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Pakistan cannot afford to take a chance by reopening mosques at this juncture

Now wait for it Molvi and and crew will comeup with insane theories that the liberals "The agents of jews and qadianis are are attacking Islam they want to close the mosque. When most sacred places like Kaba , Masjid e Nabwi , Karbala and Kofa can close their doors who are these guys to force Govt of Pakistan !? the Drs in Karachi " All renowed and working for the best hospitals in Karachi came and gave stern warning and particularly warned against opening of Mosques will spread this virus on a scale which our health system wont be able to handle , health system is already working at full capacity and cannot afford huge influx of patients and the system and get over whelmed and collapse.
Viva la revolucion
Viva la revolution. Down with these mullahs. Down with their landed elite aristocratics. A total revolution to destroy the old desi order is needed or generation after generation will live in ignorance, poverty and suffering. The mullah is the handmaiden of a evil order.
@Indus Pakistan

Kaptaan sb,

Long time ago, there was a website called chowk.com. There all of us chowkies, Indians and Pakistanis, Hindus and Muslims alike (barring my dear friend YLH) used to take great pride in the fact that it was Pakistan and not KSA which was the real Citadel of Islam.

Third Positionism ??

I will speak for Gaddafi's Third Universal Theory. :D

Gaddafi third theory is good in some aspects but was never really put in practice I am just opposed to both capitalism and communism

Viva la revolution. Down with these mullahs. Down with their landed elite aristocratics. A total revolution to destroy the old desi order is needed or generation after generation will live in ignorance, poverty and suffering. The mullah is the handmaiden of a evil order.

Yes anything to destroy Desidom will get my support 1000 percent
Viva la revolution. Down with these mullahs. Down with their landed elite aristocratics. A total revolution to destroy the old desi order is needed or generation after generation will live in ignorance, poverty and suffering. The mullah is the handmaiden of a evil order.

I believe one way to get the ball rolling is to bring back Musharraf and take his advise on various kinds of things.
I believe one way to get the ball rolling is to bring back Musharraf and take his advise on various kinds of things.

Ewww not that sell out hell nooo

Down with Harami Liberals and Racist Assholes. Destroying the social fabric of the country and sucking up to the enemies

Down with moulvis and neo liberal bougouise
when death is not written in fate no one will die,otherwise if death is written in fate either this pandemic or new pandemic will kill a person even he remain in house all time
Down with Harami Liberals and Racist Assholes. Destroying the social fabric of the country and sucking up to the enemies
Gaddafi third theory is good in some aspects but was never really put in practice

Libya until 2011 was a 3UT system.

And Hugo Chavez was a friend of Gaddafi. Chavez began the Commune system in Venezuela which was similar to Libya's experiment and experience.
It's very simple. What do we want?

  • Progress. Reason. Science. Modernism [often called westernism].
  • Backwardness. Ignorance. Mullahism [I like to call it desism]
Desism is not particular to Pakistan. It exists in lesser strength in India as well. In Pakistan it is given a 'Islan' iteration and led by mullahs. In India by Hindu fanatics. But it's the same retareded thinking. Cow piss will cure you in India. In Pakistan listening to some mullah will elevate you etc. But anything good in both countries like modern medicine, hospitals, trains, the militaries, the governments, the laws, the universties etc are all of western origin. They represent progress. Desism represents retardness.

Countries like Turkey, China, Korea, Japan made progress because they wiped out their 'desi' strains. Each in their own way cleansed their societies and after that adopted modern progressive thinkng [read westernism] resulting in progress. Go check out Istanbul, Shanghai, Tokyo etc to Karachi or Mumbai.
I am just opposed to both capitalism and communism

Do you also think that Communism is mostly about state-enforced atheism ??

It is actually simpler. You can read part of it in my signature.

Ewww not that sell out hell nooo

Think about this example. Who from the current ruling lot have the guts to confront the evils from Lal Masjid ??
Do you also think that Communism is mostly about state-enforced atheism ??

It is actually simpler. You can read part of it in my signature.

Think about this example. Who from the current ruling lot have the guts to confront the evils from Lal Masjid ??

Marxists Leninist regimes like USSR,China,Yugoslavia all became more pragmatic as they grew dropping hard core communism for third position meaning a mixture of socialism and capitalism

It's very simple. What do we want?

  • Progress. Reason. Science. Modernism [often called westernism].
  • Backwardness. Ignorance. Mullahism [I like to call it desism]
Desism is not particular to Pakistan. It exists in lesser strength in India as well. In Pakistan it is given a 'Islan' iteration and led by mullahs. In India by Hindu fanatics. But it's the same retareded thinking. Cow piss will cure you in India. In Pakistan listening to some mullah will elevate you etc. But anything good in both countries like modern medicine, hospitals, trains, the militaries, the governments, the laws, the universties etc are all of western origin. They represent progress. Desism represents retardness.

Countries like Turkey, China, Korea, Japan made progress because they wiped out their 'desi' strains. Each in their own way cleansed their societies and after that adopted modern progressive thinkng [read westernism] resulting in progress. Go check out Istanbul, Shanghai, Tokyo etc to Karachi or Mumbai.

Hinduvata is mostly tolerated because Yankee needs them for geo political purposes the same Yanks tolerated folks like Zia in the 80s cause we were needed for geo politics
Gaddafi was terrible failure. He failed despite his long rule and oil to deeply change Libyan society. He never internalized or made his political philosphy intrinsic to the Libyan people. He failed to institutinalise it. At all times his concept remained superficial and a veneer. As soon as he was toppled it got blown over.

This is in contrast to Ataturk, Mao etc who managed to make their reforms stick. I personally think this failure was because Gaddafi was slight bit of a nut and spent more then half his energy on Pan Africa or Pan national dreams. He should have put his head down and made Libya a success story.

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