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Pakistan boasted of nuclear strike on India within eight seconds

And what is wrong with this Mr Mishra? Would the prospect of a nuclear war not rattle you? If it did not then to use the words of a previous poster you would have to be 'retarded'. The fate of millions would be on your hands and would you not call everybody to prevent MAD becoming a reality?

It would havbe been 'retared' of the Pakistani's to have said to the 'tough talking Mukerjee' ............ "Come on Muderf**ker, wiz gonna giz you sompin to suck on" and then pressed the trigger? Would that have been the right way to handle a volatile situation?

What Pakistan did was the right and responsible thing to do. Call others and try to de-escalate a situation that might quickly spiral into a Nuclear Holocaust in South Asia. Thank god we did not have Zaid Hamid in the chair.

Or it would have been 'Ya Allah .. Ghazawa e Hind' and Bang !!!

Like I said the prospect of nuclear war is a deadly business.
Bullcrap...after the order has been given, only the authorization takes minutes, provided the missile is ready at the pad of the TEL with the nuclear warhead already mated to it. After the launch, it will take them from 1-15 minutes for various missiles in our arsenal.

Conclusion- Pakistan Army never fails in Scare Tactics. :partay:

India is no fool. Even common people know that it would take longer than 8 seconds to launch a nuke. Anyway, it is not surprising that such boastful comments has come from a Pakistan general.
There is nothing boastful in the General's comments. If Kargil could not evoke nuke response from Pakistan, then I doubt Pakistan is ever going to use them. Nukes are just show pieces.

No they are not show pieces. Kargil would not have invoked the use of Nuclear weapons. Pakistan intruded across the LOC. Not the other way around. India did not attack Pakistan. Kargil was just a piss in the tea cup. Pakistan was not about to get overrun.

I have come across many papers that have highlighted that the Pakistani Nuclear deterant did it's job. India did not retaliate with it's massive armour reserves across the international border in the Lahore sector.

Although India mobilized it's entire army along the international border but fighting was restricted to the LOC, Kargil sector. The nukes did the job.

And what stopped India [ the second largest country in the world ] from launching a punitive strike in retaliation for Mumbai attacks? Was India afraid of the far weaker Pakistani army? It was the nukes that kept 1.1 billion India at bay.
USA stopped INDIA from invading Pakistan after mumbai

Not PAK nukes.

" YOUR CANNOT threaten a NATION that has a bigger NUCLEAR stockpile and 4 x the land mass...than yourselves.

NUCLEAR backmail will only work on weak nations with no option to respond...

The general comments re taking 8 seconds shows a lack of understanding of how nukes work... and travel time to target.
No they are not show pieces. Kargil would not have invoked the use of Nuclear weapons. Pakistan intruded across the LOC. Not the other way around. I have come across many papers that have highlighted that the Pakistanmi Nuclear deterant did it's job. India did not retaliate with it's massive armour reserves across the international border in the Lahore sector.

Although India mobilized it's entire army along the international border fighting was restricted to the LOC, Kargil sector. The nukes did the job.

And what stopped India [ the second largest country in the world ] from launching a punitive strike in retaliation for Mumbai attacks? Was India afraid of the far weaker Pakistani army? It was the nukes that kept 1.1 billion India at bay.

Kargil should have invoked the nukes. After all, India doesn't recognize the LOC as borders, and considers the whole of Kashmir as its own. I faintly remember people in 1999 talking of using Kargil to wrests control over the whole of Kashmir. That was when Nwaz Shariff went to US and requested the intervention of Bill Clinton, and Vajpayee flatly refused to go to US. Nukes are just show pieces
USA stopped INDIA from invading Pakistan after mumbai

Not PAK nukes.

" YOUR CANNOT threaten a NATION that has a bigger NUCLEAR stockpile and 4 x the land mass...than yourselves.

NUCLEAR backmail will only work on weak nations with no option to respond...

The general comments re taking 8 seconds shows a lack of understanding of how nukes work... and travel time to target.

I will reiterate, it was the Nuclear weapons that stopped India. US and UK realized that there would be a disaster because those nukes would be used and it is precisly for that reason they were very animated to de-escalate such a possibility. If it makes you feel better that India desisted because it was 'bent over' by USA or whatever that is fine by me.

Nuclear weapons are equalizers. Size and landmass becomes irrelevant. all Pakistan has to do is build a big enough stockpile to bring India down. I believe Pakistan is busy in building up enough nuclear capability to take India down. The Missiles we have can already hit almost any part of India.

And yes, I think 8 minutes etc was factually incorrect - It was meant to convey a message that Pakistan could strike very soon after taking such a decision. Whether that would take 10, 20, 40 or 60 minutes is irrelevant to the point.


I repeat again. Kargil was 13 years ago. Pakistan nuclear capability was at a infant stage but besides that Pakistan did not face any existential threat. Kargil was a piss in a teacup for god's sakes. It involved no more than a brigade.

