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PAKISTAN can generat 4rupees/unit & can produce desil40 USD/barrel,DR SAMAR

he is saying all true but if its implemented to pakistani leaders will how make comission in this deals

Dear mate!
Thanks for understanding, u r absoltly right!
That's why we(pakistan),got progressed, durring the times of militry ownnership,which many of us cAlls dictatorship?
What ever was dr.sammar was openly, telling to our whole nation, the ultimate truth, & which is in our greatest national intersts! Can't be implemented just because , this truth will never serves the financial intersts of our political leaders , well , for DR , I only can. Say, with grave saddness, that he is an angel, with burrned Down wings!
The political, leadership of our country, can't do , & deliver anything, which is called energy, electricity, feuls, clean drinking water? that's why , I alwayS back owennership(militry dictatorship) , which has allways has deliverd wonders for pakistan, at the same time, I wanted to remind , us all on PDF, that we have, evry thing, Which is needed by our nation, let's just. Push to the limits, let's educate. Others, who are wasting their enrgies, defending different political, parties, I had a strong belive that , pakistans all the problems canbe, solved by pakistanis, from pakistans own resources !
With the help of ownnership(militry dictatorship)
ThanKs for reply!
has this project been verified by a rewiew committe in pakistan or a planning committe. or does pakistan even have an organisation to prepare a project report to present to leaders??

a brain wave in a scientists mind means nothing, especially in a country like pakistan. i guess some pakistani company should take responsibility now.

It's not just brain wave of scientists neither it's all together new technology he and his team has improved the technology and completed test project of 50MW which is live.

The problem it require huge investment our govt. don't have money and private sector has no confidence to finance mega project because of some obvious reasons.
It's not just brain wave of scientists neither it's all together new technology he and his team has improved the technology and completed test project of 50MW which is live.

The problem it require huge investment our govt. don't have money and private sector has no confidence to finance mega project because of some obvious reasons.
some obvious reasons are political cruption in the govt? Right!
some obvious reasons are political cruption in the govt? Right!

1. Corruption
2. Lack of Vision & Economic Policies (India also have problem of corruption but they have better vision and economic policies)
3. State of Economy
4. Law & Order Situation

Don't forget that when you are economically weak - other try use you for their interests. We are too dependent on Oil for electricity, for oil we need forex and we have to borrow that because of our economic state. And this gives others leverage on us and do you think they will let it lose easily? But again at the end we need leadership that can stand for Pakistan's interests.
Corruption figures as a problem in every project, in everything we do. It is so widespread there is no name of stopping it. If we get rid of corruption it will be a great thing for our people.

Things are not so simple. There are many a slips between the cup and the lips. Let me give you an example

Suppose you want to buy a car for your personal use. Will you buy a Japanese brand car that comes with company's guarantee and warranty and after sale service. Or will you buy a car built by Dr Samar Mubarik Mand, which he claims is much cheaper to operate than the Japenese car. The main issue, which he also highlighted, is of investment. Investors and bankers will never risk their money if they dont get guarantees and warrantees form a reliable company that has the financial muscle to fulfill their guarantee. The IPPs had complex agreements invloving all types of supplier guarantees, contractor guarantees, insurances, government guarantees etc. etc. Still investors' money is about to go down the drain due to circular debt problem. Commercial investors will not invest in this project. Only government can take such a risk. But government is already meeting its expenses by printing money. There is a limit to how much you can print. Then again government is also not fully confident about this new technology. The proper way to go ahead is the way this project is already going ahead. You scientifically observe the pilot project for at least a year, and then decide about investing large amount of money. And even then only government will be able to take the risk. Commercial investors will come at a later stage. In foreign countries there are special funds that invest in such high risk projects. But Pakistan's financial markets are not that well developed. And no foreign fund will invest in Pakistan these days due to obvious reasons.

Things are not so simple. There are many a slips between the cup and the lips. Let me give you an example

Suppose you want to buy a car for your personal use. Will you buy a Japanese brand car that comes with company's guarantee and warranty and after sale service. Or will you buy a car built by Dr Samar Mubarik Mand, which he claims is much cheaper to operate than the Japenese car. The main issue, which he also highlighted, is of investment. Investors and bankers will never risk their money if they dont get guarantees and warrantees form a reliable company that has the financial muscle to fulfill their guarantee. The IPPs had complex agreements invloving all types of supplier guarantees, contractor guarantees, insurances, government guarantees etc. etc. Still investors' money is about to go down the drain due to circular debt problem. Commercial investors will not invest in this project. Only government can take such a risk. But government is already meeting its expenses by printing money. There is a limit to how much you can print. Then again government is also not fully confident about this new technology. The proper way to go ahead is the way this project is already going ahead. You scientifically observe the pilot project for at least a year, and then decide about investing large amount of money. And even then only government will be able to take the risk. Commercial investors will come at a later stage. In foreign countries there are special funds that invest in such high risk projects. But Pakistan's financial markets are not that well developed. And no foreign fund will invest in Pakistan these days due to obvious reasons.

