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Pakistan cannot win a war against India in my lifetime, says Manmohan Singh

Indians are so happy to get assurance from their PM that they have started multiple threads on this.

They are rather surprised that MMS spoke something, finally.

you still live in that era?
by population what is India's standing in the world?

There is a difference between 2nd largest population and 2nd largest country.

Proves my point about cavemen.
doesnt every pagal thinks everyone is pagal

lets end this childish thread by agreeing on one thing
We, both Pakistani and Indian, need to mature a lot more as nations and as individuals.

We mature enough .It is you pakistanis still act like monkey clown which play according to the wishes of your masters(USA and China)
But still its been almost 50 years and more ...... Jammu and Kashmir is still an integral part of India so going by your logic does that say something...

Do you really believe Pakistan at its current state can win a war with India?

Integral part. Your dream. Not a reality. 50 years is not a long time. You cant sustain it for long. Just like today's occupiers - Israel, US and India look very successful, the occupied too will have their days. history stand with no one, its waits for none, it has a ruthless cycle.

You think winning is occupying. Its not. Look at Afghanistan. US might have won the war, but it has still lost it. A country of medieval times according to many in US and their apologists all around, has not been under their control.
I was surprise too, Prime minister of 2nd largest country, and Doctor of philosophy. Yet talking like a 3rd grader

The Indian members here and their media take their talking point from their leaders. If the leader talk like a bully 3rd grader, can you expect better from its citizen. But hold on, he is not the leader, the Italian lady is.
Why dont you get it!

Once you control territory by deploying a huge force, you have already lost it. You have lost a war that never started. Occupations dont last.

why don't get what- that which they control for over 60 years is still under their control?
Integral part. Your dream. Not a reality. 50 years is not a long time. You cant sustain it for long. Just like today's occupiers - Israel, US and India look very successful, the occupied too will have their days. history stand with no one, its waits for none, it has a ruthless cycle.

You think winning is occupying. Its not. Look at Afghanistan. US might have won the war, but it has still lost it. A country of medieval times according to many in US and their apologists all around, has not been under their control.

How long do they need? eternity? If they really needed freedom they would have got it that to in India where its pretty easy...
My man-man-mohan Singh Ji,

Please let it go.

India too cannot win a war against Pakistan.

With all the nukie mumbo jumbo we are like Iran and Iraq.

We can go inside each other's territory and then full stop.

The reason is that our region is $hit full with millions and millions of people.

How are you going to maneuver a tank through the middle of Dilli or Lahore?

you cannot.

So it is really stupid for the PM of INdia or Pakistan to talk about war. Period.

It sounds childish

So yes many children in your country will be jumping up and down, saying hurray hurray , our PM has balls.

But these children are just children.

They don't fing know what war is.

Pakistans is in no position to fight a awar they are poor and on brink of collapse economically & politically they have no back up bar china
They already won the war on 26/11 Dr Singh and we did nothing about it but send paper files back and forth!
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