No fighting occured along the international border. In 1965 Operation Grand Slam, Jammu sector, Kashmir India had retaliated with a massive retaliatory strike on the Lahore sector,Punjab and Pakistan faced a disaster. The Kargil fighting was restricted and did not develop into a situation where Pakistan 'first strike doctrine' would come into play.

The Pakistani nuclear doctrine would kick in only if Pakistani conventional forces were losing on a scale that Pakistan stared at a catastrophic defeat.

You hardly think the loss of a battalion which had intruded over the LOC on icy peaks was 'catastrophic'? Pakistan did not lose a single inch of territory. Pakistan had been the aggressor and after the conflict the situation just went to status quo ante.
Threads like these always invite massive trolling but apart from the thread title which i obviously disagree with because its just one line in the article that has be portrayed as the thread title, tensions were really high, no one could doubt that and i honestly believe that both back then after Mumbai carnage, nuclear weapons were the only thing that prevented a conflict between India and Pakistan otherwise we could have gone to war twice.
Apart from the usual Indian BS, the politicians and generals in new Delhi are well aware of the nuclear hangover and the uncertainty of the magnitude of Pakistan's response. Nasir would further complicate the Indian decision making specially w.r.t cold start doctrine.
I don't see a conflict arising between India and Pakistan that would lead to a nuclear exchange but God for bid if it happens, all it takes is a push of a button and at most 3 to 5 minutes ( and i am being generous here) to blow each other to smithereens and all that would remain of us both India and Pakistan would be radio active waste.
I will reiterate it is thwe Nuclear weapons that sopped India. Of course US and UK realize that there would be a disaster because those nukes would be used and it is precisly for that reason they were very animated to bring de-escalate such a possibility. If it makes you feel better that India desisted because it was 'bent over' by USA or whatever that is fine by me.

Nuclear weapons are equalizers. Size and landmass becomes irrelevant. all Pakistan has to do is build a big enough stockpile to bring India down. I believe Pakistan is busy in building up enough nuclear capability to take India down. The Missiles we have can already hit almost any part of India.

And yes, I think 8 minutes etc was factually incorrect - It was meant to convey a message that Pakistan could strike very soon after taking such a decision. Whether that would take 10, 20, 40 or 60 minutes is irrelevant to the point.

That was 8 seconds not minutes which to some extent is believable if the missiles are ready with nuclear warheads - but what happens to Pakistan's claim that its nukes are in parts are located at different locations??
Secondly no way Pakistan can possess the capability to destroy India completely.

Reason 1. You don't have the money to make and maintain such an arsenal.
Reason 2. You don't have those thousands of missiles, nor an effective dual or triple delivery systems. India has a lot of strategic depth compared to you.
Reason 3. By the time you fuel a few rockets, India will be doing the same and would be on the trigger to take out all your strategic locations.
Reason 4. Pakistan does not have the resources or the material to make thousands of nukes.
Reason 5. Your nukes are not big, most are tactical nukes to take out advancing forces. the biggest could be a few kilotons at max.

Finally Pakistan does not possess an active BMD to counter India's nukes and missiles, while India does - is at the initial stages but effective enough - and we are going for triple layer BMD.
Pervez Musharraf was behind nuclear strike warning for India

ISLAMABAD: The Pakistani warning of a nuclear strike on India within eight seconds, as reported in a British daily, was actually made at the behest of former president Pervez Musharraf, according to a newspaper.

The news report published Friday by The Guardian said Pakistan could launch a nuclear strike on India within eight seconds, an army general boasted in 2001 in Islamabad.

The warning has been described in the latest volume of former British communications director Alastair Campbells' diaries, The Burden of Power, it said.

On Saturday, writing in the Daily Times from London, Asif Mehmood said it was Musharraf who conveyed the n-strike threat through his generals to assert that it could be possible if India did not "stop killing of its own people" and putting the blame on "freedom fighters".

Campbell was told about the eight-second threat over a dinner in Islamabad Oct 5, 2001, hosted by Musharraf.

In his diaries, Alistair Campbell writes: "At dinner I was between two five-star generals who spent most of the time listing atrocities for which they held the Indians responsible, killing their own people and trying to blame 'freedom fighters'.

"They were pretty convinced that one day there would be a nuclear war because India, despite its vast population and despite being seven times bigger, was unstable and determined to take them out."

"When the time came to leave, the livelier of the two generals asked me to remind the Indians that 'it takes us eight seconds to get the missiles over', then flashed a huge toothy grin," he added.

8 seconds ...:lol::lol:

Pervez Musharraf was behind nuclear strike warning for India - The Economic Times
May be they have a giant button saying "Destroy India ke liye isko dabavo" . These generals reminds me of amrish puri in Mr.India. :-)
:woot::rofl::rofl: If that's the level of the intellectual ability of Pakistani generals, then I must pity the poor soldiers under them! Nuff said!

8 Seconds???? This is so much crap, it's not even funny! :blink: I'm outta here!

I think the 5-star general was subconsciously referring to how long he actually lasts!!! Too short a time for interruptus alas. Get the drift?
Looks like paks have technology wherein the nukes themselves get fired before paks generals think about it!

8 Seconds? :rofl:
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