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PAKISTAN can generat 4rupees/unit & can produce desil40 USD/barrel,DR SAMAR

has this project been verified by a rewiew committe in pakistan or a planning committe. or does pakistan even have an organisation to prepare a project report to present to leaders??

a brain wave in a scientists mind means nothing, especially in a country like pakistan. i guess some pakistani company should take responsibility now.

i think you have not still watched the interview (even after my being telling you that so many times) and yet you like other lesscareful pdf members come out here asking irrelevant queries &/or the questions and all ifs & buts which have already been taken care of long before Dr. samar gave his interview ... :coffee:

let me make your life a little easier on this thread ; i say again for your conveinience of understanding this entire energy project of PakisTan to go and watch the Dr.'s interview closely then i am sure you'll definitely shall have all your questions answered even your silly ones too ... :wave: :pakistan:
It costs USD 100m. Private firms can't make profit out of supplying power to the national grid.

Its not about 100 million or billion its very simple Investors want to see policies in place regarding energy production and return on their money and since almost all running the government are uneducated idiots they have not created 1 single policy so far.

No body is going to invest Money unless they can see where their money is going and what return will it bring back to them plus if government of today puts in place policies will the next Government allow it to continue.
check how our crupt politicians, missleeding our rich nation, & making it poorer just for the sake of their corruption,& selfishness!
We are not A. Poor Nation, but. Our rullers making us poor?
Stop bellyaching. YOU voted them to power. Now suffer the consequences!
You had to troll didnt you

By the way , as long as idiots continue to rule pakistan
their will be no development
all hail Zardari
all hail Nawaz Ganja Sharif

well look at it this way Nawaz dad is known as Engine chore(theives) they use to steal whole freight trains inculding engines hauling them into their refineries plus nawaz was 2 cents thug on the streets of lahore.

Zaradari is a gambler he gambles and was completely broke when he married B.Bhutto he is known as mr 10% from day 1.

If democracy is given chance most of this garbage will not be able to come back as they have shown complete incompetence but as i said if democracy is given the chance.
I'll see the report when browsING on laptop. but as my understanding says, production cost can be cheap, what bout installation cost? One need huge money to build powerhouse.

by the way there is a bihari brother who make electricity out of rice husk, that is also very cost effective.

rice husk electricity can be use for domestic purpose.

man , every project has a few initial costs even if we install a simple thermal power plant it also inherently has its installation cost & other associated costs so these non-production costs are always kept in consideration before actually getting started with the project of any kind ...

the thing is we pakisTanis trust this guy Dr. samar as he is no ordinary man , he is one of the finest engineering scientists which PakisTan has ever produced ; but as far as all you foreigners are concerned , you guys are trying to see this issue skeptically rather than honestly trying to understand this power-producing project ...

i hate to repeat this but for guys like you i am telling you again to go and get a quick watch of the interview to make a better understanding of this for yourself ... :pop: :pakistan:
we all know this,
what is hurdle, when we will start to generate all these thing ?
after 2050 ?

bro. , like you i get frustrated too at times but the thing is whenever these democratic bastard politicians come in the govt they promise the people many things but when their govt. is over there is nothing on the ground of which they made tall claims before they got in power ... :angry: and i tell you what : this dam dirty cycle goes on & on to plague the country with nuisance like powerty , illeteracy , unemployment and wastage of precious national resourses ... :hitwall:

and as for your question that " what is the hurdle ? " , its answer is as simple as abc , i.e. " money " and this is what Dr. Samar was saying again & again that just give us the money and that too is mere 1.5 billion dollars for a project of enormous potential having a so huge impact on the economy of PakisTan that many of us can't have enough idea ... :woot:
MuZammiL Dr. s[1]n;2823553 said:
have you even watched the 15 minutes of the wohole interview of Dr. Samar ??? first try to listen what he has said about how he is going to do what seems too impossible for others , then you raise your ifs and buts ... :pakistan:

he has been begging the govt for years(4 years now) for funds but he would never get it..meaning the only other option is private investment but that wouldnt occur due to circular debt. Circular debt in turn is due to stealing of electricity.
so meaning problem is unlikly to get solved in any political regime, as they always favour some people who dont want to pay their bills

its possible if we get an honest prime minister but people always vote to bhutto and the sharifs so thats not possible
and this 1.5 billion dollars may look much to too many of us but when you see this money in comparison to the overwhelming results that it vvill have on the industrial sector and oil imports of PakisTan , then its just merely a peanut amount for the ppp govt. that has all the money in the world for making their state tours to other countries on which they spend billions of rupees that Pakistani nation earns hard with their blood and sweat only for the state of PakisTan not for these corrupt politicians ... :hitwall:

it's not that this ppp govt. don't have this money but in fact it's that it really doesn't want to give ... :angry:
Stop bellyaching. YOU voted them to power. Now suffer the consequences!
Are you getting,personal or getting desperate!
I never voted for, them! Infact. I hate this democrazy!
I love dictatorship, like chinese chairman mao ze dong!
I hope, my answer has satisfied your mind, plz just check, DR. SAMMAR,s video & stay on the topic?
he has been begging the govt for years(4 years now) for funds but he would never get it..meaning the only other option is private investment but that wouldnt occur due to circular debt. Circular debt in turn is due to stealing of electricity.
so meaning problem is unlikly to get solved in any political regime, as they always favour some people who dont want to pay their bills

its possible if we get an honest prime minister but people always vote to bhutto and the sharifs so thats not possible

It can be done ezly, under any good dictatorship like muasharaf, or his like minded dictator, democrazy can't deliver, it & no prime minster even in the form of An , angel can achive it, I am. 1000000000000000% sure about that.
Well thAnks for understanding!
its the priorities of people that moves the hand of politician..people are illiterate in pakistan they dont understand the econmy, here even in this forum there are 50% people who dont understand the very basic of ecnmoics but if we see the western countries the whole focus of politics is economy. See the presidential discussion in USA, its not on foreign policy but basically on economics. In Pakistan 90% of people are still confused they dont even know waht privitization is? or what GDp growh really is.. biggest problem is that people dont listen to experts ? for example we would shun an expert on econmics but would lsiten to politicians who have no idea..one other example is the kalabagh dam. Most of this behaviour is found among the literate people thats the biggest issue.
we have abundant of educated fools
Are you getting,personal or getting desperate!
I never voted for, them! Infact. I hate this democrazy!
I love dictatorship, like chinese chairman mao ze dong!

I hope, my answer has satisfied your mind, plz just check, DR. SAMMAR,s video & stay on the topic?

bhaiy tu nay meray muu ki baat chheen lee ... :smitten: just as they say that " good guys think alike " ... :cheers:
he is saying all true but if its implemented to pakistani leaders will how make comission in this deals

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