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Pakistan cannot afford to take a chance by reopening mosques at this juncture

@Yaseen1 Look at this map below. Notice Black Africa has lowest COVID rates. On the other hand most of the developed world has highest.


Even if cases are high Africans are heavy breeders with a young population,that means heavy deaths tho tragic they would rapidly reproduce back for Europe and other industrialized nations oh boy more population decline
My point is if markets are opened from 9am to 5pm and for some places its full packed like imtiaz market people standing outside of the market to go in imagine that.

Chase market
and all other market full packed.

Why not allow mosque to offer prayer for just for farz namaz 5 mints and leave that is also following 20 SOP.
I said lesser strength. By making Pakistan a 'Islamic roublic' our political elite gave licence to retardness to prevail anbd gain such strength that you see today. But you lot still have the retardness but kept incontrol by British derived ideas of modern political thought ingested in your polity by people like Nehru, Ambedkar etc

Where Nehru/Ambidkhar were products of modern western education Pakistan got riff raff like Maudoodi to spread his retardness which was 100% desi.
Maybe a lapse ..it happened even in india a couple of times but that doesnt mean its not being imposed here strictly
Really? 1 lac people gather and no one blink an eye? strange.
I said lesser strength. By making Pakistan a 'Islamic roublic' our political elite gave licence to retardness to prevail anbd gain such strength that you see today. But you lot still have the retardness but kept incontrol by British derived ideas of modern political thought ingested in your polity by people like Nehru, Ambedkar etc
Personally I think the mosques should be opened. Hopefully it will wipe out brain dead idiots from our country and may be then we can progress forward.
I said lesser strength. By making Pakistan a 'Islamic roublic' our political elite gave licence to retardness to prevail anbd gain such strength that you see today. But you lot still have the retardness but kept incontrol by British derived ideas of modern political thought ingested in your polity by people like Nehru, Ambedkar etc

Where Nehru/Ambidkhar were products of modern western education Pakistan got riff raff like Maudoodi to spread his retardness which was 100% desi.

India has a lot of desidom and hinduvata is turning it into the mess lol
Personally I think the mosques should be opened. Hopefully it will wipe out braind dead idiots from our country and may be then we can progress forward.
I wish but once the infection spreads it does not discrimnate. One thing to also note is Pakistan will have less deaths then developed world. The reason is COVID 19 hits old people most. Most of Pakistan is below age 30 thus this gives Pakistan a advantage. If you look at Italy the infectionm wrought destruction in areas with high % of old people. As you know in UK old aged nursing homes have had mass deaths. COVID-19 is a death sentence for older people where it is mostly just a inconvenience for younger people.
I wish but once the infection spreads it does not discrimnate. One thing to also note is Pakistan will have less deaths then developed world. The reason is COVID 19 hits old people most. Most of Pakistan is below age 30 thus this gives Pakistan a advantage. If you look at Italy the infectionm wrought destruction in areas with high % of old people. As you know in UK old aged nursing homes have had mass deaths. COVID-19 is a death sentence for older people where it is mostly just a inconvenience for younger people.

For the industrialized world and first world its gonna lead to massive population decline
For the industrialized world and first world its gonna lead to massive population decline
It's mostly going to take out their older people which bizzarely might be good for their long term pension burden. Essentially the virus is killing old and weak. It is natural darwinianism at play.
It's mostly going to take out their older people which bizzarely might be good for their long term pension burden.

Also leads to less immigration and pseudo multiculturalism too as borders get fortified and like you said pension burden will lead to less need of the cheap labor pool
I wish but once the infection spreads it does not discrimnate. One thing to also note is Pakistan will have less deaths then developed world. The reason is COVID 19 hits old people most. Most of Pakistan is below age 30 thus this gives Pakistan a advantage. If you look at Italy the infectionm wrought destruction in areas with high % of old people. As you know in UK old aged nursing homes have had mass deaths. COVID-19 is a death sentence for older people where it is mostly just a inconvenience for younger people.
True. Sadly once again it will be the innocent Pakistanis who will have to live with consequences of these mullahs lovers.
True. Sadly once again it will be the innocent Pakistanis who will have to live with consequences of these mullahs lovers.
I blame this on the west. They nurtured these savages as a tool to offset the threat of communists during the Cold War era from 1950s to 1990. Then the shit hit the fan ...
Don't blame the Mullahs. It's government decision.

When Asia Bibi was smuggled out of the country, the government didn't fear Mullahs.

Sell this bullshit to someone else.

Mufti Usmani and Even Muneeb ur Rehman are on record saying to pray at home.

The thing is IK is doing optics. That's all it is.

Mullah and Ulema brashers just need a reason to bash them. In fact, they don't need a reason.

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