to get micor ammunitions or drones
We should talk to batman he may give pakistan some gear
Been wondering this too, I really question our training... didn't USA literally help with the training and intelligence gathering skills too?

Yet soldiers are dying in large numbers.

What did we even learn?
You probably pointed the core problem "USA training", as seen in Irak and in Afghanistan, it's just a waste of time and ressources.
Looking at the images of the children killed in these raids made my heart bleed. How the hell a muslim army can do that to other muslims in ramadan???? This establishment truly is a zionist puppet. Why would u even do such collateral damaging strikes in ramadan?? Do this american slave establishment now wants a war between Pakistan and Afghanistan??? This will surely split pashtuns and eventually break up Pakistan. Maybe this is really the mission of US and this compromised establishment is working towards it, a balkanized Pakistan.
People of Pakistan have woken up and i think Pakistanis should come out and protest against the military for such barbaric attacks on afghans. This is the only way we can teach these traitors a lesson. This traitor establishment is even ready to provide US air bases to attack Afghanistan and send us back to those terrorising times.
ever checked what Saudi coalition been doing to people of Yemen? the devastation will make anyone numb who has a shred of morality.
You probably pointed the core problem "USA training", as seen in Irak and in Afghanistan, it's just a waste of time and ressources.
More like no motivation. Ukrainians have USA training along with other countries. And they are taking on a country like Russia.
You probably pointed the core problem "USA training", as seen in Irak and in Afghanistan, it's just a waste of time and ressources.
US training has made our air force formidable and powerful.

There is something else to it that we are unable to see, military has a different approach. It could be due to being underfunded.

Or maybe they are just hoping terrorists become exhausted and stop lol
Been wondering this too, I really question our training... didn't USA literally help with the training and intelligence gathering skills too?

Yet soldiers are dying in large numbers.

What did we even learn?

I also want to know if we can learn from Turkiye in their fight against PKK.

Kurds also live in conditions similar to Afghans but how did Turkey stop their insurgency or severely weaken it and we are losing soldiers almost every week.
More like no motivation. Ukrainians have USA training along with other countries. And they are taking on a country like Russia.
Have to disagree, some operations here and there isn't taking on Russia, instead, I will add Ukrainian army to the list ✌️
You are an idiot, a bigot, have no humanity. Shame on you to suggest trying to use nuclear weapons against afghan breahern. Shame
Last time I checked war isn't humane. Maybe your brethren should stop their open season on Pakistans borders. If only the army was proactive enough to protect the state and it's civilians and first and foremost it's troops. Alas they have puppets to install, land to include in DHA and open Pizza franchises.
Have to disagree, some operations here and there isn't taking on Russia, instead, I will add Ukrainian army to the list ✌️
Suit yourself. Just remember how that blitz went in Northern Ukraine no matter what anybody else says along with thousands of Russians dead.
People of Pakistan need to understand some fundamental things.
1) Afghan Taliban are not some Islamic Ummah Warriors, quite the opposite actually. They are ethnic focused political armed wing.
2) Why did Pakistan supported them? The ans is simple they are lesser of two evils. Northern Alliance was a corrupt smuggling mafia and a supporter of india against Pakistan.
3) IEA has failed to establish centralized govt. They are right now a figure head of various independent smaller factions. Nearly Majority of these smaller factions are not Pakistan friendly.
The terrorists from afganistan come and are attacking people in waziristan and balochistan, both civillians and our soldiers. What do they expect in return, flowers?
This last point is IMP
Collateral damage is bound to happen. If people of afghanistan had some sense they would stop supporting TTP and various terrorist organizations so when the opposing quite capable force retaliates no innocent lives are lost as quite honestly these terrorists are nothing but caveman who have guns with no brains no strategy nothing. But people of afghanistan are NOT SENSIBLE.
How can we minimize collateral damage fallout?
Do Psychological Warfare, Strict border management, provide education to people on Pakistan side of pak-afghan border, provide jobs to these educated people. Industralize Pakistan side of Pak-Afghan border.

IEA needs to focus more on afghan people. They are literally selling their daughters, organs for money Where in Islam are these type of things allowed? Meanwhile IEA is busy focusing on what kind of facial hair man should have or what kind of thing a woman should wear.
KPK has suffered enough due to Pakistan soft stance on afghanistan. Its time to bring the hammer down.
I also want to know if we can learn from Turkiye in their fight against PKK.

Kurds also live in conditions similar to Afghans but how did Turkey stop their insurgency or severely weaken it and we are losing soldiers almost every week.

PKK isn't dead still & it's being going on for decades longer than the TTP insurgency, so let's not overexaggerate their accomplishments. Right now PKK is weak b/c no help from neighbours which they had before (I believe Assad regime especially used to support them). That being said, unlike us, they have learned to take action before situation gets out of control like when US entered syria & started arming PKK. Turks didn't give a damn & carried out an op even though it damaged their relations w/ US. Here ppl were calling for ops inside afg even before IK came to power but army did nothing. And army fanboys blame IK for inaction lol

Another possible reason is the culture they're raised in. As you yourself have said, revenge is a major component of pashtunwali. Afghans are also extremely arrogant & when you've been fed anti-pak propaganda for decades it creates a monster.

It's interesting though to see how different Pakistani Pashtuns are for the most part considering their overwhelming loyalty to Pakistan. The country one is born in seems to play a major part in outlook & mindset even though they share the same basic culture.
All of this comes to nought when you TTP sympathizers in the current government. You cant be carrot and stick with national security. You have to kill their local support.

But in order to topple Imran Khan, the establishment compromised on national security and brought back all traitors together. These PTM traitors have openly abused Pakistan Army. They have abused our shaheed soldiers. But since our COAS has to retire in West, and our military top brass is a bunch of undignified cowards, for a personal benefit, they dont mind compromising on national security.

PTM is political wing of TTP. You kill TTP but facilitate PTM in national assembly. This is not going to work and we will not buy this!
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