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Pakistan buys 13 F16 from Jordan

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Frankly speaking, their airframes are getting too old. They'll still be used as strike platforms for standoff munitions. Their naval role will be reduced due to availability of the JF-17 and more weapons package that come with it. Mirages will become ground support (Cluster munitions) and strike platforms for standoff weapons. If the PAF can secure more F-16's like 50 or so, you might see some Mirages start to phase out right away

Well, Israel is still selling old Kfir frames after upgrading them with lots of modern tech. As long as you replace parts there is not really an old frame.
Frankly speaking, their airframes are getting too old. They'll still be used as strike platforms for standoff munitions. Their naval role will be reduced due to availability of the JF-17 and more weapons package that come with it. Mirages will become ground support (Cluster munitions) and strike platforms for standoff weapons. If the PAF can secure more F-16's like 50 or so, you might see some Mirages start to phase out right away

i wounder how long will PAF push those mirages.
they were upgraded in late 90s. by 2020 they should be passing their life limit. at best PAF might push them to 2025.
Pakistan could take additional Jordanian F-16s - 5/14/2014 - Flight Global

Pakistan could acquire more Jordanian Lockheed Martin F-16 A/B Block 15 aircraft, as it prepares to receive the final two examples of the current deal for 13 aircraft.

An air force spokesman says the number of F-16’s could increase, but did not provide specific numbers.

From late April, Pakistan has received 11 former Jordanian F-16s. The arrival of the last two aircraft is expected soon, says the spokesman.

Pakistan decided to acquire used aircraft, as opposed to new ones, owing to budgetary concerns.

Based on Flightglobal’s World Air Force’s directory, the deal reduces Jordan’s F-16 fleet to 29 examples, and boosts Pakistan’s to 50.

Media reports from Pakistan quote air force officials saying that on average the airframes still have 3,000 flying hours, and should serve for an additional 20 years.
Well, Israel is still selling old Kfir frames after upgrading them with lots of modern tech. As long as you replace parts there is not really an old frame.

If we were talking about the French / Desault, I'd agree with the above example (vs. Israel and Kfirs). But its not the case for Pakistan as it is not the manufacturer of the plane. There is a lot more to a jet than overhaul and avionics integration. That's what Pakistan has been doing. They don't own Mirage's manufacturing so they can't really do what the Israelis or the French can do being manufacturers. Now your statement would be true if the jet in discussion was say a 30 year old JF-17, as Pakistan manufactuers it.
Pakistan could take additional Jordanian F-16s - 5/14/2014 - Flight Global

Pakistan could acquire more Jordanian Lockheed Martin F-16 A/B Block 15 aircraft, as it prepares to receive the final two examples of the current deal for 13 aircraft.

An air force spokesman says the number of F-16’s could increase, but did not provide specific numbers.

From late April, Pakistan has received 11 former Jordanian F-16s. The arrival of the last two aircraft is expected soon, says the spokesman.

Pakistan decided to acquire used aircraft, as opposed to new ones, owing to budgetary concerns.

Based on Flightglobal’s World Air Force’s directory, the deal reduces Jordan’s F-16 fleet to 29 examples, and boosts Pakistan’s to 50.

Media reports from Pakistan quote air force officials saying that on average the airframes still have 3,000 flying hours, and should serve for an additional 20 years.

Exactly what has been said by us... We will buy the 29 so we have our 100. Doesn't sound that very familiar to some? Indeed. That means we will try to get 27 MLU packages in the next fiscal year.
Exactly what has been said by us... We will buy the 29 so we have our 100. Doesn't sound that very familiar to some? Indeed. That means we will try to get 27 MLU packages in the next fiscal year.
But the figure of 50 doesn't match up, i thought the tally was around 60 plus the B-52s.
3 F-16 MLU, escorted by 2 Mirage III performing a flyby over PAF Base Mushaf upon their arrival from Jordan.
The Pakistan Air Force (PAF) is planning to buy around 16 used F-16A Block 15 ADF fighters from Jordan.

The 16 aircraft, originally from Peace Falcon II, were upgraded to Block 40/42 standard by TAI between 2005 and 2008.

In February 2014, the Pakistan Air Force signed a deal for 13 Ex-RJAF F-16A/B Block 15 ADF fighters (nine A & four B models) and has taken deliveries of 11 aircraft including at least 2 F-16Bs.

The PAF currently has 74 F-16s in service including 18 F-16C/D Block 50/50+, 45 F-16A/B Block 15 (undergoing MLU) and 11 recently acquired Ex-RJAF F-16A/B Block 15 ADF's.

The arrival of the last two aircraft is expected soon, a PAF spokesman told Flightglobal.
So there are the last of the F-16s from Jordan i presume? :)
Ps i thought we were getting only 1 dual seater among the 13 we bought?
We have bought thirteen of which eleven have been delivered , initial delivery included two dual seaters but the presence of the three tells us a different story. Is it part of the initial batch or the follow up.
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