It's very simple. What do we want?
- Progress. Reason. Science. Modernism [often called westernism].
- Backwardness. Ignorance. Mullahism [I like to call it desism]
Desism is not particular to Pakistan. It exists in lesser strength in India as well. In Pakistan it is given a 'Islan' iteration and led by mullahs. In India by Hindu fanatics. But it's the same retareded thinking. Cow piss will cure you in India. In Pakistan listening to some mullah will elevate you etc. But anything good in both countries like modern medicine, hospitals, trains, the militaries, the governments, the laws, the universties etc are all of western origin. They represent progress. Desism represents retardness.
Countries like Turkey, China, Korea, Japan made progress because they wiped out their 'desi' strains. Each in their own way cleansed their societies and after that adopted modern progressive thinkng [read westernism] resulting in progress. Go check out Istanbul, Shanghai, Tokyo etc to Karachi or Mumbai.