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Pakistan buys 13 F16 from Jordan

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The Pakistan Air Force (PAF) is planning to buy around 16 used F-16A Block 15 ADF fighters from Jordan.

The 16 aircraft, originally from Peace Falcon II, were upgraded to Block 40/42 standard by TAI between 2005 and 2008.

In February 2014, the Pakistan Air Force signed a deal for 13 Ex-RJAF F-16A/B Block 15 ADF fighters (nine A & four B models) and has taken deliveries of 11 aircraft including at least 2 F-16Bs.

The PAF currently has 74 F-16s in service including 18 F-16C/D Block 50/50+, 45 F-16A/B Block 15 (undergoing MLU) and 11 recently acquired Ex-RJAF F-16A/B Block 15 ADF's.

The arrival of the last two aircraft is expected soon, a PAF spokesman told Flightglobal.
If you don't mind me asking, where did you get the additional 16 figure from? I know PAF is negotiating for additional F-16s, I wasn't aware of the specific number (16)...

If you don't mind me asking, where did you get the additional 16 figure from? I know PAF is negotiating for additional F-16s, I wasn't aware of the specific number (16)...
next target will be turkey and eygpt probably

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Egypt has 42 F16 of block 15... With mig29 coming these planes are easy to replace since alone f16's are 220... That is 5th largest fleet of f16 in the world...

Turkey... I do not think they will sell. They are capable to upgrade them inhouse.
If you don't mind me asking, where did you get the additional 16 figure from? I know PAF is negotiating for additional F-16s, I wasn't aware of the specific number (16)...

It is believed that Jordan is selling all F-16A/B Block 15 ADF (Non-MLU as well as MLU) aircraft. It had 16 Peace Falcon- I F-16s (12A, 4B). Of these 3 A models are believed to have crashed. The rest (9A's and 4 B's), all of which are Non-MLU, were sold to Pakistan. However, they have undergone Falcon Star / UP.

The 15 to 16 F-16A Block 15 ADF (MLU) aircraft (as referred above) are Peace Falcon- 2 aircraft. And, according to FlightGlobal, Pakistan is planning to acquire more used F-16s from Jordan. So, the default assumption is the PF-2 aircraft (Originally 16A, 1B) out of which the two seater (reportedly RJAF 670) is believed to have crashed.

next target will be turkey and eygpt probably

According to worldtribune.com,

Diplomatic sources said the United States, blocked by Congress, has urged other F-16 operators to export the aircraft to Pakistan. They said potential suppliers included Egypt, Jordan and Turkey.

According to IHS Jane's Defence Weekly,

The official said the PAF has also made inquiries with at least two other countries to buy F-16s although he declined to name them.

Inquiries were made but any deals are unlikely.
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Egypt has 42 F16 of block 15... With mig29 coming these planes are easy to replace since alone f16's are 220... That is 5th largest fleet of f16 in the world...

Turkey... I do not think they will sell. They are capable to upgrade them inhouse.
Sir Egypt is already going for more F-16 they have received 4 I think they are expected to get 16 more I don't think they would sell us F-16 we should try to get F-16 from Norway or Netherlands or Denmark or via Jordan or make sure they sell to Jordan and we buy from Jordan
Can anyone comment about the possible purchase of F100-PW-220E engines with the current purchase of F-16 from Jordan, as spares ....

DSC notification for F100-PW-220E Jordan.JPG

Flight International (20-26 May 2014) - Excerpt from Page 10
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Sir Egypt is already going for more F-16 they have received 4 I think they are expected to get 16 more I don't think they would sell us F-16 we should try to get F-16 from Norway or Netherlands or Denmark or via Jordan or make sure they sell to Jordan and we buy from Jordan

The issue is that these arabs are never given AMRAAM. Just like the block52 bought by Irac. It has Sparrow F instead of AMRAAM. And no AIM9X... So the Egyptians bought better planes in the form of block52 but without the BVR option. So upgrading those 42 old to block52 standard and not getting AMRAAM is waste of effort. So Saudia helped Egyptians by financing the Mig29 deal with BVR. That will replace the older F16 versions. Saudia feels left alone with Iran so starts financing assistants which they can ask for help in case Iran goes ballistic. This is what you see in Asia. Syria is just an act of KSA. No one else. Not eve Israel.
These are probably the ones to be transferred. OThers are block 20 hence different MLU packages needed...

Peace Falcon IF-16ABlock 15 ADF12220/2311997-1998
F-16BBlock 15 ADF4232/2351997-1998
Peace Falcon IIF-16ABlock 15 ADF16671/6862003
F-16BBlock 15 ADF16702003

the ones from Egypt...

Peace Vector IF-16ABlock 15349301/93341982-1983
F-16BBlock 1589201/92081982-1985
42 is a big number, it may be possible as Saudis are financing the mig29 deal, they may have some influence in this regard. but in past eygpt has never showed interest in selling. secondly hasnt eygpt been known for poor maintenance of f-16s..what will be their condition.
Denmark has f-16s supposedly in storage..
It is not about Denmark/Norway but plain block15 with max Falcon Up. That we it can directly have the same MLU. Otherwise you cannot have the same... A lot of testing and re-installing with newer equipment will make them toooo expensive.
how will we find additional MLU kits? besides the original 14 extra we brought..wouldn't it require congress approval?.
I do not think so. And besides that... Are you expecting a no if they allow the F16 sale already? 1 + 1 = 2

I think it is already done deal. You need someone for exit Afghanistan you give some goodies. You want a doctor that helped you to find the biggest terrorist for you, you sweeten the deal they cannot refuse...
lets hope the deal is more sweeter than just a few f-16s..
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