What kind of examples you are giving? Dr. Samarmand has not invented any new technology, coal gasification is decades old method and currently being used in many countries successfully. He & his team is stating that we have in-house capability to do this project and have made improvement in process. To prove capability they have completed Project and it's a team work and you must be proud that we have engineers who are capable to this job and there is no scientific rule that white engineers are genius than engineers of our part of world.
Its good we have reserve and than skills to utilise them but unfortunately the most corrupt govt. nothing good can be expected
What kind of examples you are giving? Dr. Samarmand has not invented any new technology, coal gasification is decades old method and currently being used in many countries successfully. He & his team is stating that we have in-house capability to do this project and have made improvement in process. To prove capability they have completed Project and it's a team work and you must be proud that we have engineers who are capable to this job and there is no scientific rule that white engineers are genius than engineers of our part of world.

Well, car manufacturing is also an old technology. But I am sure you will not invest your life savings to buy a car built by Dr Samar Mubarik Mand. And the above project is much more complex than building a car. I am not against his capabilities. Just telling you the mindset of ivnestors. I have worked in banking and have dealt with IPPs. I know what kind of guarantees and warranties are involved in these project. I know how banks check the track record of suppliers and contractors etc. etc. I can tell you, no bank will lend to the above project unless a it has backing of a very strong company. If you want the government to print money and invest in this project, then be ready for more inflation and more devaluation. And in the end if the project fails, you will be the first one to blame the government for mismanagement. We should not invest billions in haste. I agree we wasted 20 years, but we should have patience to wait for 20 months. The project may face unforeseen difficulties. For instance this technology requires a lot of steam. For steam you need water. How will you get such a large quantitiy of water in Thar? Questions like these need to be answered before committing huge amount of money.
Well, car manufacturing is also an old technology. But I am sure you will not invest your life savings to buy a car built by Dr Samar Mubarik Mand. And the above project is much more complex than building a car. I am not against his capabilities. Just telling you the mindset of ivnestors. I have worked in banking and have dealt with IPPs. I know what kind of guarantees and warranties are involved in these project. I know how banks check the track record of suppliers and contractors etc. etc. I can tell you, no bank will lend to the above project unless a it has backing of a very strong company. If you want the government to print money and invest in this project, then be ready for more inflation and more devaluation. And in the end if the project fails, you will be the first one to blame the government for mismanagement. We should not invest billions in haste. I agree we wasted 20 years, but we should have patience to wait for 20 months. The project may face unforeseen difficulties. For instance this technology requires a lot of steam. For steam you need water. How will you get such a large quantitiy of water in Thar? Questions like these need to be answered before committing huge amount of money.

This is often the question energy trolls forget to answer. Thar is one of the driest places on earth and without water...steam is not coming into play.
Well, car manufacturing is also an old technology. But I am sure you will not invest your life savings to buy a car built by Dr Samar Mubarik Mand. And the above project is much more complex than building a car. I am not against his capabilities. Just telling you the mindset of ivnestors. I have worked in banking and have dealt with IPPs. I know what kind of guarantees and warranties are involved in these project. I know how banks check the track record of suppliers and contractors etc. etc. I can tell you, no bank will lend to the above project unless a it has backing of a very strong company. If you want the government to print money and invest in this project, then be ready for more inflation and more devaluation. And in the end if the project fails, you will be the first one to blame the government for mismanagement. We should not invest billions in haste. I agree we wasted 20 years, but we should have patience to wait for 20 months. The project may face unforeseen difficulties. For instance this technology requires a lot of steam. For steam you need water. How will you get such a large quantitiy of water in Thar? Questions like these need to be answered before committing huge amount of money.

This is often the question energy trolls forget to answer. Thar is one of the driest places on earth and without water...steam is not coming into play.

Again - Your example is wrong, Banks have financed Eagle Motorcycle projects besides company had track record of manufacturing cycles, isn't it?

Basic principle in sanctioning loan is having firm security for it's finance
1. Applicant will be able to repay as per plan
2. Bank will be able to recover it's money if applicant is not able to repay

It's up to applicant how he satisfy bank/lending institute. Take one basic example, when you apply for Car Lease you satisfy bank that you are earning enough money to pay installments and bank keep the ownership unless you repay in full. Do they ask driving test to make sure that you are capable to drive care properly?

Water is not must - You can inject air as oxidant. I don't know the details of Dr.'s project either it's Air base or Water base, If it is water based than i am sure the people who have conducted feasibility are not dumb enough to miss this basic question.

This is often the question energy trolls forget to answer. Thar is one of the driest places on earth and without water...steam is not coming into play.

You may be a banker and may have ventured in to energy trade and we can benefit from your experience but there are people on this forum who have decades of experience in such matters!!

My dear if you are referring to steam driven turbines,,,, steam is recovered back as water! instead of loosing it in free air! excluding, situations like accidents, control malfunction and process leakage.

If you know IPP's you might have seen steam turbines as heat recovery units, but have you ever seen abnormal amount of water being shipped to IPP's?

The only power generation process (i could think off) which requires extensive quantities of water is nuclear power.
What differentiates idea men from successful entrepreneurs is the ability to translate ideas into tangible results and commercial profits.

It's good to see Dr. Mubarakmand as a scientist has a lot of good ideas to improve the energy situation in Pakistan.

What he needs to do is to persuade serious investors, experienced implementers and businessmen to join him to make things happen. It's not easy but it has been done and it can be done.

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